

what a big surprise!! aiko got #1??? and ayu got so low??even lower than BoA???? *O* geez.... oh well, as long as she got higher than Orange Range

oh well, not like i care about those stupid ranking.... 銷售量比較重要

CHEMISTRY's new single is doing quite good on oricon~~ i wonder if the oversea version will have their solo works....


hnigh tea 成為了我現在每天的必行公式 :p 英式下午茶 三明治很好吃~ (<-- that was yesterday)

went to Starbucks today, so no point of taking photo

PS. 原來統一發票是很難中的 =____=



went to 玫瑰園 for lunch today~ so tasty~ and speaking of 玫瑰園 居然在上海有分店喔~ 而且是我在大陸去過服務最好的餐廳~

點了ice cream 鬆餅, 藍梅冰奶茶, 葡國加哩飯 and 約克冰茶

可愛的Garfield熟睡中 (別人的貓 我玩的好開心 :p)

and i got my 50000 limited edition today!!!!!!! still waiting for the 300000 version T____T


congratulation to GLAYxEXILE!! 跟第2名的L'arc en ciel銷量差了一倍~ 不過no. 2 and no.3 就真的是激戰了

想不到第一個禮拜賣了30多萬張!! that means 30萬張限定版 will be out of print now!!! X____X and i still didnt my copy yet..... grrr....


i hate 蔡10 
hope u all know who i'm talkin aboug :p

i was watching this talk show yesterday 蔡10跟林志玲站在一起 顯的臉好大 嘴好大 腿好粗 妝好濃 好沒氣質 and 好台 :p.... 然後蔡康永問蔡10關於他出的英文書 問他"劈腿"英文是什麼 蔡10一副很自信的說"two timer" or "has a third person" 我覺得這兩個用法都很少聽到 (agree?) 然後林志玲說還可以用"he's cheating on you" or "he's having an affiar"的時候 蔡10一副聽不懂的樣子... 拜託 人家林志玲說的才是一般人比較常用的吧... 一個"100% made in Taiwan"的人還想開雙語學校 who does she think she is??? (ok, i hope nobody hack my blog .... :p)

最近在電視上看到他 覺得很多小動作都越來越像AYU.... =______=""""""" 還很自以為是 以為自己是最早開始指甲彩繪 omg 還不是抄濱崎步...


結果還是買到跟yesasia一樣的價錢.... 感覺兜了一個大圈

據說在日本 GLAYxEXILE的CD連30萬張版也很難買到... 這樣第一個星期應該可以賣35到40萬張吧(??)

but anywayz, i'm currently living with 2 cats~ 兩隻嬌身慣養 超膽小 超囂張的名種貓~ 本來不太喜歡貓 但是這兩隻貓實在是太可愛了~~~

灰黑色的是小米~ 超可愛~ 另一隻是Garfield, 不過我都叫他加菲貓 中文比較親切 :p 我來了一個多禮拜 Garfiled都還是不太理我 =___="


Yesasia 我錯了!!! >___< 
i want my limited edition!!!!! 我應該相信你的 我不應該貪小便宜(2張省US$7多吧) 也不應該貪poster.... arrrr, the stupid store here couldnt get any of thel imited edition... but i think they reserved those for 自己人.... >___< i swear i will never buy from them again... Yesasia 如果你讓我買到這次的限定版 我以後一定效忠於你

好難過... sigh.... 不過仔細想想 如果沒有"限定版" 3個字 我大概也不會想買

went to "Momo Paradise" for lunch yesterday~~正中的"壽喜燒"~ so tasty~~ 啊~ 終於回到台北了~~ 回歸社會的感覺 :p 台北真的到哪都聽的到日文歌~ 其實新竹也不錯 好的餐廳一大堆 但是除了吃 就沒別的事做了......

ohhhhh AND i had my FIRST 黑鮪魚 in my life!!!!!! @_____@ 4個字"入口即化"!!!! i wanna eat 黑鮪魚套餐 now...


stayed home watching DVD yesterday~ but it's actually not so bad, at least i get to play with the cats *O*

yeah, so my life@taiwan is eat, eat, eat, tv, tv, tv and nothing else :p there werent big discount lately... 我小氣的個性買不下手

arrr, i wanna post some photo.... but there's no photo editing program in ths comp, and the internet is so slow X____X

and i hope i can get my limited ver CD for "SCREAM" yesasia took off the limited ver already.... NOOOOOO >___< if that stupid store didnt get me a copy, i'm screwed...


back to taiwan~~~ 
safely!! :p my bro just had to remind me how bad "13" is an hour before i left =___=

and the last thing i did in Toronto was finishing FF10~ i remember the first time i played, i cried when Tidus started "vanishing" and i had to wipe my tears so i can see the screen~ this time i still got some tears in my eyes..... haha, the first game that made me cry and hopely it will be the last.....

transit at chicago airport is a lot easier than i thought... but the airport sux, got nothing there...

ohh, and there's this japanese kid that is SOOOOOO CUTE *o* most ppl should know that i HATE children and 我從不曾說過哪一個小孩可愛.... but this one is just different :p he's about 4 to 6??? he was playing with his "Star Wars" 有聲書 then he suddenly came to me and ask me how to pronounce a word ... then i kinda played with him a bit !!!! (this is "so miracle" :p) and I LOVE the way japanese kids call "mama" it's just so cute!!! and most importantly, 他非常聽媽媽話!! (我最最討厭的小孩就是台灣的小孩.... 欠管教, 態度不好, 沒大沒小 :p)

my flight from chicago to tokyo was delayed, so i only had 30 min in Tokyo's duty free shop ..... but i bought a LOT of things in that 30 min

the food at JAL is awsome!! i bet you cant find another airplane company with better food :p 日本人對吃比較講究的關係吧~ and 原來JAL市走高等路線 一架飛機有5行first class, 40行business class and 40行economy class!!! but its TV program kinda sux... there's only 1 updated western movie - "Constantine"

and nooooo~~~ 下星期單曲期待度......... SAS got #1????? >___< (stop telling me BAD news, i only wanna see GOOD NEWS)


leaving in 9 hours... 
緊張? 興奮? 其實還好... 老實說 我自己一個人回去玩真的很feel guilty.... but it really is not my fault.... seller changed the date of closing... 但是機票出了就不能改啊....

2 passports, airplane ticket and bills from five different countries :p

i'll chat with you ppl in taiwan~~ and hope everyone will have a great summer~


music: TAKURO
words: TAKURO & SHUN


世界が世界を欺いても 君だけを守りたい


anyone anywhere anytime scream

戻れないあの日には 誰もが知っている 

誰かの翼が折れた あの日
確かに涙した 新しい命のSCREAM


anyone anywhere anytime scream


anyone anywhere anytime scream



i can *almost* sing along :p but i wish someone can romanize it.... (*stare*)

so SHUN writes the lyric for EXILE's music??

and [SCREAM] is chose by Yahoo Music Japan to be 1 of the 5 must buy CD of July!!!

More trailers for NANA the movie~

and i want the Hello Kitty NANA!!! *O*


I watched Amuro's "SO CRAZY TOUR in Taipei"!!! took me almost a week to dl X____X i cant believe the stage and her clothes are exactly the same as her concert in Tokyo!! (she didnt do that for her Korea concert)是重視台灣fans的意思?(<--想太多了) 真的很厲害呢~ 能在國外開兩場8000人的演唱會~ (不過觀眾好吵... stop screaming when Amuro is singing... geez) but her singing was only so-so.... and安室的國語算是很不錯的了~ 完全聽的懂~

宇多田光要出新單曲了~~~ 隔了17個月的新歌~

New Single
「Be My Last」
9.28 On Sale

(CD+DVD) TOCT-5002 ¥1,320
(CD) TOCT-5001 ¥660

haha 現在CD不景氣 連天候級的宇多田光都要出"CD+DVD"... AYU應該也是9月底出年度ballad單曲~ 千萬要避開啊.... dont wanna admit, but i dont think AYU stand a chance against Hikki.....

原來「春の雪」是三島由記夫("金閣寺"的作者)的"遺作"啊... looks like a beautiful love story... and it took place in 大正時期~ i love 古裝片~~ but i wont have a high expectation like what i did for [在世界的中心 呼喊愛情]

今年最期待的當然還是 [SHINOBI-忍-]啦~

and i watched [Slow Dance]廣末涼子好瘦!!!!!!!!還是跟以前一樣可愛... 真的生過小孩了嗎? 日本藝人真利害~


夏日雜記 no.2~ 
went to [十八番] (beside Star Walk) tonight~ and i think it's the best all you can eat japanese resturant i have been to!!! and the size of the rice from their sushi is fairly reasonable~ their "章魚燒" kinda made me "huh" but it tastes really good~ 而且還有"鯛魚燒"~ but i was too full 所以沒吃到.... 殘念

oh, and they played Fayray's "Tears" in the resturant~~ awww 好懷念~ it's such a beautiful song~ and the music is so 小聲 i can only hear it when Lily went to the washroom :p and I were not talking~

and i watched [Batman Begins] today~ it's a LOT better than i expected!!!


busy packing my *PRECIOUS* CD 
好怕他們會受到傷害~ *___* 我寶貝的(日版)CD們~ 是我packing到現在受到最好待遇的東西

"A Song for XX"是台版所以擺上面 :p

至於我其他的CD.... 連plastic box的份都沒有 只能淪落到紙盒 :P

中島美嘉在NANA裡唱的主題曲試聽 (dont "save target as"!! (cuz i know someone WILL!!) CLICK it)

............... this song is SOOOOO NOT-MIKA..... @____@ it's so.... pop.... and i thought she's suppose to sing something ROCK (PUNK ROCK too....) since it's for the movie... disappointed


可惡的AVEX~~ 又耍手段... 不過好險CD版沒有多一首DVD版沒有的歌or something like that.. awwww, but i like the CD ver's cover more.... >____<


不知何時開始 我成了Oricon的忠實fans :p 
haha, as title~ usually, i only check when the artists I like is releasing something.. but lately, i'm actually checking every week!!!

and holy cr**.. Mr. Children and Katsumeishi sold so well???? 分別是今年的最佳初動銷量單曲跟專輯~ 日本唱片的不景氣結束了??? 還是放暑假了 大家都開始敗家?? :p

Mr. Children 的新單曲初動銷量竟然有57萬@_____@ (i like it better now but still dont think it's THAT great......) 相信會成為今年第一張百萬單曲~~~ ORANGE RANGE的[*~ASTERISK]初動銷量也不過才32萬~

arr...... i cant believe Ketsumeishi did so well too.... 一個星期賣了95萬張 but how come they became SOOOOO popular all at a sudden? 上一張專輯的初動銷量也才29萬... 答案是因為他們唱Hip-Pop?? 也就是說是沾了Orange Range的光?? :P oh well, i'll be happy if someone can賣的比Orange Range好~

time flies @___@ 
omg, it's July 5th already?? i only have 8 more days left in Canada?? and i cant remember what i did in the past MONTH!!!! 沒事做的日子也蠻辛苦的 :p

so i started re-playing "Chrono Trigger" awwwww~~ stil llove it~ it's one of my very first RPG!!! i think i first played it when i was gr. 7 or 8? and surprisingly, i still remember most of the parts @____@ haha, but i can't remember the story from "Chrono Cross" that i played in gr. 10 明天應該就可以全破 開始玩FF8!!! why can't all RPG have the "new game plus" fuction..... :p (I LOVE RPG, but i hate gaining level :p)

busy packing these days~~ gonna say good-bye to this horrible place soon~ *____*

我要在剩下的日子裡盡情玩樂 :P
and something that really scared me is that .... I actaully grew to love ALL the songs in Mr. Children's new single @_____@ I remembered i was so disappointed about their 4A sided singles when i first downloaded the songs

暑假好像沒什麼好看的日劇 比較想看的就是[Slow Dance] 廣末涼子復出後的第一部日劇~


for those who are actaully interested.... 
pix from GLAY and EXILE's official fan clubs~~~ (pictures that i stole from yahoo japan auction :p)

and there's rumour saying that GLAY will be singing theme song for FINAL FANTASY XII!!! ....... it doesn't sound real to me tho.... but hope it's true~

geez, how long has they been working on FF12?? i remember the first promo picture i saw was back in gr. 11 or something.... (or even earlier??)

and is it because i'm posting too much chinese lately??? all the Blogger settings changed into CHINESE for me >___< and i dunno where to change it back ..... give me back my English .....


official site

IT"S GOOOOOOD~~~ i just watched the 1st episode~ 揚丞琳的眼睛好大!!!! and i think all the characters 都很像漫畫裡的人物~ 而且兩個男主角都演的還錯 (比當年F4好百倍!!) and it's so funny tooo!!!!! i cant wait to watch the next episode.... 不過始終都是台灣劇 還是會出現一些讓人起雞皮疙瘩的對白 :p

一向對台灣劇沒什麼好感的我 居然會覺得這部片好看?? 好吧 明天來重看[海豚灣戀人]~ i love this drama~ 雖然從中間開始拖 但是前半段romantic~~男主角總是在女主角哭泣的時候出現 *o* and yes i know that's fiction and will never happen in real life :p but偶爾看看這種騙小孩的戲也不錯啊 :p and...and i like the 男主角 (*hide in shame*) oh, and i'm talking 許紹洋 not the other better looking one... (*hide in shame*) wanna re-read the comic .... but where is my cd >___< 出來吧CD......... or did i packed it already??? NOOOOOO~~~~~

did quite a lot of "things" today~~

and went to CIBC.... they upgraded my Visa card to the dividend card~ now i get 1% cash back annually~ 現在開始大概會看到我卯起來簽卡吧 :p imperial 的人服務跟態度都好的沒話說~~
download time~~ :p
CHEMISTRY - Wings of Words (7.27 release)

i like it a lot, more R&B this time~ i think this is their best song since "YOUR NAME NEVER GONE"

Namie Amuro - Queen of Hip-Pop (7.13 release)

this is actaully a lot better than what i expected.... i was expecting something like "Alarm", "WANT ME, WANT ME" ..... and her voice sounded good in this song~

oh, and afterall, ROGERS is not that bad... 5月的時候我家的cable bandwidth是120GB which already超出了limit.... but rogers didnt cut our line and didnt give us any phone call or email, so this month... me and my brother kinda just ignored the "limit".... and 6月份的bandwidth是260GB :p (and we still didnt get any warning from Rogers)

finished watching [anego]... find the ending kinda weird... and also finished [墜入情海~我成功的秘密]~~ pretty good drama overall~~ i actually like it more than 木村's [ENGINE]~ yes, ENGINE is..... kinda..... boring.......... still waiting for its final episode

and yeah, got bored of teh background music?? sorry, i'm gonna keep it for another while~ since i love it so much :p (其實.... 我最討厭那些有bgm的site... especially those that plays automatically... (like my site) so i actaully have my auto-play turned off in IE :p haha, 己所不欲勿施於人???? .... too bad!! >:p)


Layout © Pieces of a Dream by Ayami.  All Rights Reserved

Recent Tracks

Say Something!!!


Anime: Code Geass
Manga:  Vampire Knight, Skip Beat!, Fruits Basket, ヒカルの碁
Song:  almost in love, HEAVEN, Hero, とまどいながら, CAN YOU CELEBRATE?, , HOWEVER, pure soul, It Takes Two, Wait & See~リスク~, SEASONS, Moments, 夜空のムコウ
Singer:  浜崎あゆみ, GLAY, 嵐, 安室奈美恵, CHEMISTRY, 柴咲コウ
Actor:  仲間由紀恵, ともさかりえ, 柴咲コウ, 木&# 26449;拓哉
Flower:  Sakura!!!
Fruit: ichigo~ (strawberry)
J-Drama: 1リットルの涙, 花より男子, きみはペット, ごくせん, Trick, Good Luck, 大和撫子


[+] Hamasaki Ayumi
[+] GLAY
[+] Arashi
[+] Shibasaki Kou
[+] Chemistry
[+] Ayu! Love! Ayu!
[+] University of Toronto


[+] March 2004
[+] April 2004
[+] May 2004
[+] June 2004
[+] July 2004
[+] August 2004
[+] September 2004
[+] October 2004
[+] November 2004
[+] December 2004
[+] January 2005
[+] February 2005
[+] March 2005
[+] April 2005
[+] May 2005
[+] June 2005
[+] July 2005
[+] August 2005
[+] September 2005
[+] October 2005
[+] November 2005
[+] December 2005
[+] January 2006
[+] February 2006
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[+] May 2006
[+] June 2006
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[+] February 2009
[+] March 2009
[+] April 2009
[+] May 2009
[+] June 2009
[+] July 2009
[+] August 2009
[+] September 2009
[+] October 2009
[+] November 2009


version 1: Sakura Drops

version 2: Orange Days

version 3: White Road

version 3.5: 波動する心音

version 4: ヒカルの碁

version 5: NANA

version 6: H E A V E N

version 7: Blue

version 8: Murasaki

version 9: のだめカンタービレ

version 10: Dark Moon

version 11: SOLDIER

version 12: Who...

Fan Listing
