
2006年的 "DO" & "DON'T" 
- Amuro best album CD+DVD!!
- CHEMISTRY best album CD+DVD (你們所有的同期都出過了... it's time to release one >___< i'll buy JPN version for sure!!)
- Arashi concert DVD
- GLAY concert DVDs
- more collaboration like last year~

- GLAY best album (剛跳槽... 出精選機率高 >___< 不要欺負你們的忠實fans!!)
- KAT-TUN CDs sell over 1 million copies
- Arashi solo albums (they are having their solo concerts but please don't release your own albums individually... i got no $$$... 最多也只會買松本潤跟大野智的吧...)
- werid hip-pop groups like OR and Def Tech
- "山下智久x藪" #$%*_#$* stupid Johnny's 事務所, spend money on SOME OTHER PPL TOO!!!

*o* Shiseido has a new hair care line now!! called [Tusbaki] which is [樁] in 漢字~ 居然花大錢請了6大女星代言~~ 分別是仲間由紀惠, 広末涼子, 上原多香子, 竹内結子, 田中麗奈, 観月ありさ (arranged according to my preference :p) 但是為什麼焦點都在竹内結子身上? =___=" awww, 為什麼不請柴崎幸呢? 竹内結子生完小孩才3個月就復出了~ 好快~ 但是感覺老了很多~ and i cant believe she's the same age as 広末涼子!!! 広末看起來年輕很多...

今年我將要拋棄我用了多年的[Ma Cherie]了!! well, i'm no longer "teenager".. it's time to move on =P

yesterday (or the day before?), i was kinda shocked that someone i know for quite a while didnt know that, i actually *BUY CD*..... *sigh....

但是我堅決不在Yesasia買台/港版CD!! that's the stupidest thing ever!! unless you think you are "hardcore" and dont mind being ripped off... Yesasia的日本版的通常貴US$1~3 算了 就當運費好了... 但是台版CD貴了US$8-10!!! @_____@ 台灣CD才賣NT$300-350 (if you go to the right stores) which is about US$10 or less... 也就是說 在Yesasia買一張就被騙US$8-10!!! 一年買個6張CD的話不就被騙了US$60左右嗎???

list of CDs i'm planning to buy this summer:
- Do As Infinity: Do the A-side
- 中島美嘉: 最嘉精選
- 平井堅: 愛歌成痴 (this is such a cool title!!)
- CHEMISTRY: fo(u)r

太好了 今年只有4張!!! T___T 希望到時不會一時衝動買了不該買的

and the traslation for AYU's [(miss)understood] is [(步)解] thought the translation is awsome!!


1GB的Hello Kitty SD card~ (it's so cheap too~)


討厭的星期天X_____X 因為最近這2個月 我每個星期天都= 作功課日....

haha, 為什麼一個學電腦(相關)的人會對自己的電腦如此小氣呢? i had Dereamweaver and Photoshop opened at the same time.. and my comp had an alert message saying that i'm low in ram.... haha, i havent upgrade my comp since like Gr. 11 =P 用了5年了

又到了要訂機票的季節~ but i havent decide when to go back tho... 不知道今年我的flute teacher會不會建議我考試 .... 理性上知道應該早一點考完 但是又很想逃避 能拖就拖 :p 3月7日就是截止日 所以這個星期可以決定了... (但是其實6月考才是明智的選擇 5月上完學 有1個多月的時間可以練習...)

不只是時間 i havent decide to fly with Cathay Pacific or JAL yet... 已經中了日航的毒~ 雖說要轉2次機 但是服務實在是太好了~ 乘客level也比較高 :p (no offense) Cathay Pacific近年來真是... 多了許多我討厭的乘客 有很沒有sense 講話很大聲的人 不會教小孩卻愛生的父母 被慣壞 沒有禮儀吵死人的小鬼 還有會出怪聲的歐吉桑.... but if i'm going to Hong Kong, Cathay Pacific 是最佳選擇... 但是我也還沒決定要不要去香港... 必盡我已經去過n次了 :p 而且去香港其實也只是shopping 香港吃的東西這裡都吃的到...

然後 今年姐姐已經找到工作了 (過了3年的少奶奶生活) >___< 那誰陪我shopping+hi tea?? nooooo~~~~ 誰陪我去日本玩? T____T (幻滅~~~)

來加拿大後回了台灣幾次? haha 我的告白corner... 來了10年只有1年沒有回台灣 :p 其實那年連機票都訂了 但是大驚小怪的爸爸 因為台灣有腸病毒不讓我會去 (但是自己卻回去了!!!)... 但是也因此那年玩了黃石公園~~~ (haha, but i dont admit that i'm "spoiled" i'm way far from that word!!!)

it's not rumour anymore, it's CONFIRMED that Jun will be casting in [世にも奇妙な物語]

MatsuJun的單元叫[イマキヨさん] which i have no idea what it means o___O

今年除了一般的15分鐘的單元劇 還會有10個1分鐘的超短版~


最近... 不僅覺得她其實沒有一開始覺得的好看 還開始覺得她唱沒有想像中好... [ENDLESS STORY] is such a magic song :p

i like Pureyes more~ 不知道為什麼 會覺得[LOVEppears]讓人覺得非常有創意, 但是 [Pureyes] 就覺得沒什麼 好像有點勉強 死都要把2個字寫成1個字...

Ito Yuna - Faith
Ito Yuna - Pureyes

time to watch 歌笑~~ 身為Arashi fans非常幸福的事: 每個星期都有他們的show~


haha, it's pretty funny~ (even tho i still dont like how KAT-TUN get special treatements =___="且居然對嘴... 大概唱現場會嚇死人吧)

they were talkin about 外人對演藝人的誤解, then Akanish said ppl thought he's a playboy kinda person and said that's a 誤解... 然後有些聽不懂 then,
Jun: "是啊 因為長的帥嘛~ 但是 其實你不是嗎?"
Akanishi: "松本 不要這樣欺負後輩"

hahaha, Jun玩赤西仁玩的的很開心~ 但是其實也是在稱讚他長的帥啊~ 前輩玩後輩本來就是很正常的事 (even tho Jun is only one year older)~ 赤西仁才應該show more respect to his 前輩 好大的膽子 直呼前輩的姓 不加"君"之類的稱呼 也不用"yamete kudasi" 居然用"yamete kunnai kana" but it really shows that Akanish is his 後輩, 山下智久都是叫"Jun-kun"的說...

and Janne Da Arc is actually 非常搞笑!!! haha, i expected them to be like L'arc en ciel, 沒話講的那種~ 跟形象不太偁 :p~ the performance is awsome tho~ *o*


(that described my mood today very well :p)

i was watching USO! Japan, and it's talkin about some 預言 in that past that actually happend~ 最讓我驚訝的是 以前不是很流行說 1999年7月會有大災難發生嗎? 某著名預言家說的 但是其實當然什麼都沒有發生... 原來是誤解了 指的不是"西元1999年7月" 而是"1999年 7個月後" 從什麼之後? 耶穌的誕生日之後 也就是西元1年12月25日!! so 1999年7個月+1年12月25日 再用當時的月曆來算 則是2001年9月!!!!!!!!! *O* SUGOII!!!!

maybe i should read "The Da Vinci Code"

guess what, i placed my order!!!! haha 其實我也有預感我一定會買 :p 畢竟我是一瘋起來就什麼都不顧的人 i'll get it no matter what if it's something that i really want~ 偶而敗一次沒關係吧? and i just watched it for the 2nd time today~~~ awww, i still love it so much!!! love love LOVE the ending!!!!!! that's gotta be the best ending ever~ 伭之介死後 朧自盲雙眼 我以為朧一定會自殺 但是沒有 最後一幕是朧在雪地裡露出美麗的笑容~~ 沒有想到一個悲劇竟然可以有這麼輕鬆的結局!!!おぼろ

anywayz, here are all the goodies that i'll be getting *o* (where all my money went)

i went to yahoo auction japan trying to find out what the "secret disk" is... but still got no clue... it would be nice if it's the soundtrack!! =) haha 不太可能 我想太多了

ordered it at Amazon Japan, 連運費後也比Yesasia便宜US$20!!!! 但是要等3~4星期T___T 算了 到時候再看第3次吧...

haha, 我要破產了...(my Arashi calendar 應該快要寄了吧...) 下個月開始要每天吃麵包 & instant noodle.... T_____T


RUMOUR that 松本潤會演出今年的特別劇[世にも奇妙な物語]!!! *o* I ALWAYS LOVED THIS SERIES!!!! if you still remember...) 但是我更想看到嵐全員演出 然後出DVD!!!!! (like what SMAP did before) 電影超級好看!!! 這個系列有超過10年的歷史~ 許多大牌明星都有演出過~松島菜菜子, 柏原崇, 矢田亜希子, SMAP, 友坂理惠 etc...

香港去年出過叫什麼叫"奇幻.." something的電視劇 擺明就是抄襲~ but worse (of course...)

Jun的話我想看非常非常恐怖的那種故事 *o* 但是SMAP成員的都是怪怪的搞笑型...

KAT-TUN 所有限量商品已經訂到沒貨了~ 據說HMV, CD Japan, and Amazon Japan都是在1小時內賣完 @_____@ CRAZY...

最近看到以前頗喜歡KAT-TUN的人都說有點開始不喜歡了... i'm so glad to hear that!! 龜梨和也這個整形修眉男!!! "修眉"真的給人感覺非常娘娘腔...是男人就不要修眉毛!!! (like MatsuJun!! :p) 5年前有誰會想到他會有今天





SHINOBI - 忍 - 
SHOULD I BUY IT? SHOULD I BUY IT? SHOULD I BUY IT? SHOULD I BUY IT? SHOULD I BUY IT? SHOULD I BUY IT? SHOULD I BUY IT? SHOULD I BUY IT? SHOULD I BUY IT? SHOULD I BUY IT? SHOULD I BUY IT? SHOULD I BUY IT? SHOULD I BUY IT? SHOULD I BUY IT? SHOULD I BUY IT??????????? i have my credit card right beside me now.... but SHOILD I??? it's US$100!!!! @_______________@ but it comes with all kinda goodies.... including a T-shirt *o*

ok, back to the movie (dont read it if u havent watch the movie yet, spoiler!!!!!)



- CG好漂亮
- 風景好漂亮
- 音樂好好聽
- 仲間由紀惠好漂亮!!!!!!!! *o* no wonder Jun likes you!!!!!!!! i dont wanna see anyone standing beside Jun except for Yukie!!!!
- 沢尻エリカ好可愛

但是跟漫畫差太多了 到底是漫畫跟原著比較接近還是電影比較接近呢? 但是我其實比較喜歡電影版 因為:

1) they make Yukie THE main character :p 漫畫版裡 朧是個非常沒用的典型軟弱"女主角" 他除了有那天生的眼睛 其他什麼都不會 漫畫裡應該是朧先自殺然後弦之介因為不想讓阿福的陰謀得逞所以也自殺 (yes, the 阿福 from 大奧~)

2) 故事完全改了 電影裡德川家康要殺兩個族群是因為不想再有忍者的存在 但是漫畫裡是德川家康的兩個兒子因為繼承人的原因而下的賭注 賭贏的一方則是下一任的將軍~ (大奧 comes in again :p) 我比較喜歡電影版~ 雖說故事變的有點遷強 但是感覺比較有意義

3) 朧最後沒有死!!!!!! and that last scene is sooooooooooooo beautiful *o*

但是我覺得有點勉強的地方是 既然只是希望族人可以活下去 為什麼一定要殺完所以人呢? and what IF 朧跟弦之介並沒有離開村莊? 那死的只是德川家康派去暗殺的人吧.... and i dont like how they cut out 跟弦之介的組父母的那一段 THEY WERE LOVERS!!! and their last lines were very very significant!! (for the first time that i think i have good memory :p) and irconically, 朧跟弦之介 died pretty much in the same way as their grandparents (in the manga)....

Conclusion: I LOVE NAKAMA YUKIE!!! :p it's such a good movie... i dont get why it wasnt a hit in japan... i thought japanese ppl love 古裝片 too~ this is way better than [陰陽師]!!!! so the question that i'm left with is: "SHOULD I BUY IT?" (someone either push me at the back or stop me!!! :p)

SHINOBI!!! *o* 
[SHINOBI]就要 終於download完了(haha, right after i finished typing this entry) T____T 從下午一點到現在... 第一次我想跟ROGERS說 "PLEASE GIVE ME SOME SPEEEEEEEEED!!!" 沒有speed真的是好無奈 T___T so about 2 hours later, i'll come back and write my review =) hope it wont disappoint me.... (and maybe i'll rush to Yesasia and place my order on the premium edition)

arrrrrr~~~ 當我看到今天Oricon chart 宇多田光只拿第3名的時候 真的很心痛!!! IT DESERVE TO GET #1!!!! >____< 過去幾年 我確實對日本人的"盲目崇拜" 不管宇多田光出什麼都大賣 有點不喜歡 (how did "EXDOUS" sold 1 million in japan?? 雖然本人也因為"盲目崇拜"而買了這張CD...) 但是這次絕對是quality-worth!! both the song and the pv..... sigh..... 宇多田光的時代已經結束了嗎?

之前看到有人說SPEED東西很rare... 真是讓我徹底感覺到 時代不一樣了... do you know how many SPEED mpg site there are back then?? 那個時候一定沒有人會想到SPEED會解散 宇多田光會有今天... 唯一沒有改變的大概就是AYU了

Johnny's talk time :p
you know what's the first thing came into my mind when i saw the Oricon daily ranking? "要是嵐今天出CD hyde根本不是對手" :p 我真的是病入膏肓了嗎??

so i kept on reading this girl's blog.... i just love her writing~~ here's another part:

"i dont want to hear about whats fair or not fair. if everything were fair, Umipig would've debuted with 4TOPS 3 years ago. if everything were fair, i would be hearing about NEWS instead of KAT-TUN at Tokyo Dome on their Spring Tour today. if everything were fair i would hearing about NEWS getting their own show and not KAT-TUN. nothing about this is 'fair'. but life is never fair, so lets just deal with it and move on. "

when talkin about 特權 in Johnny's, it's all about MONEY~ haha, when i read this, i thought "you mean, Arashi should have their concert in Tokyo Dome first" but maybe i really should shut up, Arashi出道已經7年, 有過... (let me count) 主持過7+個綜藝節目 現在還有4個regular shows going on weekly~ (i had a such hard time downloading with my crappy speed now X__X), Arashi 成員都是Jr.時期感情就很好的同輩, Arashi成員都有相同待遇... not like NEWS...

oh yeah, KAT-TUN will be having their own regular show going on air soon, and there are supid rumour saying that it's going to replace Arashi's regular show that's been air for more than 3 years... whoever spread that non-sense rumour out need a serious brain check~ 就算KAT-TUN再紅 事務所也不會這樣子讓他們得罪自己的前輩... 再說 現在KT fans跟Arashi fans已經快到水火不容的地步了 不可能再火上加油吧? haha why? 因為一些時間多頭腦不好的KT fans因為自己的偶像多年都無法出道 所以遷怒到跟KAT-TUN差不多年齡 但是又不得不叫"前輩", 出道多年 in the middle of the spotlight的Arashi身上~

see the problem in KAT-TUN and their fans?? USUALLY, 傑尼斯fans都是相處的很融洽的~ 從沒聽說過Kinki fans會討厭V6, Arashi etc but it's happening in the new generation now.... 傑尼斯事務所 is so screwed now... 如果Johnny-san可以回來重拾大權就好了

something about the show Utawa, that MatsuJun hosted... 有時真的是讓我看的很生氣 這根本就像KAT-TUN的show... why da hell they get to sing in EVERY episode??? and they lip-synched a LOT OF TIMES!!! 不會唱就不要唱啊... 我實在想看只靠兩個人紅的group可以紅多久


時光飛逝!! 2006 is such a special year:

- 移居加拿大第10年
- 喜歡安室奈美惠的第10年
- 松本潤, 相葉雅紀, 二宮和也, 生田斗真, 山下智久加入傑尼斯十週年
- 潤認識Arashi成員, 瀧澤秀明, 今井翼, 生田斗真, 山下智久十週年

haha, actually i was inspired by a blog entry i read the other day.... 雖然我不是生田斗真的fan 但是看完後真是很感動~ awwww~~ i wish i can write like that :p so let me copy the part that i really liked.... (read the whole thing here)

"Imagine having been in the spotlight for more than five years. Imagine giving up college for the Jimusho. Imagine making a pact with your best friend to one day debut together. Imagine then one day nine of your kouhais suddenly make their debut without you, two of whom who’ve entered the Jimusho for 6 months compared to your 7 years. Imagine that same best friend being their leader. Imagine having to continue smiling in front of the camera for your fans who’ve cried their hearts out. Imagine going to that new group's volleyball tournaments to support that best friend who've taken on the entire world's criticisms and is thinning down to bare bones. "

03年的時候山下智久真的是瘦的可怕... (據說)NEWS剛成團的時候 山下智久除了錦戸亮 不跟其他成員講話... 看Countdown backstage時就覺得 這個group的感情一定不好~ 相反的 Arashi跟瀧與翼明明就有自己的休息室 卻喜歡擠在同一間房間裡~ one of my prof once said, 一個team如果有問題 是一定藏不了的~ this is so true... EXACTLY, what is the point of the creation of NEWS????? 我很想知道... 純粹是因為Johnny-san的妹妹的個人喜好? (ppl say she favours NEWS the best out of all the new groups)

"Someone once said that if Toma hadn’t met YamaP, he would’ve debuted a long time ago. Perhaps. If YamaP hadn’t entered Johnny’s six months later, Toma would’ve continued to be the center of everyone’s attention. If YamaP hadn’t entered, perhaps Toma would’ve remained with Matsujun, Aiba, and Nino as M.A.I.N or debuted with Arashi instead of being put into B.I.G with YamaP. And yet I want to selfishly say that I’m happy Toma didn’t debut with Arashi."

很多是我想都沒有想過的... they are so true... i'm so glad that Arashi debuted before all the messes happened in Johnny's 事務所... in fact, Arashi 真的是同期裡最幸運的~

even tho i'm Toma fan, i really feel pity for him... he deserves to debut more than anyone else in Johnny's... I really wanna see them doing a "J-Friend"-like project consist of Arashi, Tackey&Tsubasa, AND Four Tops!!!!

Jr.時期~ Jun really likes him :p they went to the same high school~

Arashi出道後~ Toma as backdancer, 但是有看過backdancer有這種超大特寫嗎? cuz Jun likes him :p


i finally got 4 video clips and some online clips of their cocert T____T I WANT THE ENTIRE CONCERT!!!!!!!!! [誘惑]珍超級經典 聽了這麼多年 演唱會必唱曲 居然也聽不厭!! I love the noisy intro drum and guitar solo part, I love when TERU step on the speaker(?), I love when TERU shout out "Com'on Hisashi" before Hisashi's solo part, I love when TERU shout out "Ikuze" & "Com'on" & "Motto", I love when TERU puts his arm around Hisashi and Takuro, I love when TERU put the microphone toward the aduience, I love the very last line : "Because I love you oh~", I love when TERU keeps on going "yeah, yeah yeah" at the end, I love [Yuuwaku] and I love GLAY!!! (haha 我最近真的非常的fangirl :p)

*O* i watched the video like 10 times already :p TERU's voice sounded so much better this year~ T___T i want [FATSOUNDS], [HEAVY GAUGE], [Winter, again], [Kanojo no "Modern..."], [BELOVED], [I'm in Love], [coyote, colored darkness]... I WANT THE ENTIRE CONCERT!!! >___< i'll do anything for them.... 網上的好心人 請可憐我們這些沒有connection的人... and 一定要DVD化啊!!! GLAY, PLEASE LET ME GIVE YOU MONEY!!! 2004年舉行的兩場巡迴演唱會都沒出DVD >___< 要出DVD Box vol 2??

關於GLAY獨立/跳槽之說 GLAY正在跟唱面公司 - Amuse 洽談, 順利的話會跟Southern All Stars, 福山雅治, Prono Grafitti同門~

GLAY & YamaP
guess what, 山下智久 actually went to GLAY's concert!!!!!!!! *o* YamaP, you are OFFICIALLY 我第2喜歡的傑尼斯藝人了!!! you have such a good taste!!! and he said that he actually grew up with GLAY's music so he's familar with most of the songs~~ AWWWWW~~~~ well, back in the 1997~2000 有誰不聽GLAY? (i mean日本人)

and another thing is that GLAY's new song [ROCK'N'ROLL SWINDLE] is gonna be the theme song of 山下智久主演的日劇~

到我造福人群的時候了 :p i tried to upload GLAY's Yuuwaku live but my ul speed is so slow... so i gave up

Hamasaki Ayumi - Startin'
Utada Hikaru - Keep Tryin'

both are CD quality ver~ and i just realized both songs end with ' :p


WHY ARE YOU USING AN "iPod"!?!?!?!?!?!? what happened to your MD player?? haha, i finished ONE of my assignments~~ (yeah, 4am...) 2 more to go~ ganbare~~ so i spent some time watching the stuff that i downlaoded a while ago... and found out that Jun is using an iPod?? *o* i'm so shocked......... ok, i guess iPod is not that bad afterall........ (haha, watch me buying an iPod this year :p 我想跟Jun用一樣的東西~)

and i just read some interview about Jun and Takizawa-kun, awwww, Jun說最近很少跟瀧澤君見面~ they used to stick together a lot back then~ and Jun cant stop going "Takizawa-kun", "Takizawa-kun" on TV or interview... and Jun cried when Takki came to the Arashi concert to celebrate his birthday~

i guess i'm really having too much time... let me post a pic :p

怎麼辦 最近真的越來越fangirl...我以前不是這樣的說:p 這個blog不管怎麼看都像是Arashi fan site 怎麼辦? 上了年紀都會這樣嗎?? 最讓我不敢相信的是我盡然連----(消音)都開始看!!!! @____@ and it's suppose to be a very serious story, but i just can't stop laughing :p 不過真的是很厲害~ the scenes flow so well!!

finally saw [SHINOBI] raw version floating online!!!!! 我苦等了1年的電影!!!!!! T____T 中文字幕版什麼時候出啊... 等不及了

CD quality MP3 of AYU, Shibasaki Kou and Hikki are all available~ ..... i'll upload them tomorrow~


2005年 CD Deta 男朋友排行榜 
4位:平井 堅
11. 草彅 剛(SMAP)
12. 稲垣吾郎(SMAP)
13. 堂本光一(KinKi Kids)
14. hyde(L'Arc~en~Ciel)
15. 堂本 剛(KinKi Kids)
16. 松本 潤(嵐)
17. 滝沢秀明(タッキー&翼)
18. 藤木直人
20. 長瀬智也(TOKIO)
21. 織田裕二
22. 綾小路 翔(氣志團)
24. 櫻井 翔(嵐)
25. 玉木 宏
26. 及川光博
27. 山崎まさよし
30. トータス松本(ウルフルズ)
31. 森山直太朗
33. 北川悠仁(ゆず)
34. スガシカオ
35. 草野マサムネ(スピッツ)
36. 橘 慶太(w-inds.)
37. 堂珍嘉邦(CHEMISTRY)
38. 西川貴教(T.M.Revolution)
39. 河口恭吾
40. 新藤晴一(ポルノグラフィティ)
41. 今井 翼(タッキー&翼)
43. 山下智久(NEWS)
44. 國分太一(TOKIO)
46. 千葉涼平(w-inds.)
49. 桑田佳佑(サザンオールスターズ)
50. 松平 健
51. 森田 剛(V6)
53. 緒方龍一(w-inds)
54. 山口達也(TOKIO)
55. 相葉雅紀(嵐)
58. 氷川きよし
59. 川畑 要(CHEMISTRY)
60. 赤西 仁(KAT-TUN)
61. 黒沢 薫(ゴスペラーズ)
64. 城島 茂(TOKIO)
65. Kj(DragonAsh)
66. 井ノ原快彥(V6)
68. SHOGO(175R)
69. 二宮和也(嵐)
70. 藤井フミヤ
71. 亀梨和也(KAT-TUN)
72. 鬆岡昌宏(TOKIO)
74. 押尾 學(LIV)
75. 三宅 健(V6)
76. 土屋禮央(RAG FAIR)
77. 長野 博(V6)
78. 奧田民生
79. 錦戸 亮(NEWS/関ジャニ∞)
80. 綾小路きみまろ
81. 郷 ひろみ
82. 橫山 裕(関ジャニ∞)
83. 河村隆一
84. 村上てつや(ゴスペラーズ)
86. 氷室京介
87. 大野 智(嵐)
88. 早乙女 光(氣志團)
89. ノリ・ダ・ファンキー・シビレサス(nobodyknows+)
90. 岡平健治(3BLAB.★)
91. 高橋克典
92. 大友康平(HOUND DOG)
93. 波田陽區
94. 吉川晃司
95. 藤井 隆
97. 高見沢俊彥(THE ALFEE)
98. 東山紀之(少年隊)
99. Diggy-MO'(SOUL'd OUT)
100. 北川賢一(ロードオブメジャー )

11. 草彅 剛(SMAP)
12. 稲垣吾郎(SMAP)
13. 堂本光一(KinKi Kids)
15. 堂本 剛(KinKi Kids)
16. 松本 潤(嵐)
17. 滝沢秀明(タッキー&翼)
20. 長瀬智也(TOKIO)
24. 櫻井 翔(嵐)
41. 今井 翼(タッキー&翼)
43. 山下智久(NEWS)
44. 國分太一(TOKIO)
51. 森田 剛(V6)
54. 山口達也(TOKIO)
55. 相葉雅紀(嵐)
60. 赤西 仁(KAT-TUN)
64. 城島 茂(TOKIO)
66. 井ノ原快彥(V6)
69. 二宮和也(嵐)
71. 亀梨和也(KAT-TUN)
72. 松岡昌宏(TOKIO)
75. 三宅 健(V6)
77. 長野 博(V6)
79. 錦戸 亮(NEWS/関ジャニ∞)
82. 橫山 裕(関ジャニ∞)
87. 大野 智(嵐)
98. 東山紀之(少年隊)

嵐全員上榜!!!!!! congratulation!!! i was kinda surprised that Jun is so high up there *o* even higher than Tackey!!! 歐吉桑級的SMAP 好利害 全員都在20名以內~ 另外TOKIO, Kinki Kids, 瀧與翼 也是全員上榜~ V6: 5位, NEWS: 2位, KAT-TUN: 2位

awww, and TAKURO is not on the chart?? just because he got married last year??? 不過這種東西看看就算了 別太在意~

there's rumour saying that 松本潤, 二宮和也, 鈴木杏 在情人節一起去看小栗旬的舞台劇~ awww, 感情真好~ but on Valentine's day?? so does that mean they got no girlfriend/boyfriend??

I WANT READING WEEK TOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! >____________< arrrr, i got 3 assignments due next Tuesday!!! T____T i really gotta start working tml.... poor me

oh 據說KAT-TUN出道單曲有7種不同版本 普通版+6種限定版... 然後再出一個"Single Box Set" that includes all 6 versions.... 然後有所謂的"Limited Box Set" that includes the album, single and the DVD, and guess what, the limited version's album has 1 track less than the normal version's!! 非常聰明的martket plan~ where they use ALL the time~ so basically, 3個title (單曲, 專輯, DVD) 會出11樣產品!!! KAT-TUN fans, fave fun~ 別以為這樣大聲事的出道就可以創造第2個SMAP, 傑尼斯藝人永遠都是出道單曲賣最好 然後銷售量以exponential程式下滑~ (except for smap) i bet their 2nd single is gonna sell half (or less) the amount of their debut single!!

but geez, stop copying AYU's trick idea!!! 同時出single, album, DVD還不夠 現在還要出7種版本的單曲!!!! 接下來是什麼? PS2 game? 限定生產盤? 打字game? AYU當年大賣的[A]單曲有7種版本說 雖說擺明是騙hard core fans的錢 但是賣了160萬張!!!! and at least AYU's [A] has 14 tracks!!! >___< i dont wanna see KAT-TUN's debut single sell mover than a million!!! (even tho it's MOST LIKELY GOING TO HAPPEN!!!)

and speaking of AYU's [A] someone just showed me his complete collection *o* i want them toooooooo~~~ *jealous


had my first midterm today (kinda :p) and it's a piece of cake!! 難得我也會也這麼自信的的時候~ cuz it's all about technical stuff~~~~~ and i actually had an extra hour left~ but there's something i dont get, there are ppl who are really REALLY good at coding, CSS and javascript, but what is taking them forever to do?? 也沒有在聊天啊 為什麼做的這麼慢?? 外國人的效率果然還是不夠...

so scared of Wed >___< meeting with the client.... 怎麼辦 我不會說話啦...

i went to T&T today, and i cant believe they played 小野麗莎's music!!! 我現在終於相信大統華是台灣人開的了 (i have a tendency to not to believe whatever my mom said :p) 小野麗莎's cd sold like crazy in Taiwan last summer.... and i think she had a concert in October or something.... and my sis bought almost all the albums she could find in the cd store :p 放這種歌氣氛真的很好 超級悠閒的~ 決對會讓人放慢腳步~ T&T, you rock, 你是唯一一個沒放可怕的大陸歌的華人超級市場!!!

KAT-TUN大件事了~ 龜梨和也被照到未成年喝酒(又來了) 只差幾個月而已...不過我認為不會也所謂的"punishment"... after spending all the money on their debut events... 一定會出道的!! 不過如果沒有什麼處分 對NEWS好像很不公平.... 其實我覺得 在日本當明星的 未成年喝酒一定每個都有!! 只是有沒有被抓到的問題而已 :p

AND hiro from SPEED is going to marry HEY!HEY!HEY! 的主持人- 松本人志?????????? X____________X WHY??? he's 21 years older than hiro!!!!!!!!!! 可以當爸爸的人 @_____@ 如果是一個長的帥的歐吉桑還可以理解 但是DOWNTOWN的那個超級口臭的松本人志?? ..... the only "優點" i can think of is.... he is rich....

V6的岡田准一要為宮崎駿studio的新電影配音~ haha 果然喜歡美少年 :p


random thoughts 
- AYU的[Startin'] is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good *o* the pv is "cool" but also.... stupid :p but that's ok, i still love the song, the arrangement is so cool!! love it even more than [STEP you]!!!

- i wanna watch GLAY's 武道館演唱會 >___< 日本有現場直撥 但是好像還沒有人放出來... actually, i'm more interested in their new songs!!!! but i have watched all the online video news and they never show the new songs... T___T

- 下一季的日劇會有漫畫改編而成的[醫龍]~ 是講日本醫學界的醜惡 由坂口憲二主演... why cant they get someone like 堂澤壽明 instead...

- 前早安少女主成員 - 加藤亞衣 未成年抽煙!!! personally, i don't think it's a big deal (again :p) but i just cant imagine 有那種有小學生臉孔的人 手上刁根煙!!!! @____@ 果然 早安家族的人都很會假... 平常拼命的扮可愛 原來還會抽煙...

- ROGERS has been blocking my BT port(connection?) since last weekend >___< 明明就有2000個peers但是dl speed 只有10k/s wtf, i used to get like 300kb/s!!! >____________< I HAVE TONS OF J-DRAMA TO DL!!!! http的dl/ul speed也還是很快啊... 就是BT... grrrrr, ROGERS better stop acting gay soon, else i'm really going to change to sympatico

- 傑尼斯團體NEWS出現大pinch~ 有傳聞說會解散~ even tho i dont think this is gonna happen, cuz "Johnny's" just DON'T disband 但是"傑尼斯事務所"的最高領導人已經不是有名的喜多川了~ (it's his siter(s?) that's what caused all the mess since 2003... ) so maybe it's possible?

DOWNLOAD section~
Hamasaki Ayumi - Startin' (PV rip)
BoA - OUTGROW~Ready Butterfly~
and as for Boa's new album title song.... it reminded me of Britney Spear's "I'm a slave 4 U" :p

ok, my Johnny's Talk starts from here :p by the way, this is just what ppl say, i dont really know the detail...

2003年 J事務所高層有所變動 繼瀧與翼的Jr.的leader "Four Tops"解散 山下智久以NEWS團長的身分正式出道~ Four Tops的其餘3人繼續留在Jr. 但是卻被排除在Johnny's的weekly music show... 有人說這是造成山下智久2003年瘦到只剩骨頭的原因 2004年又出了另一個8人團體 而且還有兩個是NEWS成員 所以很多時後NEWS都是以6人上電視 or 演唱會 因為人多所以不需要每次都全員到齊?? 感覺這個group 除了山下智久 其他成員好像都可有可無...

雖然大家都說Johnny-san該死 但是其實他被討厭的原因也不過是因為沒有讓所有的人都出道 加上嚴重的偏心 :p that's better in grouping ppl, 他是將幾個差不多紅, 感情很好的人成團 不是把最紅的跟不紅的湊在一起 反正有一個紅 CD就會賣的這種戰略...

back to NEWS... 其實 我覺得解散也未必不好(don't hack my blog :p) 然後山下智久以"Four Tops"出道是很多人都想看到的吧? 在NEWS成員裡看不到Arashi的那種"互動" 2003年的count down演唱會 山下智久比起自己的團員 更常跟Arashi, 瀧澤秀明在一起...(aww, he's just so used to stick with Takki :p) 有一集有生田斗真做嘉賓的Shounen Club, 可以看到山下智久的眼睛在發亮 是從心裡笑出來的 it's something u dont see between other NEWS members 畢竟NEWS裡的人大部分都是他的後輩 以前都要幫他伴舞的說...

that reminds me of "修二與彰"... i dont get why they group them together.... 有看過Summary的backstage的話 會發現(看起來)他們感情非常不好!!!(<-沒有根據 我隨便說的:p) 山下智久完全沒有跟龜梨和也說過一句話 完全是無視!!! 而且兩人一點默契也沒有... 兩個人而以 跳舞應該很好跳吧 但是一點也不齊...


GLAY今年要大展拳腳了!! new single coming up, new album and 全國巡迴演唱會 this fall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (不過別再出什麼限定版了 you are not Johnny's :p) 原來說2月9日有重大的事宣布 就是這個啊 我還擔心要說什麼解散勒~ 2005年對GLAY來說真是有起有浮 好的事有DOME TOUR, GLAYxEXILE大賣, TAKURO結婚~ 不好的則是天殺的經紀人捲款而逃??(<-傳聞啦) 加上所有成員都有搞solo活動, Takuro移居LA 導致GLAY有解散的傳聞... 不過我沒有worry過 我堅信他們不會解散!!! 說過要唱到50歲的啊!!! >___<

5天的武道館公演無事終了~ 新曲[ROCK'N'ROLL SWINDLE], [LAYLA]初披露!!! ([LAYLA] totally remind me of NANA :p)

question: 如果AYU, GLAY, Arashi同時出CD 會希望誰拿no. 1?
this is such a hard question... i'm sorry, but Arashi can get no. 3 :p 我想真的要聽過歌才能決定吧... but i'm pretty sure that won't happen... they are not that stupid :p

wow, TERU's hair grew back so quickly!! 不久前不是才剃光頭嗎??

*putting my [WHITE ROAD] cd into my stereo* 今天睡了一天 聽了一天的[A BALLADS] *o* 好好聽!! 還是好懷念AYU的舊歌...

and speaking of NANA, it's going to be animated!!!!! going on tv this spring (forgot the exact date :p) 不過沒有太大的期望 [Paradise Kiss]讓我太失望了...


official site

have u ever watched the japanese movie [着信アリ]? (中譯:鬼來電) so my current ringtone is the 預知死亡的來電鈴聲 from the movie... and while i was taking my nap today... my phone rang and i was freaked out XDDD, hahaha, love this ringtone now~ (難道我有自虐症??:p) here, take it


arrrr 在難得的weekend前 有感冒徵狀出現 X___X (可能是昨天晚上做完assignment所以捨不得睡 因為覺得沒玩到 :p 熬夜造成的) so i started drinking lemon water and eating vitamin C tablets... 當我吃到第3粒的時候 才看到direction寫著一天只能吃一粒........

whatever, i'm gonna do nothing till sunday!!! (<-- that's exactly what i said last week :p)


i was driving in the snow while listening to [粉雪] 真是超級應景!! but this is not "粉雪"... this is... 雪"粒" :p such a long day for me, had to walk in dt in the cold 回來時還要下大雪!!! it took me about 45min to get back home from scarborough town centre... X___X 路上還滑了幾次 but good that i'm still sitting here typing safely :p

so i watched the latest 歌笑 yesterday, and RAIN was there~ 暑假的時候在台灣曝光率超高 每一台都看的到他 and i was forced to watch his drama 浪漫滿屋 (i dont stand a chance when 跟姐姐搶電視T___T) 又是一個典型的韓國男主角 - 自大男! anywayz, my point is, i never liked him!! and i watched part of his concert on tv, never liked his dance and music!! BUT i was kinda impressed by his performance yesterday!! 不知道為什麼 只要一唱日文連人看起來都比較順眼了 :p the dance move was great, and so is the singing~ 但是其實根本沒唱幾句 因為跳舞的時候都沒在唱.... hey, that's cheating!!

AND 那是我見過最沒誠意的"鞠躬" how much was that? 30度? 40度?? 在日本敬禮至少要90度!!! if you are gonna do it, do it PREOPERLY!! just look at my Arashi :p actually, AYU does it even MORE in her concert, it's like a stretching contest btw she and her dancers :p

然後又跳一跳脫衣服... is this like a trend in korea?? (if you remember what i wrote last year about SE7EN...) and his nickname is "P"?? sorry, but i can only associate "P" with 山下智久:p 然後日文竟然比SE7EN還破... i guess i still like SE7EN more~ but he did all the stupid things that ppl asked him to do :p

and here goes the Koda Kumi copycat/ayu-wanna-be that i was talking about....
our goddess AYU version:

the deformed, AYU-wanna-be Koda Kumi version:


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >___< 
arrrr, my phone!!!! 背後出現了一條刮痕!!!!!!!!!!!!! >____< arrr, 好心痛 我可愛的VS3!!! 都是我不好 想說只是出氣買take out... so i dont even bother to bring a bag... 於是讓我的電話跟key 在同一個口袋裡!!! >____< 好可憐... 才買不到一個月..... haha, 不過這讓我回想到我上一部電話... haha 掉到地上無數次 & tons of scratches 而且都是不知不覺出現的 :p "差別待遇"絕對是最適合形容我的成語 另一個有這種待遇的是Panasonic AS10~ i treated my SONY MD very badly for some reason :p

我可憐的電話T___T... i need one of those cell phone pouch

my group?? it's not the best group, but it's good enough~ the horrow shall begin next week X____X arrrr, but i dont wanna do any work till sunday... 而且從今已後我寶貴的星期三下午就要在學校裡渡過了 T___T

i have no problem with my gorup, but the prof, 偏心的太嚴重了!!! 一把年紀了 竟然還偏心20歲出的男生... geez, not only they got the best group, their client is just UPSTAIR!!! wtf is that??? seriously, i'm not the type of person who keep on 說老師壞話 but this one, she's such a bi***

time for my Johnny's Talk again :p

1) of course it's gotta be my MatsuJun news~
電影[僕は妹に恋をする]的女主角是去年冬天在[危險姊弟]裡演過配角的榮倉奈奈~ she definitely look prettier than 井上真央 but she's WAY too tall for Jun :p (she's 170cm)!! she sure looks pretty~ but i still like 鈴木杏 more... she looks so good when standing beside Jun... (by the way, they are actually doing a 舞台劇 together this spring)

2) 嵐成員 繼櫻井翔&大野智後 二宮和也, 松本潤, 相葉雅紀也要開solo演唱會了~~

3) NEWS今年真是流年不利~ member草野涉嫌"未成年喝酒" 已經被事務所雪藏了~ 連下個月要發的年曆都要從新改版 NEWS新單曲(ONE PIECE movie theme song)將延期發行 所有活動停止!!! .... is it really that big of a deal??? 只不過是未成年喝酒... 大部分人都有吧??? :p 去年也有相同的是發生 NEWS的某成員(forgot his name :p) 也是因為未成年喝酒被雪藏... cant believe they made the same mistake... 不過日本人真的很讓人佩服 去年NEWS有公開承認 並且所有members低頭道歉!! 如果是台灣藝人 一定是狡辯到底 死也不承認 然後還要反過來罵媒體 或是說什麼"要體諒藝人"的白痴話

雖然本人說並沒有這件事 但是始終是醜聞... 我看很難再回NEWS了吧...? NEWS從出道的9人到現在只剩6人... 都是因為誹聞!! 第一個退出的森xx 是因為被照到在Karaoke跟女生kiss 已經完全被踢出傑尼斯了~ 去年的內xx 跟今年的草野則是未成年喝酒....

真是的 要有自知之明啊~ "誹聞"或是"醜聞"這種東西都是紅的人才有的權力!! 山下智久以前還不是被照到跟後藤真希的kiss鏡頭(雖然不知道是真的還是假的) 還不是一點事也沒有~ 嵐的相葉雅紀也被照到跟女朋友的親密鏡頭 松本潤跟仲間由紀惠的誹聞多到數不清(<- 我衷心希望這是事實:p)~ 醜聞的話則有SMAP的稲垣吾郎的醉酒駕駛 V6的森田剛去"club" 可是也不見這些人被雪藏.... (holy crap, i really DO know an awful lot about Johnny's :p well, please understand, they are so freaking popular in Taiwan 一有消息就會每一台channel都報導...) oh, and i almost forgot about KAT-TUN的赤西仁跟SPEED的上原多香子...(even tho i dont really like KAT-TUN 但是確實是很登對~ visually :p)


i was trying to dig out this really old "山下智久 w/ Johnny's Jr." video clip at Hippare, singing GLAY's "Global Communication" that i downloaded and burned years ago... (i was wondering if those "Jr." is KAT-TUN and was gonna make fun of them, but it's not them :p) and it brought back all the good old memories!! 當年我還非常討厭傑尼斯 第一印像是 "OMG dont ruin my GLAY song like that!!! 超難聽!!! and dont dance with GLAY's music >___<" i only burned it cuz it's GLAY's song~ 4年後的現在再看... 雖然已經比以前接受傑尼斯... 但是還是好難聽 even tho he tried his best to sound "rock" :p i guess there's a reason why YamaP couldnt debt until he's 18.......

and holy crap, Valenti, Every Heart, Will, Hikaru no Go were all in 2002??? O____O 竟然已經過了4年...

anywayz, just wanna write down these before my memory start fading away...

歌手 - 第一首聽的歌 - 開始喜歡的歌 (開始每一首歌都聽) - 最後聽的一首歌
安室奈美惠: 1996 [You're my sunshine] - 1996 [You're my sunshine]
GLAY: 1998 [BE WITH YOU] - 1998 [BE WITH YOU]
AYU: 1999 [TO BE] - 1999 [Boys & Girls]
宇多田光: 1998 [Automatic] - 1998 [Automatic]
SPEED: 1996 [STEADY] - 1998 [Alive]
島袋寛子: 1999 [AS TIME GOES BY] - 2001 [Treasure] - 2004 [光の中で]
今井繪理子: 2001 [Red Beat of My Life] - 2001 [Red Beat of My Life] - 2002 [Our Relation]
鈴木亞美: 1998 [All Night Long] - 1999 [BE TOGETHER] - 2005 [ねがいごと]
shela: 1999 [White Destiny] - 1999 [White Destiny] - 2002 [DAYS]
倉木麻衣: 2000 [Secret of My Heart] - 2000 [Secret of My Heart] - 2003 Time after time~花舞う街で~
Do As Infinity: 2000 [Yesterday & Today] - 2001 [Desire]
BoA: 2001 [Amazing Kiss] - 2001 [Amazing Kiss]
中島美嘉: 2001 [STARS] - 2002 [Helpless Rain]
後藤真希: 1999 [Love Machine] - 2000 [青春時代1・2・3!] - 2005 [好きすぎて バカみたい]

holy, i started to like a lot of ppl around 2001-2002 :p i hope i didnt miss anyone...


I believe in fate :p 
such a relax day, i got home and took a 2 hour nap then did nothing till now :p 剛交完功課的日子真是舒服~ but i'll be getting the major group project tml X___X and got stupid proposal due next wed which i havnet even started... oh well, 船到橋頭自然直~ arrr, 20人的班上 我不想一組的就又4個了 X___X 神啊 請保佑我....

heard the preview of Arashi's new song [春風スニーカ]~ awwww, it's so "Johnny's" style....(but it is a good song~ i like it more than [WISH]) 不行啦 這樣打不贏KAT-TUN (why cant they get someone big to compose for Arashi too..) haha, j/k, they don't stand a chance against KAT-TUN, actually, NO ONE does nowadays... except for Mr. Children or Hirai Ken with another ultimate ballad? ok, i gotta stop with the KAT-TUN thing, they are like Arashi's little brothers, they are like Arashi's little brothers... 他們感情很好 他們感情很好...

KT的記者招待會是在東京Prince Hotel舉行.... Arashi當年是在夏威夷的郵輪上舉行!!! 赤西仁說"目標當然是no. 1" 也太自信了吧? (雖然他們確實有囂張的權力...) 龜梨和也說"終於等到今天了" 進事務所不代表一定有的出道!! 比他們早進Johnny's但是仍然未出道的人多的是~ (ie: the left over "Four Tops" i think YamaP should debut as Four Tops instead... NEWS太多人了...) ok.. i'll stop..

and i just realized the 2 oldest memebers in KAT-TUN never had their 成人禮!!! they are the same age as 松潤&二宮... 果然 不被重視 :P


1999年的短劇~ 15歲 人氣超高的潤 + 14歲 看起來不起眼 演配角的赤西仁

"據說" 赤西仁當年audition落選了 因為剛好編號是"01" 所以Johnny-san讓他加入傑尼斯...


Layout © Pieces of a Dream by Ayami.  All Rights Reserved

Recent Tracks

Say Something!!!


Anime: Code Geass
Manga:  Vampire Knight, Skip Beat!, Fruits Basket, ヒカルの碁
Song:  almost in love, HEAVEN, Hero, とまどいながら, CAN YOU CELEBRATE?, , HOWEVER, pure soul, It Takes Two, Wait & See~リスク~, SEASONS, Moments, 夜空のムコウ
Singer:  浜崎あゆみ, GLAY, 嵐, 安室奈美恵, CHEMISTRY, 柴咲コウ
Actor:  仲間由紀恵, ともさかりえ, 柴咲コウ, 木&# 26449;拓哉
Flower:  Sakura!!!
Fruit: ichigo~ (strawberry)
J-Drama: 1リットルの涙, 花より男子, きみはペット, ごくせん, Trick, Good Luck, 大和撫子


[+] Hamasaki Ayumi
[+] GLAY
[+] Arashi
[+] Shibasaki Kou
[+] Chemistry
[+] Ayu! Love! Ayu!
[+] University of Toronto


[+] March 2004
[+] April 2004
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version 1: Sakura Drops

version 2: Orange Days

version 3: White Road

version 3.5: 波動する心音

version 4: ヒカルの碁

version 5: NANA

version 6: H E A V E N

version 7: Blue

version 8: Murasaki

version 9: のだめカンタービレ

version 10: Dark Moon

version 11: SOLDIER

version 12: Who...

Fan Listing
