
more KAT-TUN news................................. 
finished my assignment around 1, so i spent some time surfing the net and... found out that KAT-TUN's preview of their debut song is available for dl already (他們的fans已經瘋了 也難怪 等了這麼多年:P)

arrrrrr, i dont wanna admit this, but, KAT-TUN's 出道單曲 sounded AWSOME!!!!! 這是我聽過最不"傑尼斯"的一首歌 (if u heard Arashi and News' debut songs, you'll know what i mean) well, obviously, cuz i t's compsed by Tak Matsumoto from B'z!!!!! >___< 日本 no. 1 人氣+銷售量的B'z... 作詞是SMAP的[夜空下的一邊](<- my fav SMAP song~)的作曲/詞者 簡單的說 就是超有名人!!! but good that it's not composed by TAKURO from GLAY 不然我就會常矛盾的去買他們的單曲 :P

不過真的是太浪費了 這麼好的一首歌... 居然給KAT-TUN唱... they CANT'T SING compare to Arashi or NEWS!! Arashi & NEWS都是"average"很會唱 Arashi是大野非常會唱 其他4人"頗"會唱, NEWS則是每個都唱的OK (actually, NEWS 是被公認最會唱的傑尼斯group), KAT-TUN是唱最多的兩個都唱的"普通"(i'm such a generous person :p but 龜梨超不夠氣) 其他4個更不用說了...

B'z的快歌我一向不太懂的欣賞 因為稲葉的唱法太"rock"了 但是沒想到給這種沒實力的傑尼斯藝人唱竟然剛剛好 聽起來很pop

by the way, the name KAT-TUN wasnt even named by Johnny's 的社長, it's named by Kinki Kids的堂本光一 (i think :p) 通常Jr.時期的組group都不會出道 都是後來特別選出來的...

Johnny-san did a such good job on their debut (比Avex的"倖田来実12單曲連發"還略勝一籌), right after "修二と彰", 3連發 (that's AYU's trick idea!!!) 再加上東京巨蛋... 吸取瀧與翼出道時的教訓 這次請了名人來寫歌 有這麼多新聞... there's no way that this song won't sell.... 千萬不要破100萬啊 >___< (altho i have a feeling that it will...)

還是那句 "風水輪流轉" Jr. 時期最不起眼的KAT-TUN成員現在竟然比當時超級紅的 瀧澤秀明, 今井翼, 嵐, 山下久智還紅.....

KAT-TUN - Real Face (preview)

good that AYU's new single releases 2 weeks before the KAT-TUN-day... 可以拿2個星期的no. 1~ (>___< AYU的3冠王寶座就要跟別人分了...)


IT'S CONFIRMED THAT THEY WILL DEBUT THIS YEAR!!! yeah, after 7 years of back dancing...

i guess i dont hate "HATE" them but WTF??? 不准比嵐或是瀧與翼還要豪華的出道!!! >___<

史上初3 Title - 單曲, 專輯, DVD 同時發行: 3月22日 (didnt AYU did that before??? 那一天應該沒有人敢出CD吧!)

1) 出道單曲: [REAL FACE]
作曲: B'z的松本孝弘
now all the B'z fans are gonna buy this single too... how did they hooked up with Tak Matsumoto...

2) 出道專輯: [BEST OF KAT-TUN]


4) 出道巡迴演唱會: [KAT-TUN SPRING TOUR 2006]
9個城市 34場公演

5) 東京巨蛋演唱會 3月17日

ahhh, what's with all this???????? why do they get all the special treats?? >___< Arashi都還沒在東京巨蛋開過演場會!!! 有沒有聽過"長幼有序"?? 明明就是不被看好的團體 為什麼會不知不覺紅???? (they use to back dance for Kinki Kids, Arashi and Tackey & Tsubasa, 一直到04年都還有back dance!!!) 要不是去年的[修二と彰] 喜多川也不會讓他們這麼快出道吧

ok, fine, come and kick Koda Kumi's ass.... debute single? 70, 80萬張就好了!!! 不准超越Arashi >___< !!! Arashi is the 2nd highest debut single selling group in Johnny's~ 第一當然是Kinki Kids, i think Kinki出道單曲sold 180萬, Arashi 100萬, TOKIO, V6 50萬, NEWS 40萬, SMAP 30~40萬? i was wrong, SMAP's debut single only sold 15萬 ~

and KAT-TUN is NOT gonna be the next SMAP!!!! 明明就只有2個人紅 再麼說也是Arashi比較像吧? 至少5個人一樣紅~


everyone, 恭喜發財!!! 祝大家 學業進步 身體健康 萬事如意 心想事成 生意興隆 :p

Chinese new year... 但是沒什麼感覺 i didnt know it's today until last week, when i was chatting with my fd in class.... 結果我們兩個(比較)fob(的)都不知道是什麼時候 竟然是班上的CBC告訴我們的~ :p

such a busy day today~ (probably cuz i woke up around 2 :p) and there were awful lot of cars at Market Village/Pacific Mall when i passed by today!!! @___@ and heard from aunt that it took them 1.5 hours to line to get 叉燒/燒肉~

anywayz, such an efficient day for me~~~~~~ i'm done like 80% of my work!!!! woohoo~~~ should be able to finish it by tml... (hopefully...)

今天聽了一整天的CHEMISTRY~ awwwww, i still love their music so much!!! so i uploaded 2 of CHMISTRY's songs to share with you ppl~ my fav and the first CHEMISTRY song~
CHEMISTRY - It Takes Two

something i wanna mention about 中島美嘉's new song - [Cry No More]
- i dont like the song :p it's so repetitive
- i dont like the style of the song, >___< 什麼時候才會出現第2首[雪之華], [Resistance] or [Helpless Rain]....
- i dont like her hairstyle
- i cant believe the lyric is is SOOOOO "ENGLISH"!!! cant believe they actually use "I don't wanna cry no more"!!! that's something you'll never see in the textbook~ 日本人的英文有進步喔~ 已經從以前爛爛的 不make sense的英文進步到會用正中American English 的double negative~ :p

by the way, iTuXe is such a stupid program, its so called "Library" basically copies all ur mp3 to its default folder and sort them into different folder according to "Artists".... it's like, what's the point of that?? and it's more efficient if they are organized into album/single.... 別把大家都當白痴...


i was suppose to be researching for my project due on tue... but somehow i ended up browsing Wikipedia Japan.... and found some interesting facts (?)

"ehh" #1
原來AYU也唸過堀越高中!!! AYU跟長賴智也是同年 so does that make them classmate??? *o* (haha, am i the last one on earth to know that??) 他們高中就認識了嗎??? (兩人都沒唸完高中)

by the way, 堀越高中是出名有為藝人設計的課程~ 唸過的藝人:
傑尼斯: 松本潤, 生田斗真, 山下智久 (NEWS (<-這3人當時剛好是1~3年級~)), 岡田准一(V6), 手越祐也(NEWS), 田中聖(KAT-TUN), 長谷川純, 東新良和, 稲垣吾郎, 草彅剛(SMAP), 堂本剛(Kinki Kids), 長瀬智也, 松岡昌宏 (TOKIO)

其他: 濱崎步, 小池徹平(WaT), 藤原竜也, 松田龍平 (NANA男主角), 松田聖子, 松隆子, 友阪理惠, 酒井法子, 綾瀬遙, 深田恭子, 加藤愛, 鈴木杏, 安達祐実, 上戸彩

"ehh" #2
原來CHEMISTRY是唯一 非"傑尼斯"藝人 一出道就拿下Oricon no.1 + 賣出一百萬的group!!! awww, 第一張album賣了300+萬說 第2張也有200萬張 成為2003年的best selling album... 為什麼現在跌的這麼快? 還是唱的很好啊 T___T 難道真的是因為堂珍結婚了的關係?? CHEMISTRY是我少數從出道就開始 非常喜歡的歌星 一直到現在都喜歡(the other one is 宇多田光) i have their complete album collection :p 記得那時候CHEMISTRY是跟SPEED的今井繪理子同一天出單曲 結果卻被聽都沒聽過的"CHEMISTRY" 領先 印象分完全扣完了 (我對一出道就紅的都沒有好感 :p) 於是去試聽他們的歌 - [PIECES OF A DREAM] *o* 超級好聽!!! (yeah, that's where i stole the name from)

CHEMISTRY, it's time to release a best album!!! 雖然我每一張album都有~ 但是要是出的話 我一定會買日版的!!!

sigh.. 是詛咒嘛? [ASAYAN]出生的藝人都紅不久... but i loved that show!! i watch it every week whenever i was in taiwan... (*taking out all my CHEMISTRY cds...)

"ehh" #3
EXILE的ATSUSHI竟然是[ASAYAN]出生的!!!!!!! @____@ 而且是跟CHEMISTRY一起比到最後落敗的... 沒想到6年後竟然比CHEMISTRY紅... (雖說捱了3, 4年才開始紅 :p) 真是風水輪流轉... 但是我還是覺得CHEMISTRY唱的比較好~

"ehh" #4
倉木麻衣的[delicious way] 第1星期賣了220萬張 超越了宇多田[First Love]的205萬~


i'm behind my schedule.... i "planned" to spend about 3+ hours on my assignment today... but i spent less than 2 hours T___T oh well, i'll catch up tml... (hopefully...)

i was working in a group in class today, and this is the BEST group i have ever had!!! cuz our group is 100% chinese!! omg, i miss the "efficiency"!!! our group is the first group that finished all the work 但是也是最隨便的吧 :p "wording? who cares", "proof read? nah, it's ok" :p 我門用了中國人最愛 最efficient 最沒有team work的方法 - "split the work and do it on our own" :p

i printed more clothes for my phone at future shop~ *o* photo paper 的效果果然不一樣!!!



woo~ Yamapi's new drama in april is based on manga again!! this manga called [クロサギ] and surprisingly, 我沒有看過!!! chiense name is called [詐欺師]~ gonna go dl it now :p

speaking of NEWS, 最小的兩個member 手越祐也&草野博紀都進大學了!! 而且都是名校!! 分別是早稻田法政!!! holy crap, these guys are smart!! :p 山下智久&小山慶一郎則是明治大學的學生 這樣NEWS 8個成員裡有4個是大學生了!! awwww 櫻井翔再也不能說是"傑尼斯最高學歷"了 :p (unless they drop out of school :p) by the way, 加上櫻井翔所唸的慶應 這4所學校都是"Tokyo 6 Universities"之一~ 剩下的當然不用說 是東京大學啦~ 將來說不定會有上東京大學的傑尼斯 :p


life is no good >___< ? 
let me start with the good part~ i'm so excited about February!!! 柴崎幸, 宇多田都要出CD~ 而且都超好聽 *o* 2首preview都被我聽爛了~

AYU's[Startin'] c/w [Born To Be...] will be released on March 8~ that's gotta be one of ayu's best songs within these few years~ [Born To Be...] is going to be the opening song of Japan TV's Olympic game Torino 2006~ (by the way, 2004的opening song是嵐的[Hero] :p)

Hikki's [Keep Trin'] sound so much like [Distance] to me when i first heard it~ but that's ok, as long as it sounds good~ this single better sell good!!!

柴崎幸的[影]又是一首同樣style的歌~ 看[白夜行]第一及的時候還覺得普通 但是看到第2集的時候 就深深的愛上了 *o* i have a feeling that i'll buy the single...

宇多田光 - Keep Trin'
柴崎幸 - 影

but before all the good songs releases.... i have
10% assignment X2 one due next week which i only have like 300 words down :p
15% assignment X1 due next week
5% proposal X1 due on Feb 08
test X1 this friday

and gotta start the stupid project that doesnt worth any mark this week =___=" then there's the "client" project starting next which we will be put into groups.... Kami-sama, give me some luck!!! >___<

haha, i was so happy that i heard we are going to have more tests than assignments from one of my courses~~~ i wonder since when i started to love tests :p

and why do i have to have tutorial on friday ??? omg, that's 6 hours on friday T____T poor me....


Tackey & Tsubasa's new single [Venus] hahaha, when i heard the chinese i just cant stop laughing, haha, wtf? i can't hear anything :p ok, probably less than 20% XD 到目前為止 我聽過日本歌星唱中文唱的讓我最聽的懂的是GLAY~ 在北京演唱會唱的某大陸歌 and ironically, 那是全場演唱會裡我唯一一首我不認識的歌~ 安室跟DAI唱中文歌也是差不多Tackey & Tsubasa這種程度~ :p (but their songs are so much more slower...) did AYU ever sing in Mandarin? i don't remember...

but seriously, Tackey & Tsubasa 是傑尼斯裡唯一跳舞跳的齊的兩人組合~ (Kinki, 修二與彰跳舞都不齊 :p)

here, have a good laugh:
Tackey & Tsubasa - Venus (Chinese version)

奇怪的是 如過中文唱不好 會覺得很"好笑" 那為什麼英文唱不好就會讓人覺得"ewww"?

no idea what they are singing? 看過一次中文歌詞再聽一次就"大概"聽的懂了~

KISS中睜開雙眼 CHA CHA的節奏狂野
曖昧的甜蜜午夜 Midnight
挑逗著心不在焉 偽裝著天真無邪
遙遠的異國明月 Moonlight

眼花撩亂之間 一切瞬息萬變
誘惑在 光影間 若隱若現

你眼神中的美 讓我的心撒野
絲路漫長蜿蜒 愛情沒有終點
不確定的徘徊 現在就告別

你的魅力蔓延 像暴風般侵略
愛的誘惑光線 好耀眼

危險的紅唇滋味 喝下了一口就醉
突襲的沖動刀劍 傷了誰
戀愛的瘋狂表現 赤裸的自我呈現
遙遠的異國之約 Rendez-vous

透明呼吸之間 一切瞬間消滅
像沙漠的欲念 渴望無限

你眼神中的美 讓我的心撒野
絲路漫長蜿蜒 愛情沒有終點
不確定的徘徊 現在就告別

你的魅力蔓延 像暴風般侵略
愛的誘惑光線 好耀眼

你眼神中的美 讓我的心撒野
絲路漫長蜿蜒 愛情沒有終點
不確定的徘徊 現在就告別

你眼神中的美 讓我的心撒野
絲路漫長蜿蜒 愛情沒有終點
不確定的徘徊 現在就告別

你的魅力蔓延 像暴風般侵略
愛的誘惑光線 好耀眼




想在這青春的開始 不留下後悔好好珍惜"


讓您擔心了 對不起"

病気は どうして私を選らんだのだろう
運命なて言葉では かたずけられないよ

"病魔 為什麼要選擇我 命運 一言難盡"



"如果沒有這場病 不但可以痛快的去戀愛
也不必去依靠誰 自由自在的生存下去"

もう あの日に帰りたいなて言いません

認清現在的自己 好好活下去"

だから 私は絶対に逃げたりはない
そうすれば きっといつか

"所以 我堅決不會逃避
這樣 將來有一天一定..."

それでも わたしはここにいたい
だってここが わたしのいる場所だから

"即是如此 我還是想待在這裡





現実があまりにも残酷で きびしすぎで


将来を想像すると また別の涙が流れる

"現實太殘酷 太嚴格了
想起未來 淚水又不禁的流了下來"

木藤亜也さん 25歳で永眠
花に囲まれて 彼女は逝った

公元1989年4月23日 深夜0十55分
木藤亜也 永世長眠 享年25歲

i finished the drama on wed night (thurs morning to be exact) haha, only took me 2 days~ 整部戲不算"慘" 是以輕鬆的方式呈現出來的~ 但是裡面出現過的對話實在是太感人了~ 可能是真人真事的原因吧~ haha 很明顯錦戸亮的角色是因為要拍成連續劇而加進去的 可有可無~ 但是沒有男主角的片 誰會想看? 我一開始還以為是講愛情的戲 but i was totally wrong~ 雖說如果沒有"麻生遙斗"這個角色 故事也可以進行下去 但是他代表了女主角的無奈與絕望 也代表了旁人的無助~ 提到分手的時候 男主角一句話也沒說 也沒去找女主角 因為他的確背負不了女主角的人生 如果在一起只會帶給女主角更多痛苦 那不如分手比較好

我確實不喜歡看"愛情片" 但是這部戲的愛情成分也太少了吧? :p 其實我最喜歡的scenes是兩人相遇 & 分手~ 錦戸亮的角色實在是太好了~~ 我想看完這部連續劇的人一定沒有人不喜歡他 :p

為什麼一個15歲的少女可以這麼堅強? 好像以經看穿人生了...

*o* My Dream Phone!!! 
yesterday was such a bad day for me, bad weather, bad luck and got bitchy prof ... =____=" but that's ok, cuz i finally got my dream phone - Panasonic VS3 yesterday!!! T____T the phone that i have been dreaming since last summer.....

i love the phone!!! *O* i can't stop playing with the "auto open button" awww, but how come there's no sound when it opens... should have the "ka-chin~~~" sound like in the FF7AC movie :p and i think i'll love it even more if the entire body is in white not just the cover...

all the function inside are sooooooo japanese-ish!!! i love the "illumination" light~~ whenever ppl sents a txt msg with those faces like (^__^), (T__T), (>_<) the light will flash in differenct colours and patterns indicating the "mood"~ (so ppl, send me text msg with those faces :p)

讓人失望的是the famous [Sonic] game.... is so hard to play with that small keyboard.... it's impossible !!! but the graphic looks great!!

老實說 我平時根本就不常用手機 花這麼多錢買手機實在是非常的.... spoiled :p 但是 不趁年輕的時候享受 要等到什麼時候呢?(<-藉口) 偶爾一次沒關係吧? 加上我又不買名牌 買個電話不算什麼吧? :p

i cant stop playing with my phone last night, adding wallpapers, mp3 ringtone, and i went designing the cover like crazy :p (星期一要帶到學校用免費的lazer printer~) and i cant believe the first mp3 ringtone i added is 大塚愛的[Daisuki da yo] :p

then, i started looking for those faceplates on the internet~ 哪裡的VS3賣的最貴? 是台灣 原因一: 周傑倫代言 yeah yeah, whatever... 原因二: 送很~~~~~~多東西 such as 皮套, 車用charger, extra battery, CD-rom with ringtines, wallperps etc. 全都是原廠貨~ 原因三: 台灣哈日的人實在是太多了 這種標榜"純日系風"的手機多貴都有人買 :p 在台灣VS3要賣NT$12000, 約加幣$460 而且出了半年居然沒有降價!! 以這種沒function的手機來說 簡直就是天價!! (actually, Panasonic VS3是"少"function, Motorola V3 才是真正"沒"function :p) 住台灣/香港的人 花錢買手機應該是很正常的事 可是加拿大手機跟contract都是$0機價的勒~

but one thing that i think is great about Taiwan's VS3 is that, 只有台灣才有"獨家 日本引進版面" !!!! and 只有台灣才有送透明faceplate~

i wanna get so many *o*

Click here for more~


i started watching it since 有人強力推薦~ thanks to the invention of BT, it took me less than 2 hours to download the entire dorama!!! *o* it's sooooooooo much better than what i expected *o* way better than [在世界的中心呼喊愛情]!!! 超愛他們邂逅的那一段 and all the music sounds awsome~~ i'm ready to cry for the dorama~ :p 不過21歲的錦戸亮演15歲的高中生.... 好像有點...

錦戸亮越看越順眼~ :p not to mention he's best friend of both 松潤 & 山P~

MatsuJun looks so girly compare to Ryo :p

took our 10 years old car to do a body check today.... it's gonna cost so much to get it fix >___< 這個weekend一定要把所有的麻煩事都搞定... 下禮拜已經開始有assignment due了... 慘~~~


spent 4 hours foramatting my computer X_____X that was so much work... i dont get who ppl can format their comp twice a year... i spent so much time trying to get Adobe Suite installed... but it just wont... @#)%*+@#$ the same freaking code/program worked for me like... 2 years ago :p why is it not working now??? 後來有善心人士給我serial code 終於裝到Photoshop了!!! 但是裝到卻用不到 =___=" only got Photoshop and ImageReady working now... T____T and the reason why the rest cant be installed is: 因為裝了Microsoft service pack... sigh.... 雖然我很不想這樣說 畢竟比起apple我深愛Microsoft.... but "Microsoft, you suck!!!!" your service pack is only creating mroe problems

Jpop stuff
Utada Hikaru
she's releasing yet another single on feb. 22 called [keep Tryin'] interesting title~ hope it will sound good and sell good!!! 加油~~~

as expected, Taceky & Tsubasa won~ but way to go, Boa!!! *o* i'll be laughing so hard if BoA sold better than Koda Kumi

just in case you didnt know (this is really old information but i guess i was too obssessed with my Arashi that time so didnt have time to post about it :p) AYU will be singing both the opening and ending song of the famous PS2 game [鬼武者] (aka: Dawn of Dreams)

the opening will be [Startin'] which ayu sang on her countdown live, the ending song will be [rainy day]~ never played the game, but might give it a try if i get to hear ayu's songs playing at the beginning/ending~

and i just realized i never comment about her countdown live... oops :p it was so disappointing compare to last year... her singing is... "no good" and where are all the new songs?? >___< [Startin'] stil sounded cool tho~

i jsut realized something............. all the links/images on my blog are "aboslute link"........ shi*, i'm in big trouble if i wanna move it somewhere else one day >___< it's all blogger's fault... they generate the code automatically whenever i upload a file.... so i just use their code... >_____<

read about "absolute link" & "relative link" here :p


Clubbox sucks!!! 
Clubbox is the worst program i have ever seen!!! 韓國人寫的東西真的有夠低級 (no offense) and not only the program sucked, their site took forever to load and uses old technology such as "frame"...

大家都跟我說 "file越新 或是越多人用 download speed就越快" this is the sign of BT!!!! 但是當我跟別人說clubbox自己在upload 卻沒有人信...

so what is so bad about clubbox? 表面上看 是一個one-sided downloading program 但是其實是BT-like P2P program!! 最低級的是 沒有任何說明 的自己automatically的upload 相信很多人根本就不知道自己在upload, cuz it never show on the program!! i know some people dont mind uploading, but the problem is "honesty".... with BT, at least u can control the speed, and limit the # of peers you are connecting to...

另外一樣就是 當你開clubbox, 有一個叫fscagent.exe 會一起run~ 他就是負責幫你偷偷upload的兇手~ 但是 當你關掉clubbox的時候 這個fscagent.exe還在繼續執行~ 除非你重開機 否則你會24小時不停的max speed uplading~(not only u will get warning from ur ISP, your hard drive will die from too much stress sooner or later :p) so how to get rid of this spyware? 很簡單 task manager~ 但是有多少人會有事沒事就開task manager (girls, i'm referring to =P)?

另一件低級的事就是 clubbox的download limit是50kb/s 但是事實上 你的max upload speed通常都不只50kb/s 想要沒有download limit 就要1) 花錢加入VIP 2) 開著clubbx 集點數 (cuz you are uploading...)... so basically, they are earning money by using OUR internet bandwidth.... =____="

11月的時候 因為想download嵐以前的live 所以在沒有選擇的情況下 開使用clubbox... 之前就知到他的存在 但是嫌麻煩+沒有什麼特別想要的file 所以沒有用... 但是很可惜 現在很多新的file都是透過clubbox sharing...

so this is what u can do:
1) use some bandwidth control program to limit the upload speed, the one i'm using is called netlimiter
2) terminate "fscagent.exe" by using task manager after u finished
3) if u dont mind sharing and uploading 24h a day, leave it and wait for ur hard drive to die


Johnny's 成人式 

*shock!! KAT-TUN又創新紀錄??? 到明治神宮觀看的fans高達6000人@____@ 遠遠超越了2002年 瀧澤秀明, 今井翼, 櫻井翔 那一年的3800人... (瀧澤秀明&今井翼那時是唯一有的舉行成人式的Johnny's Jr) 不過今年人數眾多 如果除開的話 1人1000個fans 還是輸(不肯接受現實的想法) 為什麼瀧澤秀明會是出道前比出道後紅呢? 擺太久了嗎??? 如果在1998年出道的話應該會很紅吧... 以前Arashi, 瀧澤秀明 & 今井翼 & 山下智久的年代真的是很厲害 只不過是Johnny's Jr. 就可以在東京巨蛋開演唱會 而且超級有人氣 新一代的Ya-Ya-Yah, ABC, J.J. Express完全不能跟當年比... 傑尼斯出完KAT-TUN後就沒什麼人剩了吧...

Tackey & Tsubasa是Johnny's有史以來最華麗的出道吧~ 一般人出道是出"單曲" 但是他們是出"專輯" 亞洲6國同時發行 連續舉辦了幾天的東京巨蛋演唱會!!! (Arashi never even have their own concert in Tokyo Dome...) 一般人哪會一出道就開這種大型的演唱會... 所有前輩(including超難稿的SMAP) 都有留言祝賀!! 最豪華出道的就屬他們了吧~ 但是很可惜 CD賣不好~ 是時機的問題吧...

anywayz, 今年滿20歲的有稱霸日本的山下智久+龜梨和也 and other KAT-TUN, Kanjani8 members...

ehhh, [Seishun Amigo]賣了170萬張?? 2005年只算了94萬張 也就是說現在暫時也是2006年的no. 1單曲??? i wonder if KAT-TUN will debut this year... i seriously dont want to see their single selling over 1 million...

msg me if you are desperate to get the super-short-clip


and [西遊記] is soooooooooo good!!! *o* haha 第一幕一聽就覺得聲音超耳熟 原來是木村拓哉!!! 看來SMAP其餘4人也會出現 就在我心想"不是吧 室內背景?? this is no hk drama.... i cant believe they are so cheap >___<"的時候 片頭曲插入~~ "OHHHH" 超級華麗!! 原來是只有一開始木村拓哉出場的部分是室內背景~ 其餘都是室外!! the graphic and CG look SOOOOOOOO GOOD!!! (雖然看穿著中試服裝講日文有點怪...) and it's so funny~~ haha, a must watch!!!

First Week~ 
those of you who have 2 or 3 days of class, i dont wanna hear anything from you ppl, keep your mouth shut :p

so the first 2 days of school for me were pretty good~ it's the funniest prof that we had from last term~ i love the environment, long break, and we can say whatever we want to the prof~ haha, and just when i had the question "what course is this?" someone else asked it =P lol then my fd who came like 15 min late asked me the same question when she arrived~ seems like none of us is ready for school.... and only had the morning class for the 2nd day since the prof had some personal business and couldnt come~ *lucky*~~

then, we had the boring prof today X___X omg, i cant believe she kept on talking for like 3 hours straight @_______@ and when i saw the course outline... i'm like WTF, 10 assignments + 2 major projects W#$%*)@#$*@+# 超級有想把紙揉成一團丟進垃圾桶的衝動 the monday and tuesday courses only had like 5 assignemtns + the major proejcts T____T then the prof started giving us invisible stress by telling us the kind of clients from the past classes.... client, client client, presentation, presentation, presentation.... i think i'm in the wrong program >___< then the class ended after a discussion of our future jobs/internship.... arrrr, i dont wanna hear it... 就讓我繼續當駝鳥吧 >___<

and there's this "iPod nano" contest where you desgin an INTERACTIVE webpage to promote ipod nano... the winner gets CDN$500 and various apple products.... *psss 一點興趣也沒有 才不想幫apple design, i'll give it a try if it's SONY :p

oh well, my first week so far is still like holiday, i came home with nothing to do, all i did was watching j-drama :p (and i went shopping after class today)

anywayz, off to watch [西遊記] now~ 這一季有好多好看的日劇~~ 期待~~


2nd term starts... T___T 
will be sitting in the classroom, facing the same ppl in less than 9 hours X___X 希望這4個月可以過的快一點...

Boa's new song - [Everlasting] is SO GOOD!!! it's so addictive!! only find it so-so for my first listen, probably cuz the quality sucked... i'll see if it will become my fav boa's ballad, i can see it getting there :p by the way, release day is 01.18~ which is the same day as 幸田来未 =____=" 雖然我覺得BoA最deserve to get no. 1 but her single never sell... 不過還好幸田来未的是limited version 第一名應該輪不到她 =P 如無意外 應該是瀧與翼拿no. 1~ 雖然我也不是太喜歡瀧與翼 but at least they are good looking, that they actually have some QUALITY to get that no. 1 :p 幸田来未長的不好看 沒氣質 化濃妝 唱的普通 聲音不特別 身材普通 (只是穿的少) 為什麼這麼紅??? 我寧願看到BoA或是大塚愛紅也不想看到幸田来未... Avex's gottta stop trying to make her to be the next AYU >___< cuz she just cant!!!!

kinda wanna check out Tackey & Tsubasa's new single this time, cuz they'll be singing in 4 diff languages: Japanese, Korean, Chinese and Thai!! where's English?? oh well, i dont wanna hear eng ver anywayz :p only interested in the Chinese ver~

someone sent me this video... (15歲的山下智久+19歲的今井翼+some other johnny's jr) and it's so funny XDDD it's called "YamaP's Orange Juice Trick" 看的時候我也忍不住"ohhh"了一聲 :p haha, didnt know about that trick before :p anywayz, Tsubasa跟YamaP的反應實在是讓人覺得搞笑 而且還解釋不出來原理 XD (by the way, 裡面說話很大聲的是Kanjany 8裡的村上 not Tsubasa!!) 最後的對話...
Tsubasa: "接下來要怎麼辦?"
YamaP: ".... 怎麼辦?"
Tsubasa: "我該怎麼辦?"
YamaP's Orange Juice Trick

Megupload Download Zone
BoA - Everlasting
NewS + KAT-TUN - Summary
this is such a cool song~ love the ending cuz it sound so "grand"! 演唱會裡的live真的是非常"grand" but it makes 山下看起來像主角 其他人都像配角:p

2005 Music DVD Ranking
01. 26萬: KAT-TUN - KAT-TUN Live
02. 20萬: Mr. Children - Mr. Children Live Tour 2004
03. 16.9萬: Kinki Kids - Dome Tour 2004-2005-Font De Anniversary
04. 16萬: 幸田来未 - Secret-First Class Limited Live
05. 15.8萬: 大塚愛 - Jam Punch Tour 2005
07. 14萬: Orange Range - Video De Recital
09. 10.49萬: NEWS + KAT-TUN - Summary of Johnny's World
10. 10.41萬: Southern All Stars - Southern All Stars Video Clip Show
13. 8.4萬: 関ジャニ8 - Live DVD "Excite!!"
14. 8.3萬: KAT-TUN - お客様は神サマーConcert
16. 8.0萬: 濱崎步 - Ayumi Hamasaki Arena Tour 2005 A My Story
17. 7.83萬: 堂本剛 - Tsuyoshi Domoto 2nd live [si:]-First Line
18. 7.8萬: 嵐 - 2004 Arashi! Iza Now Tour
19. 7.4萬: GLAY - GLAY Dome Tour 2005"White Road"In Tokyo Dome

嵐sold more than GLAY? *shocked... that's something i dont wanna see >___< Kinki Kids實在利害 是最成功的"偶像團體"吧!! AYU is still doing ok~ if u look at the chart, 除了Mr. Children, SAS and Kinki Kids 之外所有人都是最近這1,2年才開始紅... 賣的好是理所當然~ 所有KAT-TUN related dvd sold like crazy... =___="

Q: KAT-TUN跟幸田来未 哪個比較討厭?
A: haha, this is such a hard question.... UMMMM ok 我還是比較情願看到KAT-TUN紅 :p anyone but kouda kumi!!!

anywayz, everyone, have fun in class tml T___T


2 more days >___< 
我無憂無慮的日子只剩2天了 and i still got tons of dorama to watch >___< 快樂的時光真快

i watched [里見八犬伝] it's pretty good!!! 有點鬼神之說的大和劇 日本功夫好精采!! 菅野美穂演非常可怕的巫女 友坂理惠也有客串~ 仲間由紀惠超級漂亮 *o* 但是只有前面20分鐘...瀧澤秀明演的超好+超帥:p 女主角綾瀬遙一出場就告白 這是什麼大和劇啊 XD 雖然亂七八糟的 但是還算不錯看~~

then i started watching [古畑任三郎]的新年特別連續劇 怪怪的搞笑偵探片~ 已經有10年以上的歷史了吧 由松島菜菜子所演的第3個case收視高達29%!!! 其實這個系列我覺得最好看的是SMAP的case~ 他們是以"SMAP"的名義在開演唱會之前殺人

Oricon 調查的[年末年始電視節目排行] 綜合部分
01. 紅白歌唱戰
03. CDTV Countdown Special
04. 古畑任三郎Final
11. Johnny's Countdown concert
14. 日本唱片大賞
18. 里見八犬伝

and it's so interesting that 女性投票ranking [Johnny's Countdown concert]在第3名 但是男性投票ranking is not even in the top 20 :p how unfair, 美少女的話 男女都會喜歡 但是美少年就只有女生會喜歡

by the way, 今年的唱片大賞竟然頒給靠"布少"賣CD的幸田来未.... wth?????? 她憑什麼拿? avex一定是收買了評審員... 頒給誰都不應該給她.... even 我最不喜歡的Orange Range deserve it more...



anywayz, i watched [トキオ ~父への伝言~] like 2 days ago and i still cant get it out of my mind!!! 雖然[溫柔時刻]也很好看 但是可能是因為happy ending的關係 所以看完就算了... [Tokio]的話... 我也不知道為什麼 雖說時生最後死了 但是其實也是很完美的結局 but i just cant get it out of my mind >___< 尤其是翔知道自己時日無多 背著父親大哭的那一幕 還有留言給25年後的父親的時候... awwwwww~~

一開始完全是因為"櫻井翔"才看的 完全沒想到這麼好看 我一向不喜歡這種講家庭的親情劇 因為不論別人說有多好看 有多感人 我看完以後也不會覺得感人... ([在世界中心呼喊愛情]對我來說真的很不感人 :p 大家都說很感人 [藍色生死戀], [天國的階梯]etc 那種愛來愛去的片 對我來說完全無效) 而且讓我看到哭的戲5只手指數的出來~ so this one is REALLY GOOD!!! :p i was checking the DVD boxset on cdjapan last night... 還好日劇DVD(大部分日本電影有英文字幕)沒有英文字幕 不然我早久破產了 :P

這是一部讓人看了很想skip 但是又不能skip的drama 因為一skip就會miss all the little details and clues... (where's [よい子の味方~新米保育士物語] 超想看 >___<)

已經完全愛上大塚愛的[大好きだよ] (該片主題曲) *o* i think i like it even more than [Planetarium] now!! (今天去pacific mall還特地去看oversea ver的價錢) Ai-chan 什麼時候出精選 :p

here, in case anyone's actually intersted in the song...

Megaupload Download Zone
Otsuka Ai - Daisuki da yo


arrrrr, 要開學了!!! nooooOOOOOOO~~~ >___< the next 4 months will be like hell for me.... we'll be dealing with real clients... 真慘 要做白工還要受氣 最重要的還是要看跟誰group... god, please dont put me with those a*s****** >___< i wanna be in a group where i dont have to do much and there are people who are good at bs that i can be a 啞巴 :p j/k, 只要不跟討人厭的那幾個就好

這個假期該做的事都沒做... to do list
- format my comp
- 驗車
- hair cut
- throw outt the garbage in my house
- clean my washrrom
- before-school-start-PARTY!!!

and i totally forgot about my external hard drive during boxing week >___< it's back to the original price now.... arrrrr
Arashi的松本潤 二宮和也 and相葉雅紀跟前被東山紀之&森光子一起去夏威夷度假了!! actually, i think 東山紀之是去工作的 and he brought Arashi members with him... 機票跟酒店通說都是東山紀之包的~ 但是Arashi members被迫(?)要參加當地的馬拉松大賽 :p

起床 吃 看日劇 練習flute (i'm such a good girl) 看日劇 看日劇 看日劇 看日劇 看日劇 看日劇 睡覺~

只要有日劇我就能活了~ :p and i actually enjoyed staying home for the whole day!! (最近實在花太多錢了... need to recover a bit :p)

今天看完了兩套日劇 - [溫柔時刻] which i started last night :p it's SOOOOOOOOOO good!! *o* 好感人~ 完美的大結局!!! 比起白白痴痴的搞笑片 二宮更適合演這種內心劇!!!

第2套又是講關於父子的~ 樱井翔(上圖最左邊的那個)所主演的[トキオ ~父への伝言~] 好好看!!! 又看到我想哭 :p

樱井翔飾演19歲的時生 得了不治之症 即將去世 靈魂出俏的回到了25年前 與當時的父親住了兩個星期 幫助/改變當時毫無大志的父親 並且完成了兒時未完成的心願 25年後的現在 父親(國分太一)忽然想起當時發生的事 恍然大悟原來當時的少年真的是自己的兒子 並感謝當時時生所做的一切

ending真是超級感人~~ @____@ 我果然不適合看親情劇

明天的plan: [青之炎], [阿南的小情人], [新宿少年偵探團] (<- download到中文字幕版了~~~)


omg, i didnt expect it to be that good!!! from the summary, 我已經做好心理準備會很無聊 做好要skip的準備了~ 但是真是超級好看!!!! and i never expected that 二宮(上圖最右邊的那個) can be so "型"~ :p and 北海道的風景好美 *o*

故事是講二宮因為加入暴走族 撞車害死自己的媽媽 因此跟父親斷絕關係 後來搬到父親居住的北海道 避著父親跟一位陶瓷師父學藝~ 真的看的我很感動 那到底是什麼父親啊?? 自己拋下小孩跑去國外工作 小孩學壞是理所當然的吧? 雖說害死了老婆 但是也不是存心的 失去妻子會心痛 難道失去母親就不心痛嗎? 已經沒有妻子了 連孩子都不要了嗎? 也就是說比起小孩更喜歡妻子?? 連一句安慰的話也沒有 只會責備一個19歲 人生過還不到一半 自己的親生兒子... 活了這麼多年都白活了... 不知道要如何做人父母就不要不負責任的生小孩 痛苦的只是小孩而已 說什麼"父母不管做什麼始終都是父母" 根本就是bs 小孩不管多壞都沒有錯 錯的是父母

看到二宮送禮物跟他那個無情的老爸 半夜裡跑來偷看也不敢被發現 衷心希望有一天父親會原諒自己.... 真是超級感人 (i had some tears in my eyes when Nino was crying *o*)~~ Nino is such a good actor!!!!!

今天跟人談到"對嘴" 台灣偶像歌手 - 王心凌 被批評跨年演唱會對嘴 不但不回應 還說希望歌迷體諒 omg 你以為你是誰啊? 基本上個人認為對嘴不是太大的問題 但是台灣fans超嚴格 說"對嘴不如聽CD, 演唱會名稱改成舞蹈會" 好毒 but it's so true XD 事實上你就是有對嘴啊 那就大方的承認然後道歉嘛~ 說什麼要別人"體諒" 你現在是當"歌手" 不是model, dancer 不是站在舞台上就可以的 唱現場是理所當然吧?? 出張CD就賺上百萬 歌迷要求唱現場也不過份吧? 台灣avex有夠厚臉皮 說什麼"批評她的人請試試又唱又跳看看" 這個世界上可以邊唱邊跳的人數之不盡 做不到的話就不要打腫臉充胖子 AYU就是不會跳 所以少跳 還不是可以當上日本天后... 誠心道個歉又不會死... (haha, 我的blog遲早會被hack :p)

full story 1
full story 2


2005 & 2006 日劇 
首先是2005年 收視率ranking~

1. (冬) 27.8% [Gokusen 2] - 仲間由紀惠, 赤西仁, 龜梨和也
2. (春) 22.4% [Engine] - 木村拓哉, 小雪
3. (夏) 21.0% [電車男] - 伊東美崎
4. (秋) 19.7% [花樣男子] - 松本潤, 井上真央
5. 19.5% [義経] 19.5% - 瀧澤秀明, 上戶彩

haha, find it interesting that no. 1 to 4 分別是每個季節的no. 1~ and notice how except for 電車男, the rest are all casted by Johnny's artists!!! 木村竟然輸給未出道的KAT-TUN... 不過我喜歡想成是仲間由紀惠的功勞 因為赤西仁跟龜梨和也分開演的日劇(anego & 野豬大改造)收視普通~

and some little facts about [花樣男子] 原來戲裡道明寺所穿的衣服, 鞋, 手錶 每一樣都是超~~~級大名牌 Versace, Prada, Hermes, Tiffany, Frank Muller!!!道明寺的媽媽所用的手袋每一個到上百萬 @____@ 所有的名牌+名車加來約20億!!!

and [義経] 實在是很厲害~ 演了一整年 收視都還可以這麼高~ it's such a good dorama~ love the scens *o* love 京都!!

2006年新年special瀧澤秀明又有演大和劇 - [里見八犬伝] 女主角是仲間由紀惠 she looks soooooooo pretty *o* i'm like checking the bt forum every hour... 到底什麼時候才有的download >___< [anego] special came out like out like withing 24 hour after it's broadcasted in Japan...

2006年冬季 我想看的日劇有
[夜王] - by 松崗昌宏 from TOKIO 講host club的故事~ XD 漫畫改編 應該會很搞笑~

[西遊記] - by 香取慎吾 from SMAP, 收是最高應該是這個吧~ 畢竟SMAP是國名殺手 唐三藏竟然是深津繪理 算了 一部戲裡至少要有一個女主角吧

[小早川伸木の恋] - by 唐澤壽明, 藤木直人 女主角片瀨那奈演過很多戲 但是我還是對他一點印象也沒有柴門文漫畫改編...唐澤壽明 又演醫生 *o* 但是是講婚外情.... 算了 我也只是想看人而已~ 唐澤壽明 是我第一個喜歡上的日本男演員說~

[白夜行] - by [在世界的中心呼喊愛情]日劇版的 山田孝之&綾瀨 遙~ 如果說伊藤由奈是05年最幸運的藝人 那綾瀨 遙就是04年的~ 經過audition然後可以演主角 一炮而紅~ 對其他一步一步爬上來的人太不公平了~ (我對歡那種沒有苦過就紅的藝人沒什麼好感 :p) anyway, the story is about "PURE LOVE" between a couple, the guy killed his father because of the girl and devoted his life to the girl~ 我一向不喜歡這種嚴肅的愛情故事 but this one seems really good to me~ and it's got 柴崎幸 to sing the theme song ^o^

[Unfair] - by 超過30歲但是最近人氣急升的的篠原涼子~ 為什麼出道這麼就現在才紅呢... 講女警的故事~

NWES今年有3個成員都有演出日劇~ [Gachibaka] and [Ns' Aoi] 當年演[寵物情人]裡的大配角的石原里美竟然可以演女主角了~ but i have no interest in both of these drama :p

by the way, i thought Nino's gonna have a new drama in 2006... T___T

and hey~ (最近才想到的argument) 喜歡傑尼斯有什麼好feel ashame的~ AYU loves Johnny's artist too!!!! XDDD

cleaned out about 6GB of space in my harddrive, ready to dl AYU's countdown live~~ ^o^


Johnny's 歌合戰 Pide Hit Medley Countdown Concert 2005-2006 
holy, the title is amazing long :p it was such a nice concert~ even tho it's so short and kinda low budget :p i really like how the music never stopped... oh, and 就算[青春アミーゴ]賣的再好 也不用唱兩次吧.. =___="

今年的主題是"對戰" 打頭陣的當然是Kinki Kids啦~ 首先是[2人組對決] 修二と彰, トラジ.ハイジ(Toraji.Haiji (堂本剛&國分太一), 然後是タッキー&翼(瀧與翼) 跟後面兩組比起來 修二と彰的live只能算普通~ Toraji Haiji 實在是太搞笑了~ 瀧與翼的場面壯觀 實在太有"王子樣"威嚴了 :p 實在是很大牌 竟然要3組當紅新人伴舞 (藍色: NEWS, 黃色: KAT-TUN, 橘色: カンジャニ∞) 不論山下跟龜梨今年CD賣的多好 還是要幫Takki & Tsubasa伴舞 :p 不過那3組的大部份成員都是跟瀧澤秀明, 今井翼出生的 算是大前輩吧~ (山下智久是因為崇拜Takki才加入傑尼斯的~ 瀧澤秀明, 今井翼, 嵐, 山下智久 這幾人感情超級~ 以前常玩親親&抱抱 :p)

this pic is for you, you YamaP fan :p but he does look very kakkoi in this pic~

before i go on, 讓我說說瀧澤秀明.... this is a story that has never been told :p 其實... 當年(1999)看完[魔女的條件]後 我真的非常~~~喜歡Takki!!!! 還立刻去買他以前的日劇來看~ wonder how i became so anti-Johnny's after that?? I started downloading his music live, he was still Johnny's Jr. back then but the one i downloaded, he's singing solo... 傑尼斯藝人每個都瘦... 然後喜歡show肌肉... 加上瀧澤秀明的style永遠都那麼"王子" 一大群dancers and 那可怕的英文... @_____@ 短短幾分鐘 就讓我不在喜歡Takki... (but i still watch most of his dorama~) 從此後我都拒絕看所有傑尼斯藝人唱歌(ok... except for Kinki Kids) 瀧澤秀明就是讓我變成anti-Johnny's的兇手!! :p

其實 論長想的話 我覺得 瀧澤秀明真的是所有傑尼斯藝人裡最帥的~ (yes, even better than MatsuJun :p) but he's just missing "something"... 而且 今井翼其實非常會唱 聲音又好聽 為什麼這樣的組合會不紅 讓我想不通... (瀧澤秀明唱的也不差 已經比大部分傑尼斯藝人都好了說)

傑尼斯裡 我會用"唱的好"來形容的大概只有 堂本剛(Kinki Kids), 大野智(嵐) and 今井翼~ oh and 前輩級的東山紀之~ 是整場演唱會裡 microphone拿最遠的~ :p

speaking of 大野智 其實真的是當年Jr裡很有實力的一個 唱的好又跳的好~ 但是不被社長看中 嵐的其他4人在Jr時期都很活躍 一天到晚上電視, except for Ohno... 嵐成組的時候其他4人都已經混的很熟了 但是都不太認識大野... 為什麼會把大野加進嵐? 因為一個group裡至少要有一個是會唱的 :p (yes, that means the other 4 can't sing when they debuted :p)

ok, back to the concert~ then it's Arashi, Tokio singing their 2005 hit song~ and comes with the countdown~ then they played [Volleyball對決] which i don't really get why it's called "volleyball" :p (Arashi跟NEWS都當過日本Volleyball World Cup的image person 難道V6也是?) 首先是V6 然後是嵐 最後是NEWS 唱出道歌曲~ Arashi doing cartwheel then backflips!!! awww, they can still do it with ease~ (MatsuJun and Sho didnt do it tho...)

then there's [TOKIO & Kinki對決]~ 剛唱了TOKIO的歌~ Nagase looked funny there :p 然後是長賴唱Kinki的歌~ 最後跟光一玩抱抱:p Koichi ran with full speed and jumped onto Nagase, then Nagase fall~ awww 傑尼斯藝人感情真好~

Arashi backklips~


跟著是[若手3組隊決] 3個新人組 NEWS, KAT-TUN, カンジャニ∞對決~ 修二と彰唱第2次 然後玩清唱+KAT-TUN的怪怪rap

今年是V6 出道10週年 & 近藤真驗出道25週年 so they sang a lot of the songs.. 今年的Johnny's演唱會大曲 [Andalucis ni Akogarete] 除了前被集的沒有人有solo~ 大家輪流出場~ NEWS & KAT-TUN一起出場 連唱的份都沒有 只有伴舞的份 去年山下智久跟龜梨和也還有唱到一句solo說:p

Jun!!! *o*

最後是搭乘"Johnny's Moving Stage"到中央~ (MatsuJun's idea, named by Ohno~) 總共有3個 搭中間的有Kinki Kids, 瀧與翼 及所有前輩 共9人, 旁邊兩個分別是Arashi + TOKIO(10人) 跟 V6+山下智久(7人) 除了KAT-TUN有個破破爛爛的"車"坐以外 the rest of NEWS and Kanjani8只有走路的份 :P so why is 山下智久 on the moving stage?? 算了 一向都是不公平的了 but i thought they would at least put 龜梨和也and赤西仁on it too... haha, whatever 果然不被重視吧 :P


走路軍團 :P

didnt want the page to take forever to load so only picked some pics... (by the way, screencap by me and Kiki~)

More pictures here

Niagara 超值一日遊 
i had so much fun yesterday~ and the tip was so much better than what i expected!!!

不枉我星期五一早期床去報名 (現在的年輕人真是last min.. 不能早點plan好嗎?:p) 星期五晚上星期六早上睡了不到2個小時就起床 get ready (不是興奮睡不著 是因為已經習慣5~6點睡了)

6點15分上車 6點半開車 我們大概6點20分到 導遊小姐6點15分就打電話來問我們出發了沒 來不來... that was so rude, we weren't even late :p but apparently, we were the 2nd last group arrived.... 最遲的是跟我們年紀相當的女生 而且真的是"遲到" 還要大牌的要司機開到finch & kennedy and pick her up....

一日遊的行程包括 冰酒廠, outlet mall, 賭場, 看燈飾 and 看煙花!!! 老實說 報名的時候我只知道是Casino+燈飾 and that's it!!

去的時候下大雪 highway上有撞車 本來我正聽著音樂睡死了 但是突然聽到講話聲 我平常是要3個alarm才起的了床的人 但是竟然因為講話醒 醒來後看到隔壁的 師奶/歐巴桑們站著 往網窗口看 原來是撞車... 然後我繼續睡 心想 希望20年後的我不要變成這樣 :p

首先是去冰酒廠~ 有免費試喝 哇 原來冰就這~~~~~~~麼甜 X____X 像在喝氣水~ 下著雪的葡萄田真的是頗漂亮~ then we head to the outlet mall~ 我們在outlet mall裡瘋狂購物 :p shop到最後一分鐘~~ 終於到了Casino~ 拿回$20後我們就去找地方吃飯 waaa Casino吃飯真是貴 X____X 下次要自己帶便當 (j/k) 這次去當然也要check id 亞洲人真是很baby face~ 如果哪一年開始不用check id的時候我一定會很傷心:p

讓我很失望是所謂的"燈飾" 那也敢叫燈飾 what i expected is those 在日據裡看到的那種... 算了 this is Canada... can't expect much~ but the Disney ones are actually really cute~~

煙花還算可以~ 反正很久沒看過了 上一次應該是gr. 12的Canada's Day之類的時候看的吧...

回程我一路睡 睡到downtown才醒來~ big traffic jam!! and it was about 11pm... 回到家後超級累 but the first thing i did was turning on my comp and start downloading the stuff i missed :p 紅白 is just as boring as usual... 倉木麻依這麼多年都沒進步過 唱的真是有夠爛 可以把這麼好聽的歌唱成這樣... 其他人就算了 一個英文major的人 英文還可以這麼爛... sigh... i really loved [Love, day after tomorrow] back then~ 喜歡到差一點去買[Delicious Way]的日版專輯(cuz there's no oversea ver at that time) but her live is... horrible... 看了她第一次的演唱會後真是超失望... but i thought it's her first time...可能是緊張 所以還是繼續有聽她的歌 then i gave her another chance and downloaded her 2nd concert.... 從此後我就不再聽她的歌了... and i totally forgot that my favourite 仲間由紀惠是今年的司儀 *o* should i download the entire show?

then i started downloading Johnny's Countdown concert 2005-2006, i didnt expect it to come out that fast!!! yeah, screencap and commet later~ 今年的真是非常精采~ (even tho it's only about an hour long..) meanwhile, take a look of some of the photo that i took from the trip~


Layout © Pieces of a Dream by Ayami.  All Rights Reserved

Recent Tracks

Say Something!!!


Anime: Code Geass
Manga:  Vampire Knight, Skip Beat!, Fruits Basket, ヒカルの碁
Song:  almost in love, HEAVEN, Hero, とまどいながら, CAN YOU CELEBRATE?, , HOWEVER, pure soul, It Takes Two, Wait & See~リスク~, SEASONS, Moments, 夜空のムコウ
Singer:  浜崎あゆみ, GLAY, 嵐, 安室奈美恵, CHEMISTRY, 柴咲コウ
Actor:  仲間由紀恵, ともさかりえ, 柴咲コウ, 木&# 26449;拓哉
Flower:  Sakura!!!
Fruit: ichigo~ (strawberry)
J-Drama: 1リットルの涙, 花より男子, きみはペット, ごくせん, Trick, Good Luck, 大和撫子


[+] Hamasaki Ayumi
[+] GLAY
[+] Arashi
[+] Shibasaki Kou
[+] Chemistry
[+] Ayu! Love! Ayu!
[+] University of Toronto


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version 1: Sakura Drops

version 2: Orange Days

version 3: White Road

version 3.5: 波動する心音

version 4: ヒカルの碁

version 5: NANA

version 6: H E A V E N

version 7: Blue

version 8: Murasaki

version 9: のだめカンタービレ

version 10: Dark Moon

version 11: SOLDIER

version 12: Who...

Fan Listing
