松本 潤
要拍電影了!!!!!!! click
Manga Official Site

so let me briefly translate the important points:
- 人氣團體嵐的松本潤首次主演電影 [僕は妹に恋をする](台譯:[妹妹戀人])述說雙胞胎的兄妹戀的少女漫畫 在日本賣出超過500萬本的人氣少女漫畫~
- 松本潤今年10~12月所主演 由漫畫改編的[花樣男子]創下佳績 平均收視高達19.7% 成為當季no.1連續劇
- 作者認為松本潤能完全的將漫畫裡的角色飾演出來
- 預定2006年秋天上映
My comment:
let Arashi sing the theme song!!! :p 我聽到的時候想到的是
1)又是我看過的漫畫 X____X 是我看太多漫畫了嗎? 還是是這部漫畫太紅了 還是我跟MatsuJun太有緣了:p
2) WHY THIS COMIC??????? 老實說 這部漫畫真的是不怎麼樣... 沒有劇情可言 就是非常typical的愛情故事 男主角是十八般武藝樣樣精通 外貌出眾的天才少年(MatsuJun!!!! :p) 女主角是什麼都不會 成績不好 外貌普通 常被人欺負 但是卻被男主角深愛著的沒用女生 男女主角互相喜歡 但是有障礙 然後有第2男女主角重中阻礙/保護 只不過障礙是 男女主角是兄妹... 我看到第9集都沒進入重點 一值在講兩人有多麼喜歡對方... it's so obvious that they are actually not real 兄妹... hurry up and get to the point and end!!! geez... 至於為什麼會受歡迎 因為現在日本的高中女生似乎非常喜歡有色情畫面的漫畫
i dont get why they chose THIS comic.... 同樣是兄妹戀 北川美幸的[禁忌的戀人] 好看多了~ 個人最喜歡和泉兼好的[戀妹思春期]~ 屬於搞笑型的 而且沒有不必要的18禁畫面 :p 不過我還是比較喜歡看師生戀多過兄妹戀 :p
如果不是松本潤主演 我根本懶的看 算了~ this is gotta be the best character for MatsuJun~~ 但是女主角還沒決定... anyone but 早安家族成員>___< (後藤真希的話就OK :p)
鈴木杏會不錯~ NANA裡演小八的
arrr, and i just realised i deleted the manga from my hard drive last month when i was low in hd space X____X have to redownload them now....
and just in case you didnt notice/know, 松潤到現在所主演的日劇 全部都是漫畫改編的!!! (金田一, 極道鮮師, 寵物情人, 花樣男子) that's the main reason why i watched all his drama!! 因為松潤看起來像是漫畫裡的男主角???
櫻井 翔翔也在主演電影~ 而且也是漫畫改編~ (我又看過了...) 預計2006年夏季上演~ [Honey & Clover] 是一部正常 溫馨的少女漫畫~~ 描述大學生的故事~ 翔演的是下圖裡看起來最幼齒的那一個 :p (gonna finish the anime this x'mas break~)
Manga Official Site

其他演員站是都不明 and as you can see, when you click into the website, it says "櫻井 翔主演" only :p
是因為 2005年[NANA]大成功嗎?? 最近怎麼一脫拉庫由漫畫改編的日劇/電影... ([NANA]會成功是因為本身作者+漫畫就很紅了... 電影本身非常讓人失望... it's so low budget.... 中島美嘉完全不會演... 男主角恐怖....got nothing else to say...) [網球王子]也在拍真人版電影說... 不知道主角會找誰... 隨便找個傑尼斯Jr.吧 :p
翔 and leader - 大野 are doing solo concert in 2006~ hopefully, 松潤, 二宮, 相葉也會有自己的solo concert~ 不過我還是比較想看到嵐as a whole T___T
SHINOBISHINOBI要出DVD了!!!!! 2月18日!!! 雖然沒看過 卻已經想買日版DVD的Premium version了!!! (comes with English subtitle)但是好貴 X___X 這次可以說是完全跟濱崎步無關 早在去年宣布要開拍的時候我就已經想看了 it's got my favourite 仲間由紀惠 *o* (by the way, 仲間由紀惠曾根松本潤傳過誹聞~~ 據說潤都是直接叫"由紀"的!!! :p ok, back to the topic) 認識我的人應該都知道只要是日本古裝片 不論是什麼時代我都超愛!!! i watched quite a lot of 大和劇 such as 瀧澤秀明的[義經], 香取慎吾的[新撰組], 松島菜菜子, 反町隆史, 堂澤壽明等大製作的[利家與松], 木村的[織田信長], [忠臣蔵 1/47]... 還有[大奧], [陰陽師]我也是超愛~ the only reason i watched [The Last Samurai] is cuz it took place in 明治時期的日本 :p
當我看到official site上的背景 故事大綱就已經完全的愛上了!!! *o* 加上大製作, AYU, 沒有一樣是我不喜歡的!!! 我想即使不好看 我也會下意識的覺得好看 :p
Boxing Day = 大豐收 = 大出血
連續好幾天超high~ 今天只睡了2個小時 7點起床去shopping~~ bought so many stuff!!! cant believe i actually bought more than last year
- 圍巾
- 牛仔褲
- 西褲 X2
- 毛線衫 X2
- 西裝外套
- Winnie the Pooh相框
- Winnie the Pooh Cubee
- Stitch (超沒用的)decoration
- Disney Store boxing day cup (免費的)

今年已經很control自己了 沒有因為便宜就隨便買
今年的遺憾: saw this really nice Puma boots that only cost $130 but didnt even try it on >___<
感覺今年沒有特別便宜 但是非常多人 排隊像在排ride :p Club Monaco 最誇張 排了1個半小時 (聰明的KK把衣服丟給我們就閃人了... j/k, j/k :p (in case you are actually reading this..)) 不過今天最便宜的真的是Club Monaco~ my pair of jean only cost $15!!! @____@

Music Station Super Live 2005
before i started my comment on MS Super Live... let me just state that 我非常不喜歡KAT-TUN我非常不喜歡KAT-TUN我非常不喜歡KAT-TUN我非常不喜歡KAT-TUN我非常不喜歡KAT-TUN!!!! why da hell they get to come out so early?? 根本沒出過CD的group為什麼可以這麼紅 >___< 今年一月看GOKUSEN2的時候就不太喜歡了 因為演松潤的接班人 :p (松本潤當年演金田一的時候我也不是太喜歡 有先入為主的觀念吧) 但是不知道為什麼 收視率超好... 比木拓的[Engine]還高 今年收視no.1的日劇 but i find it pretty boring... only watched it cuz it's got 仲間由紀惠... 然後偶然在Music Station看到他們的live 心想反正都download了 看一下吧 forgot what song they sang, 是一首抒情歌 但是前面有一大串不make sense的英文 intro... X____X spoken with their broken English....嚇死人了 如果是快歌或RAP就算了 但是是非常慢的love song 好恐怖
而且基本上 除了最紅的赤西仁跟龜梨和也 其他4個長的實在長的太像黑社會的了!!! i dont get how they got into Johnny's.... and (個人意見) 我覺得KAT-TUN根本就是Johnny-san隨便取的名字 也沒打算讓他們已KAT-TUN出道的 "KAT-TUN"ˇ這個名字是以每個人的姓的第一個英文字母取出來而取的... 真的是非常隨便... Junior 時期很多都是這樣 然後再把一個group裡比較有人氣的挑出來重新組group 正式出道 其實以前嵐成員 - 松本潤, 二宮和也, 相葉雅記 也組過這種group 當時跟另一位Johnny's Jr 生田斗真(現在仍未出道)組過叫"MAIN"的group Matsumoto Jun, Aiba Masaki, Ikuta Touma, Ninomiya Kazunari 名字就是這樣來的 但是沒多久就解散 松本潤, 二宮和也, 相葉雅記就以嵐的名義出道 加入傑尼斯大約3年就出道~ 龜梨跟赤西應該是1998左右加入傑尼斯 捱了7年 才終於有點名氣 我覺得是擺太久了 想不出名都難
我不喜歡KAT-TUN的原因實在是太多了:p 最大的原因當然是他們現在太~~~紅了~ 而且缺少傑尼斯藝人該有的氣氛 - 搞笑+白痴~ 覺得KAT-TUN每個成員都很假兼不會講話 感覺conversation會接不下去 赤西仁站的時候總是擺出一副model姿勢 which really bothers me :p
另外就是我非常不喜歡 龜梨和也可以跟山下智久一起演戲 而且還演主角!! 龜梨加入傑尼斯的時候是站在山下後10排backdance的說 現在竟然可以站旁邊... 山下智久是跟嵐, 瀧澤秀明, 今井翼同期(kind of :p) 可以跟他們平起平坐 不需要用敬語的 其他NEWS, KAT-TUN成員看到他們都還要象徵試的點個頭當打招呼 (it's funny how in their concert backstage clips 比起跟自己的團員 山下智久更常跟嵐, 瀧&翼在一起)
ok i think u got my point, this is longer than what i intended to say :p
Music Station Super Live
i was so disappointed about this year's stage.... it's so normal compare to last year... where's the x'ms tree?? 而且今年也沒有像去年的大製作...
最先出場的是SMAP然後是Ketsumeishi, AYU, Orange Range, NEWS, KAT-TUN (grrrr i believe it's the FIRST and LAST time 年輕一輩的傑尼斯藝人get to come out so early and stand beside Tamori-san) 最後出場的有安室奈美惠, Remioromen, B'z
打頭陣的竟然是KAT-TUN @___@ but they finally唱現場了~ (all Johnny's artists sang live!!)
i love their performance~ it's so joyful :p 雖然因為沒有從四面八方跳出來 繞場 然後走到main stage like what they always do 有小小失望 but i love how they danced in the middle round stage~~~~
her dress is way too short!!!:p 唱了[抱きしめる] great dance but nothing special and it's awfully short
i kinda liked the performance~ and how YamaP got all the attention :p 在這樣的group也不錯吧 至少焦點永遠都在自己身上
大塚 愛
[SMILY] still sound annoying to me.... 不過我覺得他今年好像變漂亮了... [Planetariun] is so goooood!!! *O*
the interview is LONG!!! and they get to sing the entire song!! @____@ 佔了7分多鐘 終於從頭到尾唱現場了~~~ 說可能是最後一次以"修二と彰"名義唱歌 但是最後一次一定是在Johnny's Countdown concert~
their performance got all the attention~ but that moving stage they are on, 是用人力推的!! XDD moving stage 然後到離觀眾席最近的中央舞台 再到main stage... 雖然我一向不喜歡傑尼斯藝人有一大群juniors伴舞 但是真的是很壯觀...
the song still sound awsome~ 但是我覺得伊藤由奈好像不麼耐看 :p 不過還是今年最幸運的藝人 只不過是在NANA裡演了5分鐘 講了一句對白 就這樣 CD大賣~ Mika好歹也捱了好幾年 :p
scary make up, scary hair style, and scary clothes :p again, i dotn like the song, it's too L'arc en ciel... and i dont like how it sold like crazy... Mika又光腳了!!! hahaha 自從2003年 在Music Super Live上PK跌倒 之後所有的大型節目都沒有穿過鞋了 XDDDD
Orange Range跟EXILE的performances都沒什麼特別..去年OR的場面真的是很壯觀 數10名bikini女郎伴舞!! 幸田来実今年穿的比去年多了~ 出場方式真是讓我說不出話...
i love their performance!!!*O* love the song!!! it's so perfect!!! but it would be better 如果有下雪~ 真是越聽越好聽~
did she lip-synched again?? why.... it's not a hard song to sing... 連傑尼斯藝人都在唱現場了 >___< ok, i guess it's probably cuz she's having a concert the next day so 要保護喉嚨..
ayu is the 2nd last artist this year.... which means no snow falling T____T 好久沒看到[HEAVEN]的live了~ but why B&D??? she should sing some new songs from her new album and she should sing B&D before HEAVEN... 現在想想 AYU是哪一年開始壓軸的?
they sang [いつかのメリークリスマス] *O* still love this song!!! 終於在最後下雪了~ 雖然是藍色的 :p

Merry X'mas Everyone!!!
這兩天玩瘋了~ :p
23號玩通宵 我的運氣似乎12點以後就用完了 玩大富翁 一個小時內輸了$4000 最後宣告破產 first time that i lost all my momeny playubg Monopoly 然後看了不可怕的日本鬼片, 千與千尋
6am 一車的人出發去機場送機 感覺好像field trip XDDD 早上的空氣感覺特別好~ 沒看過這麼少車的highway~ 20分鐘就到了~ 然後像觀光客的在機場裡照相 tension MAX!!! 像白痴一樣的依依不捨的道別 其實只是回香港2個星期 :p 大家難得這麼早還在外面逗留 決定去吃早餐 然後去逛還沒開們的Pacific Mall 人少的Pacific Mall 原來是這樣的~ hehe 今天真的體會到很多可能一輩子都沒有機會試的事+一些完全不像20歲該做的事 大家都玩瘋了 :p
then i got home around 12, 看完download的MS super live segments就睡了~ 電話調到silent mode 天搭下來 也別想吵醒我:p 睡到有點昏迷的狀態 6點起床去X'mas party~
wooo~ AYU's entire album is available for dl~ LOVE IT!! it's so good!! 之前因為 [Bold & Delicioius]有點隂影 很怕還會有類似的可怕歌曲~ but it's got quite a lot of upbeat songs!! 沒有讓我感到可怕的可愛歌!!! i love [(miss)understood] !!! and so is [Ladies Night], [In the Corner], [tasking], [criminal] and [rainy day]!! hehe, ok, that's like all the new songs in the album :p
想不到Music Station Super Live 最先放出來的竟然是傑尼斯藝人 - 嵐, NEWS, KAT-TUN and 修二と彰!! I thought 最先有的down的應該會是avex女藝人 like AYU, BoA, Otsuka Ai etc... 修二と彰 got all the attention... but it's so obvious, it's the best selling single of the year!! i'll make my comment and screencap after i finish downloading the entire show~
gonna watch Memoirs of a Geisha tml~~

Ayami's Top 10 Songs of 2005
I had a such hard time deciding btw #1 and #2.... 今年買了兩張的CD~ 這首歌的preview是被我聽到爛的~ (PV也是看到爛:p) 我非常愛快歌~ they get favoured a lot easier than ballad~ 這是一首與以往GLAY的快歌非常不一樣的歌 應該要歸功於arrangment吧~ 感覺非常新潮 同時有hip-pop的感覺跟以往的電吉他+bass的rock part~ 不虧是"世紀的collaboration" :p
02. 浜崎あゆみ - HEAVEN
AYU' ballad of the year~ it's not her best ballad... but it's definitely one of top ones!! 老實說 第一次聽的時候 真的有小小的失望 (cuz the preview is way TOO good :p) 但是其實真的是一首很浪漫的歌~ 日本古樂器完全配合電影的主題~
03. 浜崎あゆみ - STEP you
聽到這個超奇怪的名字的時候 真的不抱什麼期望 =P 我一向都不喜歡這種happy-happy有元氣的歌~ but this is different, loved it when i first heard it!!! 這應該是我今年聽preview聽最多次的歌吧~ this is ayu's first happy-happy song i liked since [Fly High]
04. CHEMISTRY - almost in love
this is gotta be their best ballad since [YOUR NAME NEVER GONE]~ chemistry disappointed me big these 2 years... 這是讓我對他們的音樂重拾信心的歌~ typical ballad, but i love it~ compare to EXILE, 我還是比較喜歡CHEMISTRY... 覺得EXILE唱歌有氣無力 :p not like CHEMISTRY~~
05. YUI - Tomorrow's way
年僅18歲的創作型歌手~ first song heard from YUI is the theme song of [不機嫌なジーン]~ 越聽越喜歡他的聲音 然後出這張單曲的時候真的非常非常喜歡 i usually get bored of slow songs very quickly, but i still love this song now!! but somehow i NEVER thought of getting her singles.... 而且好像越來越不喜歡"她"... 給人的感覺太囂張了... but she is such a good singer 日本現在唱的最好的18歲吧~
06. 嵐 - Lai-Lai-Lai
first off, this is not here because "I like Arashi, so they have to be in the top 10"!!! the melody seems kinda weird to me at first but i always loved weird melody songs~ 電子琴, 豎琴, brass band 加上超快的節奏 超讚~ 當然 "i like Arashi"絕對有對這首歌加分 說沒有才沒人信呢 :p 看完Music Station的live後又加分了 the dance move of this song is awsome!!! (i think i'm very picky about "dance" since i grew up watching Amuro's dancing :p 從不覺得日本有幾個跳舞跳的好的 但是ARASHI真的跳的很好!!!!! 非~~~~~~~常整齊 讓我對傑尼斯稍微有點改觀...) i cant believe my top 10 only has 3 up-beat songs... 今年的快歌少的可憐
07. 柴咲コウ - Sweet Mom
i was actually kinda disappointed when i first heard the song... cuz it's way too slow 而且整首歌來講 太沒有起伏了... not my style :p 但是越聽越好聽!!! 不知道為什麼柴崎幸的歌我都非常喜歡 是聲音嗎? 還是唱法? 我也想知道...
I really loved this song when I first heard of it... and I can just listen to it non-stop for the whole day.... but 還是有一點點聽厭了 ^^" the PV is so low budget but it's so touching *o* a really beautiful ballad~
09. 大塚 愛 - プラネタリウム
I only find this song so-so at the beginning, it's got really nice melody but i dont like 1) the lyric, actually, i'm totally fine with it until "あの香りとともに花火がぱっと開く " translation: "Both the smell and fireworks going 'bang' " 2) i dont like the way she sings.... 聽起來有氣無力 給別人唱我會比較喜歡 :p 不過因為是[花樣男子]的插曲 越看越覺得好聽~ 現在聽到一定會聯想到[花樣男子]
10. レミオロメン - 粉雪
beautiful, a bit old-style song~ 一點R&B, hip-pop成分也沒有~ 現在已經很少見了~

i made these 10 songs into 1 file~ cut about 1min from each song and combined them~ (in random order :p)

X'mas break begins~
my x'mas break finally started officially!! 其實星期三就unofficially的開始了 :p woohoo~~
要開每天沒有目標 沒事做的日子了~
by the way, [花樣男子]的最終回收視率有22.4%!!! 平均有19.7% 秋季稱冠了!!!(?) yay~~~~ 同樣是傑尼斯藝人現在人氣超旺的山下&龜梨主演的[野豬大改造]最終回也才18%~ NEWS兼Kanjani8的錦戸亮雖然演了號稱今年最感人的日劇 [1公升的眼淚] 但是收視普通~ 以前演傑尼斯藝人身邊的配角因為[Orange Days]升上男主角的成宮寬貴所演的[愛之歌]收視也只有10%左右 還沒完結的(我討厭的伊東美崎演的)[危險姊弟]也應該不成威脅
awwww [花樣男子]結束了 好想失去了目標 :p but i love how MatsuJun still talk like 道明寺~ Arashi的聖誕卡上還寫"俺様" 中文可以翻成"本大爺" XDD
接下來到一月中都沒有日劇看了T____T 希望今年的新年special會有好看的.... but that's ok, i got TONS of stuff to watch :p
2 more days till Music Station Super Live *o* gotta clean out more space and get ready for that~
i did the worst exam ever in my life today :p 真的很怕會fail...不是平常那種明明知道有70分 嘴上還要說"I failed my test"的那種 這次是真的 :p 原因:
1. 自作自受 沒唸書 weekend還出去shopping+看電影 :p
2. 被騙了 根本不是cumulative 只考了最後兩個chapters 非常的detail!!!! X____X
算了 我看死prof會bell mark :p
and i finally put all my cd and dvd into their new home~ @____@ 我真是小看自己了 原來我有這麼多CD & DVD... 根本不夠擺 >___< (我房間最值錢的地方 :p) 多到我不敢數 :p... 要是被姊姊看到 一定會從此被經濟封鎖 XD

Single Chart
Album Chart
no. 1 single goes to 修二と彰 兩個20歲的靠長相賣CD的傑尼斯藝人~ 2005年 taught us: 1)雖說CD市場不景氣 但是看來花父母錢的高中生還是最有消費力的~ 創下史上新記錄 3個星期成為年間no. 1單曲~ 還有就是 傑尼斯真是了不起 到底還可以當道多久? Top 30 光是傑尼斯藝人就佔了6個名次!!! 2) 1+1不等於2! i'm referring to both 修二と彰 and GLAYxEXILE~ 如果是自己出的話 一定不可能賣這麼好~
不過最讓我最佩服的還是Kinki Kids!! 修二と彰會賣還可以理解 畢竟是龜梨和也的首張CD... 不過為什Kinki Kids可以紅這麼久? 說長相 傑尼斯理不算特別出眾 說唱歌 也是普通 說跳舞 跳的好的人也很多 ... 不明白.......
短短兩個月 Orange Range有兩張單曲被擠出前10了~ 諷刺的是最低ranking的[キズナ]是我認為今年他們最好聽的歌~
AND it's the first year that Hikki is not on the chart!! 別說是Top 30 竟然連Top 50都進不去 @___@ 慘... 新歌[Passion]第一週銷售量竟然只有[Be My Last]的一半 第4名是Hikki有史以來最低的吧?... but it's actually a nice song... 證明了 在日本(女藝人)不注重打扮是行不通的...
as for the album chart.... i got nothing to say... except that i'm kinda surprised that OR's new album didnt reach 1 million @____@
2005年的Top 100 single裡我買了9張, 全部日版!!! album裡買了7張, 3張日版 4張台版.... 去年說要控制買10張以下... 我以後不會再說這種不可能的事了 :p
still gotta buy... (all oversea versions! no extra $$$ for them now...)
- Do As Infinity - Do the A side
- Nakashima Mika - BEST
- CHEMISTRY - fo(u)r
- Hirai Ken - Uta Baka
went shopping and watched King Kong on saturday~ the ending is sooooooooooooooo sad >___< 人類真是醜陋的動物 but there are actually a LOT parts that doesnt make sense... 算了 反正也是看特效而已
and Kingdom Hearts 2's preview is SOOOOOOOOOOO good!! *O* Stitch 跟Pooh都超可愛~ Captain Jack (from Pirate of the Caribbean) 跟Jecht (from FFX) 好有型~ 不過最帥當然還是Cloud~
and i played FFXII demo the other day... i'm so disappointed about the graphic.. 感覺跟FFX沒有太大的進步... and i dont like the battle mode >___< it's too complicated for me :p 我喜歡relax的玩 不是每分每秒都要注意發生什麼事 but it looks like it has really good story....
(by the way, i'm not done my exam yet :p)
and i forgot to mention, GLAY appeared as guest on the last day of EXILE's concert tour!!! and performed [SCREAM] together *o* does it mean that it will get recorded and release as DVD??

花より男子 Final Episode Special
awwwwww~~ i love the ending even tho it kinda sucked =P it's so sweet and X'mas!!! and they made everyone to have a good ending except for the 2 main characters... =___=" 可以說是有ending=沒ending的那種.... but what's with the "see you soon" at the end.... 要拍續集的意思嗎??? they better!!!
延長15分鐘的完結篇 但是其實真的不需要 the TOJ part is way too long..
and i really think that girl is a good actor!! usually, i HATE when girls started crying... it's just annoying but 看到井上真央哭 真的會讓我覺得 "awwwww" or maybe it's just cuz i like this drama too much :p
and for the soundtrack, i cant beleive the guitar and piano versions of 大塚愛的"Planetarium" is not included!!! those are the songs that i really wanted!!! T___T but "WISH" acoustic version is so nice~~ *o*

My fav 3 scenes~
no. 01 - 道明寺對要去跟花澤類約會的杉菜說 只要道歉就當什麼事都沒發生過

no. 02 - 杉菜被花澤類責備後 在回去的路上哭 這一幕+背景音樂再適當時候出現 真是讓我印象深刻~

no. 03 - 道明寺因為杉菜被打

從10月開始追的日劇 終於結束了 這絕對是我長這麼大 最瘋狂的一次 XD 不管是考試 交assignment我都可以不理 讓我過了2個月的 有期待+開心+無憂無慮的星期五!! 然後在短短幾天裡愛上了Arashi XDDD 不過其實我應該是早就中毒了
LOOK 一年前 我就說過頗喜歡松本潤~ 只是我一直抗拒聽傑尼斯藝人的音樂 所以才沒開始瘋... 為什麼抗拒? that's another story, write that part later :p
Memoirs of a Geishai finally wateched the trailer online today~ but was going to watch it anywayz, simply because it took place in JAPAN :p that's THE and ONLY reason why i wanna watch it~ 我超愛日本古都!!! whatever story took place in the past, 我絕不會錯過~ (this is nothing to be proud of, but 我的日本史絕對比我的中國史好數萬倍 :p)
so i watched the trailer... 讓我真的不明白...
1) 為什麼要早章子怡演????????? WHY??? 明明一副
大陸中國人臉 完全不像日本人... 小雪, 仲間由紀惠 或是任何一個日本女演員都比較好
2) 為什麼明治時期的日本講著流利的英文??? [臥虎藏龍]可以整部片說中文 為什麼現在就不可以說日文? 看著穿和服的人說英文 just doesnt make any sense >____<
and one more thing.... 我知道我耳朵不好 常常聽錯... 我已經問過許多人 大就都說是我聽錯了 但是我還是不死心... go to the official site and go to "Video" and watch the trailer.... 一開始 兩個小女孩說完話 然後其中一個女孩爬上屋頂 她說了什麼??? 我覺得我想聽到"我的天啊" in 國語!!! X____X ok, i'll go watch the movie and proof that you ppl are all wrong!!! and 如果是我錯的話..... 我就承認我有幻聽 :p
got the pv today~~ it's so low budget.. but i love it *o* love that christmas tree, the snow and the colour of the entire pv!! :p

and stop giving me the "Johnny's fan" speech :p I AM NOT!! 有哪個聽日文歌的人沒聽過kinki kids的歌? i'll laugh at you if you tell me that!!
still waiting for [花樣男子]完結篇... cant wait to watch it~ 最近開始重看[荒太的動物日記] it's soooooooooo touching!! *o* awwww~~ 但是松本潤到底什麼時才出來 =____="
list of drama/movie i'm gonna watch during x'mas break:
- Stand Up!
- 阿南的小情人
- 女婿大人
- Nurseman
- Tokyo Tower
- 新宿少年偵探團 (no subtitle T___T)
- 半個醫生
- 溫柔時間

My awfully long X'mas Wishlist =)
computer stuff
- USB harddrive
- new CPU
- new motherboard
- DVD burner
Jpop stuff
- Arashi 2004 Iza, Now concert DVD
- Arashi 2003 How's It Going concert DVD
- Arashi 2005 concert DVD (scheduled to be release on Jan 1, 2006?)
- Arashi 2006-2007 calendar
- AYU [Bold & Delicious] single
- AYU new album [(miss)Understood]
other random stuff
- Panasonic VS3 cell phone!!
- CLOTHES!! (i think i only bought ONE single piece of shirt since i came back from Taiwan)
yeah, and starting from january 我又要過回貧苦的生活了...
我的電腦的病情越來越嚴重了 not only it restarts by itself, CPU跟RAM上去了就下不來了... IE時常crash.... 發出怪聲等嚴重的sympton.... 從10年級用到現在 該換電腦了 haha, but i'm still not gonna spend so much on it this time $500 is my maximum :p, as long as i can run Photoshop, i'm satisfied
i said some wrong stuff during my presentation... but that's ok, it's over :p and good that my group members didnt seem to care =P 老實說 現在想想 我的group真是最harmony的group!! (雖然我常抱怨) 看到別人的group 真是覺得自己很lucky~ 白人真的是很... 假 明明什麼事都沒做 但是又"講"的好像所有是都事自己做的 超低級... 一想到下個term可能會跟那些人一個group就感到害怕 >___<
Things to do
- watch J-drama!!! i have like 20GB of 沒看的日劇!! gonna start off with 堂本剛的[荒太的寵物日記] 裡面竟然有松潤客串!!! 完全不記得有說 @____@
- gonna play FF12 demo tonite
- watch "D no Arashi"~~ i had so much fun watching it!! the things they do are SOOOOOO stupid XDDDD 不過同時可以看的出來他們腦袋很好 (at least for Sho and Jun)
- slack off
- ........ and study for my last exam (oh well, still got plenty of time :p)
wow! 宇多田竟然只拿#3 on Oricon!!! 真是奇景!!! i cant believe it!! "Passion" deserve better than that!!! 從沒想過倖田來未也可以有今天 2001年在Music Station Super Live上看到她的時候根本沒有多少人認識吧!!

actually, i still have a major project due tml... waiting for my group member to finish up so we can all test it and proof read the conent then we can discuss about the presentation... 雖然今天晚上不到3, 4點都沒的睡 but i actually got nothing to right now 可能是因為明天後就解脫了(暫時性的) 現在一點壓力都沒有~ presentation? i'll just read from the paper :p (j/k)
had my final today and handed in my other major assignment that worth 15% ~ and Andrew~ 過去的4個月我都錯怪你了!!! so we had a vote in class to decide whether we will do the presentation for our project or just watch a movie that he brought 結果當然是看電影啦~ i'm so glad that i spent less than 30 min on the presentation last night!!!
so yeah, since i got nothing to do now, might just 說說廢話
Music Station Super Life 演出者名單
AI, aiko, 安室奈美恵, 嵐, アンダーグラフ, 伊藤由奈 (REIRA starring YUNA ITO), 上戸彩, EXILE, 大塚愛, オゾン, ORANGE RANGE, KAT-TUN, Crystal Kay, K, ケツメイシ, 倖田來未, コブクロ, 島谷ひとみ, 修二と彰, スキマスイッチ, SMAP, D-51, 東京事変, TOKIO,トンガリキッズ, DREAMS COME TRUE, 中島美嘉, NEWS, 浜崎あゆみ, B'z, V6, BoA, ポルノグラフィティ,松浦亜弥, モーニング娘。, L'Arc~en~Ciel, レミオロメン.
沒什麼驚喜 but 修二と彰 is on while both NEWS and KAT-TUN are on?? that is so unfair... :p was NEWS on last year? 一點印象也沒有... i probably skipped their part :p AND why is KAT-TUN there?? 還沒出道的小鬼 (some of them are actually older than me :p) 憑什麼上這種大型音樂節目 最多也只算"Johnny's Jr."...
awww 後藤真希今年沒的出場? 但是松浦亜弥有? 真是風水輪流轉... and when is 柴崎幸 going to go on those music show? T____T
hope the next topic wont scare you away...
Kinki Kids - SNOW! SNOW! SNOW!
完全愛上了這首歌!!! 一開始只是無聊 覺得名字很可愛 (不知道為什麼 我對"雪", "Snow", "White" 等字眼無法抗拒)所以download了他們上Music Station的live來看 最近 我看live一像是前面看10秒 中間10秒 結尾10秒 close window :p 但是這真是一首聽了第一句就沒辦法skip的歌!!! I LOVE the very first line!! 很少有歌第一句就是chorus(算是吧...)!! and 我超愛這種結構的歌!! 聽到這個名字的時候 加上是X'mas 以為一定是慢歌或是很可愛的歌(like Amuro's [White Light]) 但是這首歌出乎意料的 是一首節奏很快的歌~ and i love the lyric!!!! *o* i'm gonna download all their live and pv of thsi song!!! haha, 我還是要強調 我不是傑尼斯fan... (大概沒有人會相信我了...) this is the first song i liked from them since like.... 2001 or 2002!!

今天真是一肚子氣... even tho i knew this is gonna happen ..... 完全不明白為什麼要一早去學校然後各有各做... omg 看到她用photoshop真是讓人生氣... 永遠都犯同錯誤 然後"oops" layers沒有overlap的話根本不用reorder順序吧?? 對著螢幕想半天 just do it 然後再決定嘛 Photoshop has a function called "undo"!!! text的話 就算是同一個layer也可以有不同顏色+font 為什麼要弄成4, 5個layers然後一個一個edi....... 明明就是非常簡單的事 弄了30分鐘 我自己弄得話5分鐘就夠了 X_________X 3點的時候me and the other guy in my group已經沒事做了 我實在忍不住了 決定先走 我感覺的到他也很想走 但是他要等the girl to give him her stuff
actually, 我的group真的是很好~ they are nice ppl that are easy to get along with 但是就是太不夠efficient+喜歡聊天+喜歡留在學校(the girl actually)
一轉眼就10點了 X____X gotta work on my second project and get it done tml..... 然後星期一要溫書 星期二要prepare for presentation.......
i'm gonna spend the rest of the day watching drama and D no Arashi!!! 其他的是明天再說吧!! :p
重看[寵物情人] 覺得比以前好看數萬倍!!!! momo好可愛!!!!!!
i dont get where all my space go.... 120GB為什麼只剩不到2GB??? 我已經沒有什麼日劇or港劇啦... 一大堆大型的音樂節目也burn了 why????? >___< ok 接下來要對mp3開刀了....

花より男子 episode 08
NEXT WEEK IS THE FINAL EPISODE??????? WHAT??? this is so weird, J-drama is usually 10~11 episodes long, why is this season so freaking short????? awwwww 過了下星期就再也看不到捲髮的松潤了 也看不到一天到晚罵"醜女"的道明寺司了.... 上星期的收視創了新低 17.3% 不過我可以理解~ 杉菜跟類約會 連我也不是很想看說~ 但是下星期一定要贏啊~ 絕不可以輸給KAT-TUN龜梨和也的[野豬大改造] 跟沒有大明星的[熟年離婚] (21.4%) and 我第2不喜歡的女演員 因為[電車男]現在大紅 - 伊東美崎的[危險姊弟]~
第8集真的很精采~ 台版剪掉的TOJ比賽!!! we got to see MatsuJun 跪坐+示範日式茶道的喝法, 說國語 (別說我有偏見 真是講的超級好!!! 該捲舌的地方都有捲 even i dont talk like that!!! 讓我懷疑是不是配音的 但是那是他的聲音!!! 絕對是我見過中文講最好的日本明星) 還有~~~~ 彈鋼琴!!!!
awwww cant believe next week is the final episode >___< that means they cut 在雨中分手的part.... 不過這部戲真是小學生level.... 除了第2集跌倒誤打物撞的kiss, 第3集的kiss未遂 根本沒有別的親熱鏡頭 that's ok, 我不想看 :p (me not 變態 it's just that i think the girl不夠漂亮 配不上松潤
hope next week will have the soundtrack....


想到明天要早起+go to school 心情就變低落了T____T
鬼天氣 >___<
慘~~~ 一大早要去學校交assignment.... 早上kennedy的路況很差... 平常不到10分鐘的路程今天開了快45分鐘 >____< 上highway後看到路況跟平常一樣 真是太開心了 T____T 光是開車就用光了所有的精神.... 回家的時候雪容的差不多了 以時速80開回家 覺得早上有點無謂
雖然有一大堆work 雖然明天又要早起去學校 今天晚上我還是要不顧一切 等著download[花樣男子]第8集!!!!! :p

FNS歌謠祭 2005
我覺得自己不找苦吃都不行 難得明天不用早起 卻還要三更半夜的在這裡做無聊事 (下禮拜有1個exam, 2個major projects due, 1 stupid report ....) and i did absolutely no work today :p spent my day watching [D no Arasho] XDDD watching them doing stupid stuff is so relaxing~~ (超慘 friday, saturday, mon~wed 都還要早起去學校 T____T)
anywayz, i actually only downloaded few artists' performances... AYU, Arashi, Otsuka Ai, BoA, and....... SMAP :p still waiting for Ito Yuna (and maybe Mika?) 今年沒什麼特別... 十年如一日的舞台... but this year 主持人是黑木瞳~~~ she's getting old but still look awsome *o*
大塚愛的live.......實在是太無聊了 從10月開始 每一個live都一模一樣 .... 虧我最近還越來越喜歡這首歌說 (HanaDan effect :p)
BoA的[MeriKuri] is awsome!!!!! *O* i watched it twice!!! even tho it's song form last year, but it fit the season :p and her singing is GOOD!!!! awwwww~~~
松潤 (from Arashi)終於弄直頭髮了!!! T____T i wanna see him with straight hair on MS Super Live too!!!! awwww, 直髮kakkoii!!! *o* awwww~~ and V6 are so supportive~ 中途都在拍手打拍子~ (by the way, AYU 坐在第一排的正中間~~ sign of her status~~~) but why is there crystal clear version for AYU but not Arashi.... hope there will be better version tml T___T
last but not least, AYU~ thought she's gonna sing [HEAVEN] but sang [Pride] instead~ both are fine to me :p love her 頭飾~ love the orchestra, love her back up singers, 看起來超壯觀~ love the part she yell out "I want my pride" AWWWWW~~ i'm starting to like the song!!!

Where are the fans??
(clap, you guys, this is another non-Arashi post)
i can't believe my eyes!!! after my made fun of Hikki's poor sale last time.... 這次AYU的新單曲竟然只有8.4萬張 @___@ 雖然連我也不是很喜歡... 但是我expect至少有12萬張左右 i hope this wont affect her album sale >_____<
Winter season is like the time for best album :p B'z精選集賣了76.2萬張~ 平井堅精選第2個禮拜就賣了129.6萬張~~ *o* 利害 中島美嘉的精選第一個星期應該也會有50萬張吧~ and Mika's got no no. 1 single?? unbelievable, even BoA had ONE :p
另外 矢田亞希子([野豬大改造]第一集裡說的女藝人~) 跟押尾學(兩人曾一起演過[大和敗金女/大和撫子], [夢で逢いましょう])要結婚了!!! 不過好想鬧的很嚴重 要解散fan club, 退出事務所等.... 為什麼會又這麼變態不體諒人的fans呢 難道真的希望自己的偶像 一個人孤獨終老嗎?? 對我來說只要是俊男美女組就ok了 :P

Baka :p
i cant stop laughing when i was watching this episode of [Dの嵐!]
part 1: 人可以靠氣球在天空飛(浮?)嗎?

答案是可以的!! 3600個氣球可以讓55kg的相葉在空中游泳 :p but they are so stupid!!! 用扇子扇風的時候超搞笑 全場觀眾都在扇喔~
part 2: 如果把水, 蜂蜜, 油 and 冰倒進同一個容器 會是什麼順序~
相葉的預想 (全錯 :p)

松潤跟翔認為油在上面~ *o* 正確答案~ 就在我想 "好聰明"的時候...
翔: "吃拉麵的時候 油不是都浮在上面嗎?" hahaha, 翔, can't you give a better example? 大學生說...
相葉: "對喔!"
松潤: "反應太慢了"


at the bottom of oil and above water~

Utada Hikaruon Music Station, singing [Passion] *O* I LOVE the song! i like the stage, i like 動作超大的band, i like her hairstyle, i like her make up (not those scary American style anymore) and i like what she's wearing!!!

花より男子 episode 07
對我的新layout有意見的話可以不要來!! 就算不喜歡嵐也請繼續來這裡~
今天的torrent不知道為什麼 比平常早了2小時出!!! 早起的鳥兒有蟲吃~ 我今天也不知道為什麼比平常早2個小時開始去stand by :p 又不知道為什麼的 download speed超快!! lucky~~ 我現在每個禮拜最期待的就是星期五!!! 不管有什麼煩惱都可以忘掉~ 松潤是我的精神支柱 :p (*暴走中)
雖然上禮拜說會skip杉菜跟類約會的part, but i didnt.... good that it's not too long... 但是還是覺得到明寺好慘 >___< 不過還好日劇沒有拍的很過分.... 杉菜已經確定自己想歡道明寺了~~ 還有4集~
最近我覺得我已經瘋的非常嚴重了 我現在居然覺得嵐的歌非常非常非常好聽@_______@ omg... 想想我當初喜歡上AYU, GLAY 花了相當長的一段時間說... (可能是因為一開始對嵐完全不抱期望 所以發現他們其實還頗有實力時 很意外)
不過他們的綜藝節目真的非常好笑!! 耍白痴功力MAX!!! =P 傑尼斯藝人真的很會搞笑!!
說說[Best Aritst Award]吧~
最讓我impressed的竟然是中島美嘉!! acoustic ver sound awsome!! and her singing is actually pretty good~ but "眠れないよ" 這句還是聽起來很刺耳 不管是不是故意這樣唱 聽起來刺耳就是表示"有待加強"
宇多田光唱的是[Be My Last]... 失望... 大塚愛唱[Planetarium] as expected... 開始看[花樣男子]後越來越喜歡~ 不過如果這首歌給別人唱會更好... 修二&彰又是對嘴 (yes i downloaded it .. >___< *hide in shame) 我實在很想知道他們演唱會是不是也對嘴 :p
watched AYU's live on music station~ i think i really like [Pride] now!! i started humming without noticing it myself!! (need to listen more now...)
首先 我要聲明 i have nothing against EXILE!! i like them too!!! (只是我現在比較喜歡嵐 :p)
but someone pointed this out to me.....

...... whatever you say, i know there are coincedents in this world... 巧合就巧合吧 :p

New Layout - version 7: Blue
you did not go to the wrong page~~ this is no Arashi/MatsuJun fan site, call me fangirl, 我承認 now i can (you can too) stare at my blog for hours :p shouldnt be surprised, you know that this day will come sooner or later :p 根本沒想到要design新的layout的 happens that i'm 2 hours ahead of my schedule, and since i have my Photoshop open, might as well make a new layout for my blog :p
i had a such hard time choosing which photo to use~ 每一張我都喜歡 所以 全部都用吧!!! :p so there~ hope it will give you people some surprise everytime you visit~~~~~ (tho 嵐跟松潤的圖不成比例 :p)
anyone who knows html would know that this is the most stupid website ever built :p i got so lazy and didnt wanna touch the coding after i finished the layout in Photoshop...... so I just throw the entire layout as one big pic XDDD dont even wanna do any table, but i assume most ppl today have fast internet connection, won't make a difference anywayz :p (dont worry if u have no idea what i'm talkin about)

Layout © Pieces of a Dream by
Ayami. All Rights
Recent Tracks

Say Something!!!
Anime: Code Geass
Manga: Vampire Knight, Skip Beat!, Fruits Basket, ヒカルの碁
Song: almost in love, HEAVEN, Hero, とまどいながら, CAN YOU CELEBRATE?,
, HOWEVER, pure soul, It Takes Two, Wait & See~リスク~, SEASONS, Moments, 夜空のムコウ
Singer: 浜崎あゆみ, GLAY, 嵐, 安室奈美恵, CHEMISTRY,
仲間由紀恵, ともさかりえ, 柴咲コウ, 木
Flower: Sakura!!!
Fruit: ichigo~ (strawberry)
J-Drama: 1リットルの涙, 花より男子,
きみはペット, ごくせん, Trick, Good Luck, 大和撫子
[+] Hamasaki Ayumi
[+] Arashi
[+] Shibasaki Kou
[+] Ayu! Love!
[+] University of Toronto
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version 1: Sakura Drops

version 2: Orange Days

version 3: White Road

version 3.5: 波動する心音

version 4: ヒカルの碁

version 5: NANA

version 6: H E A V E N

version 7: Blue

version 8: Murasaki

version 9: のだめカンタービレ

version 10: Dark Moon

version 11: SOLDIER

version 12: Who...
Fan Listing
