
raining day = stay home T__T 
i hate raining day in taiwan (tho i love it in Canada)... cuz it's such a pain to go out by public transit when it's raining

grrr, why are there so many Jolin on TV?? serously, 他以為他是誰??? 說話竟然常常加英文字 out of nowhere... 那是我們這種歸國子女的特權吧?? 台女有什麼資格用? 而且我們也不是自己喜歡才用 是因為中文不夠好 常常中文會出不來 才會這樣 so is she trying to say that her Chinese sucked after more than 20 years of education in Taiwan??? 人家正牌的 受英文教育的林志玲都很少用Chinglish...

and i watched YamaP's live and talk on HEY3, LOL he said it on national tv show that HE used to HATE 龜梨和也!! LOL DRY =P!!! and they didnt talk to each other after a fight in high school until last year!! @___@ when they were doing [修二と彰] they realized 這樣下去不行 才開始要合好

龜梨和也果然個性濫~ 上電視的時候都表現的像乖寶寶一樣 私底下跟他相處過的人都說他態度差~ 連個性好的山下智久都頂不順 :p

speaking of 山下智久 是跟瀧澤秀明 松本潤等 屬於"菁英"派 通常菁英都沒吃過苦 所以個性好 =P 龜梨和也竟然有臉跟前輩級的YamaP打架 實在是很大膽!!!

List Update 
5/29 生田斗真 深津絵里 V6の三宅健 松たか子

斗真去看了!!! *滿足* ok... T&T still have tmr... =___=" awww, and 松隆子也去了~ Jun is/was a big fan of her!!

OHHHH and i finally saw Arashi's [きっと大丈夫] PV on this 100" supersize TV!!! *o* (but why do they have to play REAL FACE right after it =__=")

老實說 我現在在考慮Arashi的新專輯要不要通殺... (arrr, someone STOP ME!!! >__<)

and i downloaded SHINHWA's new pv~ the song sound like what SMAP would sing XDD the PV is pretty "Johnny's" too 但是日文真的有待加強... i think 他們應該走EXILE路線而不是傑尼斯路線 :p


pic spam 
最近電視在重播[天國的階梯] (this is one of the few k-drama that i watched) oh god, 怎麼可以有這麼討人厭的人??? 可以從頭壞到尾 沒有原因的壞 也只有這部戲了... 快點長大啦~ 我想看的是男主角 好慘 韓劇越來越多 以前這種時間應該是日劇的T___T


洋蔥濃湯~ i usually dont eat onion, but it's different when it comes to 法國菜

main course is only so-so...


not talkin about 陳奕迅 here :p

現在台灣曝光率超高的新人(omg, he's one year youonger than me!! i'm getting old...)

my point is... 長的超~~~~~~~~~~像NEWS的草野!!!!!!!!!!

visit his official site for more pic

台灣真是越來越了不起~ 抄襲技術月來越高明~ Jolin可能以後會越來越像AYU =___="

back~ (i'm still alive!!) 
my weekend was actully not bad~ had a lot of good food =) but... 台南 is like 10 years ago's 台北 :p (no offense) except for the awsome 新光三越~

ohh, and i tried McDonald's 米漢堡~ it actually tasate really good!! 但是吃完超飽

ok, no one's here for my boring life =P i downloaded YamaP's live on MS... and the only think i can say is .... i think i like YamaP!! :p haha, cuz after watching this live, i was still trying to find some excuse for him XDDD

一開始 "ehh 現場??? majide?" 但是是Johnny's 一灌作風 第一句live 後面對嘴 然後又一句live... well, we all know that YamaP is not a good singer :p so stop complaining about it!! YamaP 應該是從小唱/表演到大... 為什麼還會出這種錯 - 掉mic... 而且最慘的是 讓本來聽不出是對嘴的人都發現了... and his facial expression after the live was SOOOO BAD @____@

haha 如果是KAT-TUN一定被我罵死 XD

arrrr, but [指輪] sounded BAD!!! so disappointed >___< give me back the original mix....

change of topic, Arashi's releasing their new album called [Arashic] and as usual, there are 2 versions, limited ver that come with DVD consists of their concert clip!! (f***ing release the concert dvd!!!) and normal ver that has an extra track and a 32 pages photobook @______@..... Johnny's jimusho is getting smarter and smarter now... BUT I AM NOT GONNA BUY BOTH VERSIONS!!! (or should i?)

but something that made me more excited than their new album is that, 仲間由紀恵在24日去看了松本潤的舞台劇!!!

this is the list so far~ and please note that this is such an awsome list!! (important names are bolded :p)
5/7 松田美由纪 うちのニノ 野田秀树 G嵐制作人
5/8 井上真央 津川雅彦さん 内藤剛志 Hyde(just a rumour, may not be true... lol!)
5/9 第一場(matinee) 小泉今日子 (lol, where is Kame?)
第二場(evening show) うちの相葉ちゃん(aiba... but heard that he zzzzzzz... * kicks aiba*)
5/10 藤原龙也 江口洋介 バード(日テレビ的主持人) うちの君 うちのリーダ(leader)
5/12 榎本加奈子 大魔神佐々木 加賀まりこ 胜地凉
5/13 小雪
5/14 行定勋
5/15 铃木裕美 佐藤敦启
5/17 鴻上尚史 筑紫哲也
5/19 佐田真由美 草笛光子 EXILEのマキダイ 堺雅人
5/20 中村勘太郎 大林素子(japanese national volleyball team player)
5/21 中村七之助 西田尚美さん 松原智恵子 篠原ともえ
5/19 原田芳雄
5/22 中村堪三郎夫妇 西尾まり 椎名林檎 中川晃教 高橋克実 G2 三池崇史
5/23 榮倉奈々 高橋由美子 大島蓉子
5/24 仲間由紀恵 生瀬勝久 ともさかりえ 長塚圭史 白石美帆
5/26 小栗旬 成宫宽贵 V6の坂本昌行 高円宮久子妃殿下と護衛の方々
5/27 風間俊介 銀文蝶

=___=" where is Tackey & Tsubasa, Toma and YamaP?? and 做後輩的KAT-TUN竟然不出席


random... and random 
我今天不知道發什麼神經 一起床就一直流淚 @___@ 害的我出不了門 但是還是紅著眼去樓下7-11買午餐 (i had 蛋包飯~ so tasty, considering it's price :p)

geez, there are SOOOOOOOO many things i wanna buy, but the problem is, how am i going to buy them without letting my sis finding out?? .....

AND, my sis force me to go to 鄉下(台南) with her tml X____X 說因為這樣可以以我為藉口出去逛街 不用待在家裡... BUT THE PROBLEM IS I DONT WANNA SPEND MY WEEKEND AT 鄉下!!! 明明就不關我的事 還要拉我下水... T____T

好煩 今天又被說教X___X pssshh, 就是有這種人 自己不懂 沒有親身經歷過 還要在一邊講了不起的話 怎麼樣 我就是回來花錢 就是回來逛街 吃飯看電視 因為我一年就只有現在吃的到看的到逛的到 我現在不買要等到什麼時候? 大學畢業後我要等到何時才能回來住2+個月? (等到我發了:p if that day ever comes) 沒有離鄉背井一個人到國外唸書的人是不會懂得 (haha, 其實我一個人在國外過的很爽 XDD)


geez, this is what ppl say after making a mistake?? 是我的話會覺得丟臉的想找洞鑽

"dont need to emphasize it, everyone makes mistake, i just said what i know"

haha, what can i say after seeing that?? WELL, then you shouldnt say things out loud that you are not sure of!! (不清楚狀況就別亂吠!!) and sound like i-know-everything!!! (yes, i bet most of you know who i'm talkin about, the almighty xxxxxx xaxxrxi)

pfft, 最討厭這種人 自以為是 到底知不知道"rumour"的定義? 就是聽聽就算了的意思!!! 最討厭那種把rumour說的像事實的人 然後要大聲的說自己的source很可靠... 相信的人也是白痴 (but she seems to have a lot of 信徒) why ppl worship such a person? because she uploads tons of files!! (haha, that was the only reason i visit it nowadays) (pfft, i have way more files than her :p)

然後又沒有別人的許可亂share LOGO files!! (actually, i did that before too XD but at least it's just in my small, not popular bog) 說什麼自己不介意hot linking, 但是有人re-upload the same file時 又說"hey, isnt that the file that i just uploaded?" what, did you encode/rip that file?? in what position do think you are in????

基本上只聽Johnny's music的人沒什麼資格comment on the Jpop music!! (要跟我談Jpop 你還未夠班XDDD haha, ok j/k) 所以才說大不份的海外傑尼斯fans都是小白 就是因為她們除了Johnny's其他都dont give a damn

這個forum真是越來越讓我生氣... sigh...

and even tho i like YamaP... i DONT want him to get no. 1 on Oricon!! BECAUSE 櫻井和壽 SHOULD GET IT!!! (even thought i dont think that's gonna happen..) Johnny's 別太囂張了!!! :p


just saw Jolin on MTV Asia Award speaking broken English... 聽起來好像印度人accent 原來台灣的English major就是這種程度

awww, Japan representative is only Teriyaki Boyz? (collaboration of m-flo and rip slyme?)

omg, Kang Ta sounded soooooo good *o* kakoii!!!

我現在每天都看[康熙來了]~ 今天的來賓是模特兒洪曉蕾

談到她6.9克拉的鑽戒!! @___@
S: "你老公很有錢喔?"
康: "徐熙娣 你有點禮貌好不好" XDD

me: "神經病 買那種東西有X用"
sis: "我也想要"
me: "那你嫁錯人了" XDD

and speaking of my brother-in-law... 實在是很old style!! 非常老人家個性+喜歡說教... 話說上星期去某西餐廳一起吃飯 看到我剩一堆東西就對我說不要叫不吃的東西... 那有什麼辦法 一個餐裡我想吃A, B and D 不行嗎? 而且以我挑食的程度 i bet there are something that i dont eat from EVERY set!! 怎麼樣 我就是挑食 and i have no intention of changing it~ 實在不懂那些愛說教的人 我在過去20年裡都不吃的東西 你憑什麼認為你的一句話就可以改變我? no one on earth has that kinda 影響力 (ok, maybe except for MatsuJun XDD) my mom and my relatives from my mom's side used to torture me by making me eat things that i dont like and yell out me when i was little !!! (they used to come up with all kinda plan and menu to "help" me OVERCOME my bad habit, but none of them worked :p haha, and i can sit in the kitchen for hours and wait till my dad comes home and rescute me~(試過從6點坐到10點!!) 或是含在嘴裡去廁所吐掉 :p 一群神經病 even my dad never said anything about my 挑食, in what position do they think they are in?? 有時間的話就去教自己的小孩~ (haha, 想到就一肚子氣)


"Si, oretachi wa mukashi kara, kono machi ni akogarete.."  
Arashi's new single sold 16萬 copies in the first week~ 雖然比[WISH]少了1萬張 but still good enough!! actually, this number is REALLY GOOD!!! considering that it's got no big tie up like HYD~ and they are selling more than their 後輩 like NEWS and Kanjani8~ (god, they even sold better than AYU... GLAY, AND ORANGE RANGE!!! @___@)


i went out with 2 of my long time no see and only fds :p 為什麼年輕人逛完街 沒事做就要去唱K????? 不能去個high tea之類的嗎? sigh... i had no choice but go... 原來 我認識多年的朋友竟是(裏)傑尼斯fan!!!!!!!!!!!! @____@ i know she used to like HOT but Johnny's?? O___o omg, 然後還一邊點歌一邊說自己一點也不喜歡Johnny's... we end up singing [WISH] and [青春Amigo] together, and she sang [REAL FACE] solo... =___=" 早知道就去拿我的Oricon Style了... (因為怕丟臉所以沒去拿)

(by the way, REAL FACE hit 1 million in its 9th week... =___=" booo, compare to Shuji to Akira's 4 weeks?? blah, does that mean Akanishi has no power at all? :p)

omg, 看[康熙來了]笑到我肚子痛~~ 蔡康永問七年級女生寫出3個八仙的名字~ 現在的年輕人是白痴XDDDD (我不算 我是半個CBC :p) 什麼海龍王 "海龍王就住在海裡過什麼海?" 張國李 "那是韓國明星啦" 一大堆亂七八糟的名字都出現了 XDD

the other day, the guest said he's English name is "Anthony"
康: "你英文名叫Anthony?|
S: "har? 你叫安東尼喔? 那你認識小甜甜嗎?" XDDDD


我今天 從樓梯上摔下來!!!!!!!!!!!! AND IT HURTS A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 手腳都瘀清 >____< OUCH!!! 所以樓梯一定要鋪地毯!!!! 不過還好我只滑了一下就用手抓住欄杆 不然可能真的要進醫院... so ppl, dont ever step on 木樓梯 with 拖鞋 X_____X


watching [堂本兄弟] and [Music Station] now~ (兩邊跳著看)~ EXILE's on Domoto Kyodai~~ LOL, they are sooooooo funny!!! especially Usa!!! 有成為搞笑藝人的淺質 haha, SHUN wanted to be McDonald's 老闆?? XDDD SHUN是本來就那麼cool嗎? 還是扮的? 不討人喜歡...

Yuna's on this week's Music Station singing [Faith] so it's about 2 months late?? X___X but it's so good to see YUNA on this SUPER big screen with the kickass stereo system~ (was watchin my DAI DVD, omg, it sounds so good *o* gonna buy all the AYU re-release DVD and watch them here) Ayaka and Remioromen are also on.... 不知道為什麼不太喜歡Ayaka... i think her songs are pretty good and she's a good singer... but she's just not my cup of tea :p 而且不算瘦 但是超沒身材 :p

also watched [校園封神榜] so freaking funny XDD 好忙 一天有好多電視要看 :p arrr, it's showing [Hello Moring] now.... 好想看 but i'm so tired already

forgot to mention that 仲間由紀惠要主演[大奥]劇場版*O* 耗資20億的大片!!! 12月34日上映~ that means i'll have to wait about a year to watch it? T_____T 男主角是誰? please not Odagiri Joe again... they are a great pair... but i'm bored of it already (MatsuJun!!! :p j/k)

Yukie is so busy this year, she's got the annual 大何劇, Trick劇場版, Tsubaki CM and now 大奥... (aww, does she still have time to go out with MatsuJun? :p) but i wanna see Yukie in a dorama >___<


some Johnny's talk?

all johnny's groups are releasing a single lately, 每個星期都有人出CD

05.31 - 山下智久
06.07 - 関ジャニ∞
06.14 - V6
06.21 - TOKIO

ehhh, just realized that AYU and TOKIO will be releasing a single on the same day!!! awww.... but does that mean we will get to see AYU and Nagase on MS together again?? i wanna see them talkin to each other on tv....


i watched soooooo much TV today :p and i love them~ today's [料理東西軍] is sooooooo good!! @____@ geez, how can 天婦羅僑麥麵蘇給叉燒拉麵??? [電視冠軍]也超讚~ 比黏土模型~ then i watched [黃金傳說], [電視冠軍王] and some j-dorama~ then the best show i watched today is [康熙來了] omg, so freaking funny!!!! MUST DOWNLOAD TODAY'S EPISODE!!! 比昨天林志玲還好笑~ they are talking about 社交禮節~ 原來女性在歐美吃晚餐是一定要穿裙!! haha 我錯了這麼多年 :p *幸せ*

but what? Music Station is at 10 am?? @____@ that's way too early for me... ok, i'll have to wait for the 重播... (haha, speaking of which, 我真的是一點時差也沒有~ i woke up at 9am the first morning after i came bac, and i woke up at 11 today!! :p)

ohhhh~ and GLAY is releasing their new single on 7.12!!! named [G4] i love the title, it means "GLAY for" all the fans who supported them *o* but it's inspired by mac =___=" anywayz, it's a 4 A-sides single *o* even tho i dont really like track 1 and 4, track 2 is gonna be a pop song while track 3 is a ballad *o*

love the cover eh~ 很年輕的感覺~

M-2 誰かの為に生きる
M-3 恋

time for my anti KAT-TUN talk

heard the rumour yet? 龜黎和也將要跟伊東美咲演出夏季富士的"月九" (what about 事務所安排的金田一?) OMG 這是什麼組合?????? (Ayami最討厭藝人組合) "HATE"指數MAX!!!!

何為月九? it means 星期一的9點檔 可以算是黃金時間 通常最高收視率都是這個時間的日劇~ ie: Top Caster, 西遊記 and ALL of 木拓的Fuji dorama~

龜黎和也何德何能 憑什麼演月九????????? 一個演戲的新手 演的起嗎?? 就連松本潤我都覺得太年輕了~ 人家山P也是從配角演到現在的主角

問題來了 為什麼可以從金田一跳到月九??? 大家都傳是因為演藝界的大前輩小泉今日子(TERU的偶像)暗中穿針引線~

小泉今日子 曾經紅於一時的偶像歌手~ 我不太認識 但是可以讓30中的TERU喜歡 封做偶像的 一定有一點年紀!!! 跟龜相差20歲!!! ok, 男方比女方大20歲我還可以理解 但是相反的話根本就是不-可-能!!!!! 擺明就是炒新聞 那種完美的照片實在是太假了 同時也要佩服龜黎和也的機智~ 上個月這篇新聞是所有報紙的頭條~ (遠超過當時赤西仁跟上原多香子的時候) 居說兩人現在已半同居姿態生活~ 高姿態 一有事就立刻撇清關係 (UNLESS the scandle has some kinda "advantage"~) 的傑尼斯事務所 竟然敷衍的說是單純的"尊敬"的前輩與後輩的關係~ pfft, 小泉今日子紅的時候龜黎和也還沒出生吧~ and plus, 一般人會跟尊敬的前輩一起去買菜 一起吃早餐 一整天呆在一起直到半夜才走嗎? whatever... 套句某anti KT fans的話:



crazy day today, i spent A LOT of money!!!! 今天姊姊以"拜訪客戶"為名跟我在東區混了一整天~ 油錢 停車費還可以報公費XD so after we had lunch at Mo Mo Paradise (好咸~ 好幸福:p) 姊姊就去"所謂"的工作了一下 然後我就坐捷運去西門町~~~ 發了瘋的買東西XDDDD 掃了所有的MatsuJun雜誌!! damn, i didnt plan to buy all these mag... i didnt expect them to have EVERYTHING available!! @___@ (dont ask me how much they cost, u wouldnt wanna know...) i'm so glad that i'm not a YamaP or KAT-TUN fans, 他們的mag有一整片!!! well 追星不就是這麼一回事嗎? :p but the latest Oricon Style (Arashi cover) didnt arrive yet T__T have to go again next week then.. 但是5月的西門町實在是太好逛了!! 高中小學都還沒放假~ 人好少~~~ 原來西門町也可以逛的這麼悠閒~

then i went to search for 手機袋~ 去了一家老闆超多話的店~ 一直跟我聊天 超8的 還問我是不是翹課 etc.. 還show給我看蔡10, 周傑倫, 楊辰琳來過的合照/簽名... but good that he gave me discount =)

我的戰慄品 (哈日 part)~~

afternoon tea

then i went back to 東區 and met up with my sis, and went to "high tea" together~ then i went to 微風裡的書店(伊世紀?) damn it, their Johnny's mag are around NT$20 cheaper =____=" 看了免費的Vivi中文版+Taipei Walker~~ 逛了一下 接下來去[東急手] but they didnt have Tsubaki yet >___<

衣服只買了一點點 cuz there are no discount... but i "targeted" so many things already >___<

快虛脫了 gonna stay home and watch TV, surf, and read my magazine tml~~~~

(note: Johnny's 5 大雜誌 = MYOJO, Wink Up, Duet, Popolo, Potato; 1) they contain other idols like WaT, 上戶彩 etc, 但是封面一定是Johnny's! 2) ALL Johnny's artists are in EVERY single issues of these 5 mags X_____X)


JAL rules!!! 
i think i'm totally in love with JAL now~ *o* but i cant believe my flights are ALL full!! and i was just thinkging, who would go back in the middle of May..

1. 空姐態度超好!!!!!!!!! 而且超漂亮!!!!!! *o* (國際線的真的是超美 可以去當model 亞洲線的就...) 笑容也好好~ just like what mentioned in [Attention Please!] and you know they would NEVER forget your request!!! 國泰的空姐通常都要問個2~3次 加航睡覺時間根本就不服務=___="

2. FOOD!!! their salmon pasta is soooooooooo tasty, and with good appearance too!! 我超級有衝動想拿相機出來 but i dont wanna look stupid :p and you know how many 飯後飲料 they have?? coffee, back tea, green tea, ice green tea, 烏龍茶 ice 烏龍茶!! but i missed the sandwich at night, 睡死了:p 想起公中4年的Air Canada 菜單我都被的出來了 因為4年都一樣

3. you know what is the brand of their hand cream, soap, 化妝水 in the washroom?? SHISEIDO *o* haha, 下飛機前我還一定要去用一下那個SHISEIDO乳液

4. 乘客leve高~ i hardly ever heard any noise!! and japanese ppl 不把椅背向後!!! @____@ 害的我也不好意思...

and i spent all my time in Tokyo shopping~

因為金城武而被我遺忘的潤跟山P雜誌 :p

watching tv now~ omg, RAIN had a Mandarin song?? @____@ and was Kimura Kaela's pv... not even she looks scary, she sounds scary too!!! and i'm already seeing Amuro's new pv on tv now~ so fast @___@ hope i can see Arashi's too~ probably staying home today... raining outside... so dont feel like going out... going to 西門町 tml to buy all my Arashi stuff *o*




我看到金城武 我看到金城武 我看到金城武 我看到金城武 我看到金城武 我看到金城武 我看到金城武 我看到金城武!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*O* 老實說 我今天真的非常有預感會遇到明星~ (我本來是想在日本見到亮跟上戶彩 haha 想太多)

他跟我是搭同一班飛機!!!! and i am only 2 rows behind the business seats!!!!!!!!!!!! 但是發現到的時候是過海關的時候 (this is the 3rd time in my life!!!!!!!) 身穿淺綠色外套 沒有特別set過的黑髮 加上超大 超黑的太陽眼鏡 (whoever wear a sunglasses indoor/at night IS A STAR!!!) 笑著講著電話~ 其實不是我發現的 是好心的海關姐姐跟我講的 於是我們就一起看起了明星 XDD 真是感謝神 因為這次一個記者也沒有 金城武一支箭飆了出去 能讓我看見純粹是好運~ 因為我坐的前面+我(and金城武:p)其實是走到海關counter的the end!! which is what ppl usually dont do!! aww, but he's holding a Japanese passport??? (that's why i'm faster :p)

omg, i got so much i wanna say about JAL, but this is the only thing in my head now~ i got so hyper and the first thing i said to my sis is "你有沒有看到金城武?" AND SHE DID!!!

終於讓我見到日系明星了T___T 什麼時後才能見到我的本命s.. but speaking of which, 金城武真的是非常有形~~~~~~~~~~~ 好高 竟然可以把那怪怪的青綠色外套穿的這麼帥*o* 好高 臉有一半被眼鏡遮住 但是一看就知道一定是他!!!! 全身散發出明星的氣質!!!! awwww,i dont think i can sleep well tonight... (i bought Marie Claire and Wink Up... but they get no love tonight, 照片怎麼比的上本尊, 生金城武 *o*)

跟前兩次的機場奇遇記 這是最讓我興奮的!!! 金城武實在是太帥了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 安再旭完全比不上 完全無法讓我興奮:p (even tho he was so friendly) i wanna re-watch [神啊 請多給我一點時間] so much now

haha, ok, i'll talk about my trip a bit more tml... going to sleep~ i mean, i'll go read my Marie Claire and Wink Up :p


(Haydn's Symphony no. 45 :p haha, i still have History 3 in my head)

super busy these few days... leaving in 6 hours~ awww and i already miss Toronto =(

got tons of stuff to buy this summer.... @____@

and i'm gonna miss all the dorama that i'm currently chasing >__< i hope i will have good BT speed in Taiwan...

(awwww, i'm gonna be so sad if Garfield and 小米不認得我>___<)

omg, Sowelu is so cute!!! and she likes Jun eh~ :p their conversation on Music Station is soooo cute!!! (they went to the same high school~ )

watching [我的野蠻奶奶]~ it's soooooooo damn good XDDDD how did i missed this drama back then? and i think i'm starting to like 黃宗澤~


Screencap spam~ 
first off, YamaP's PV~ *o* (i must admit... i like this way better than Arashi's pv)

haha, but it's so Gokusen-feel :p

by the way, did you girls watch Kurosagi ep 5??? I LOVE this ep!!! i love the part when he talks to his cat, calling him/her "debu" (=胖子)!!! KWAWAII!!! (the cat :p)

ok, Arashi............. 今年流行讓人"O____o"的style嗎?? 嚇死人了... it's the same level as Koda Kumi's "Koi no Tsubomi"!!! 連Rainbow lover的我都嚇死了~

and some baka KAT-TUN fans are complaining that the off shot part is similar to KAT-TUN's pv... pffft, 我都還沒說KAT-TUN抄AYU (wait, actually i did :p)

MS live~ they lip-synched.. but that's ok, since the dance is sooooooooo BUSY!!! but Sho's rap is live :p (Sho needs more make-up.... he's.... looking horrible like that >__<)

next week on Music Station: Arashi, 福山雅治 *o*, Amuro Namie, Remioromen (+ others that i dont really care)~ i hope Arashi will go on next next week's MS as well, I WANNA SEE ARASHI ON MS WITH YAMAP!!!

they look so "SMAP" in black, with flowers :p

JUN looks good with pink!!!!!! 一直認為guys gotta have勇氣to wear PINK, gyaaa, it fits Jun so well :p

Amuro Namie
... how is this "人魚"???? oh well... really COOL pv~ (even tho it still look kinda cheap to me)

J-Dorama Time

- rumour越傳越兇[花樣男子2]明年1月上演+電影~ i would love to see HanaDan2!!! but i dont wanna see Jun with that disaster hair style again >___<
- 今年秋天木村拓哉, 松島菜菜子組演連續劇[華麗なる一族]
- 明年中[夜王2] KAT-TUN成員演出!! haha 要變成名覆其實的"牛郎"了?

- 長瀬智也翻拍韓劇[My Boss, My Hero]
- 龜黎和也[金田一4]
- 山口智子相隔10年的赴出連續劇!!!! *o* while 99% of the KimuTaku fans hate Kudo Shizuka, 99% of them love 山口智子~ (dont ask me why) well, she is such a cool women~ she turned around and yelled out "Yay, i kissed Kimura Takuya" to all the staff while filming [Long Vacation]
- [太陽之歌] - 沢尻エリカ 山田孝之 speaking of 山田孝之... 一點好感也沒也... 真是我見過 "男主角"中的第一醜男!! 加上"拋妻棄子"事件後 這個現代版陳世美為什麼還能演男主角??? but i REALLY REALLY wanna watch this dorama!!!!!!! the movie version by YUI seems SOOOOOOOOO GOOD!! and YUI can actually act!! *o*

and even tho 沢尻エリカ也是一堆誹聞/醜聞 i dont care!! I like her.

YUI - Good-bye Days

專心等著回台灣 ^o^ 
woohoo~ i'm done my exam!!! how did i do?? BAD!!! =P i can pass for sure if this is a normal school exam.... but this is RCM T____T arrr, i really hope i dont fail................................... just let me pass......

ohh~ speaking of my exam, 清一色的"中國人"!!! even the examiner is chinese!!! and you gotta imagine how many cars there are... (Chinese kids dont take the bus!!)

anywayz~ 前幾天去剪頭髮~ 超開心~ 因為被問"是不是早上有洗頭髮?" haha, no way~ i dont do anything in the morning :p technically, i dont have such thing called "morning" haha~ 然後又被髮型師讚髮質好~ =) 能在hair salon裡被讚髮質好實在是直得高興的事~ 通常印像中都只會被說頭髮很乾 etc 然後被推薦做treatment 或是買他們的產品... 老實說 我自認髮質"不差" (all thanks to Ma Cherie) 睜著眼說瞎話 說我頭髮乾 實在是一點說服力也沒有~ haha, i was so happy to hear the compliment, 讓我覺得小費不是白給的 :p

but speaking of 小費... 如果是$26, 一般人都會給$30吧... 如果是$30就會給$35吧... 老實說 我每次都給的很心痛!! T___T haha, i know i'm cheap :p

anyways, got a lot of things to do before monday

- 大掃除
- throw away all the garbage in my house X___X
- massive burning
- complete the shopping list from sis T__T
- party~~~
- packing


seriously, how did this little kids aced such a hard exam??? @____@ (cuz they spent MONTHS to study, not DAYS) i feel so dumb now... arrr, i'm gonna fail it...

have been listening to Hikki's new song non-stop today~~ it sound like a million single song to me!! and i hard EFFORT from this song!!! *o* ganbarre~ it has it to sell better than Koda Kumi!! else Japanese ppl are really blind!!!

Utada Hikrau - This Is Love


i'm gonna miss Canada ;___; 
this is a symptom that i always have before going back to Taiwan... and i'll start thinking how life is so wonderful and relax here in Canada :p but it disappear once i get on the airplane :p

anywayz, uploaded Yamashita Tomohisa's single CM... (even tho i'm really not suppose to :p oh well, my blog is not popular) should have done this before sending the same file to n number of ppl :p

(oh, someone asked what does the "P" stand for.... it's PINK!! named by Takki.... (this guy love to give nicknames to ppl~))

Yamashita Tomohisa - Daite Senorita CM (30s)

- Johnny's look good in black :p
- YamaP looks better with blonde hair
- he still fits high school uniform so well!!! :p
- i guess i'm starting to like the song...
(they should make a pv for [Yubiwa] too...)

(and i don't and WON'T like guys younger than me!! i'm younger than YamaP!!! :p (雖然有點giri giri :p) that's why i dont like the rest of NEWS and 龜梨和也)

anyone watched the latest Music Station? SMAP spent so long talkin about "美し" it was so hilarious~ lol, it started off by Shinogo saying that the lyric of their new song is very embarrassing... then KimuTaku said he can only call girl "cute" or "pretty" but not "beautiful"~ then Goro said he says that all the time LOL, and gave an example by saying Kimura's hair is very "utsukushi" while touching his hair~

oh, and at the opening, Tsuyoshi keep on staring at Takki, and 用像爸爸的口氣說Takki長大了 XD

and i didnt know Jackey Cheung had over 60 covers of japanese songs!! @____@ and music station called him "歌神" too~~ awww but i do think his voice sound better than 桑田圭介


火舞黃沙 Ep 05 
just before i start studying...

geez 我發現這部戲裡我最討厭的是陳豪!!! 嘴巴上說的有多好聽 說是為了朋友 為了整個家族 其實根本就是為了自己報仇~ 其實古代每個地方不都是那樣嗎? 女人只要嫁了人 就算是丈夫死了也不能改嫁, THIS IS THE FREAKING RULE AT THE TIME!!! 其實除了這一點 他們兩個家族並沒有任何不正常 窮人努力工作 有錢人爭權奪利 從古自今都是這樣~

當我看到陳豪被打的時候 真是希望林保怡把他打死算了:p 竟然連好朋友都欺騙... 其實他回來到底是要如何報仇?? WHAT CAN HE DO? 陳豪到底以為他是誰?? so far i dont see any intellegence in him, whereas both 林保怡 and 蔡少芬 are two smart-asses who really deserve to be the 當家~ 如果真的讓東昇坐上當家的位 才是真正的"THE END"

but i do love this kinda story~ let's wait and see... i bet 陳豪 can't change anything~ it's a dystopia :p

awwww~ but i must say, 兩個當家都好聰明~ 一下就想到並且確認是陳豪 而且完全不聽他的廢話~

did you girls watch the prewview of YamaP's PV??? omg, he is so kakoii!! (haha, really dont wanna use the word "hot", dont wanna sound like a pervert :p) haha, i think the song sound a lot better with the PV~ BUT WHERE IS ARASHI'S PV?? >___< the single is coming out in 2 weeks...

oh, and Arashi will be on Music Station next week 05.12, Utawara 05.12, and Music Fighter 05.20~~~ awww, i wanna see Arashi and YamaP on Music Station together~

Koda Kumi
did you see her new pv?? here:

......... 我想他還是走回他原來的sexy路線比較好 @____@ her "kawaii"-wannabe look is freaking me out!!! 人紅了就開始把衣服穿回來?? geez, 比你可愛的明星實在是太多了 what makes you think you can succeed with that look?? :p


ok, i've decided that i'll be getting both version of arashi's new single @____@ (you ppl whoever convinced me are EVIL!!!) >___< 掉入新一個深淵... but i kinda knew this is gonna happen from the very beginning... since my first reaction is not the usual "別開玩笑了" 而是 "ehh 要不要買..." :p oh well, it's summer~ it's time to spend money :p and i'm not gonna die or go bankrupt after spending that US$12... "act like a JE fan!!" LOL.... ok ok... i'll try....

日本人的pride - "Omu Ricu" :p

this is gonna stay as part of my collection until the day i stopped liking Arashi (which is like never? :p)

my new shoes~

為什麼山下智久的solo的初回版已經賣完了??? @__________@ not saying it cuz i want it!!! my point is, 為什麼Arashi的還沒賣完>____< ok, this single is gonna sell like mad... NEWS可以解散了 :p

oh damn, i''m gonna fail my history exam X____X there are so much to memorize... 我太看的起自己了 one more week is not enough >___<


seriously, i'm not going out shopping with Lily again!!! 別把你的spoiled傳染給我!! she kept on convincing me to spend money X___X and giving me strong, reasonable argument of why i should spend the money :p

i end up getting a Tommy shirt and a pair of Nike shoes (and Da Vinci Code) @_____@ ALL IN ONE DAY!!! OMG.... >___< 以我優柔寡斷的個性 我通常都是看到喜歡的東西 然後回家想 越想越喜歡 然後再去買 even tho i'm most likely going to end up with the same result... 但是沒有想過就買讓我覺得很"spoiled"... AND, this is not the end yet >___< 我其實還看中了這個FILA包


(pic spam shall come later :p)

Nikkan Sports's annual dorama award is out~ it's basically a telephone/online voting~ which pretty much = popularity vote from the FANS which = Johnny's 當道~ 從98年到現在都是結尼斯藝人包辦
1998 - 木村拓哉
1999 - 堂本剛
2000 - 木村拓哉
2001 - 木村拓哉
2002 - 瀧澤秀明
2003 - 木村拓哉
2004 - 中居正廣
2005 - 瀧澤秀明

anywayz, best actor ranking of 2006...
1. 山下智久 [野豬大改造]
2. 木村拓哉 [ENGINE]
3. 龜梨和也 [野豬大改造]
4. 松本潤 [花樣男子]
5. 赤西仁 [ANEGO]

GOOD ENOUGH!!!! at least Jun got higher than Akanishi!!! and he's in the top 5!! 7 years AFTER his debut!!! i'll see where Akame are 7 years later~

but i think Jun deserve to get no. 1 more than any of them~ not just saying it cuz i'm a fan... but because i've watched all of their dorama, 唯獨松本潤會讓我覺得"這真的是同一個人嗎?" well, as for 木拓's [ENGINE]實在是沒有讓他發揮演技的地方... 山P, to be honest, he was such a great acter in Nobuta~ BUT 有看過[池袋西口公園]的都應該有發現 山P的"彰二"完全是抄襲當年最年輕日本影帝漥塚洋介所飾演的"KING"!!! (he was there to watch the acting in LIVE :p) 那份演技是抄回來的 所以實在是不值得拿"Best Actor"... (did you notice that YamaP did the "G Boy" sign in the backstage of SUMMARY concert??) 就連現在他的trade mark "kon kon"手勢 其實是KinKi Kids的堂本剛發名~ and finally, 赤龜 這兩人完全沒有演技可言~ 反正就是做自己+唸台詞... but let's not be so harsh on them... they are still newbie in terms of acting...


OMG!!!! IT'S SOOOOOO GOOD!!!!! LOVE how the story started!!! but let me state this, i'm watching this BECASE OF 蔡少芬!!! just in case you didnt know, 蔡少芬 is my all time favourite chinese actress now and forever!! i started to like her since [一號皇庭V] and totally fall in love during [天地豪情]~

awww, so what was her last TVB drama? [駝槍師姐]? or [棟篤神探]? 如果沒有蔡少芬的話 我最喜歡的一定是佘詩曼~ but she gets no love when 蔡少芬 there :p

aiya 看了第一集但是居然沒有蔡少芬>___< she better appear in the 2nd episode!!! 大概看了一下summary... 佘詩曼好慘 ;____; 蔡少芬好像飾演壞人很會耍心機的人~ but that's ok~ 我一向對壞人都很有好感 XDD 只要是我喜歡的人 無論多壞都無所謂 (haha, 我缺乏正義感:p) 我等不及要看蔡少芬一副居高臨下 耍陰險的樣子

(did i mention that i love 羅嘉良? and did mention my fav drama by him is [天地男兒] where he was hated by everyone? :p (oh, but i actually liked 張家輝 the best from [天地豪情]~ 就是要演壞人才能發揮出一個人的演技XD) and did i mention i bought his best album?? XDD i basically started downloading HK drama because i wanna watch [流金歲月] so badly and i couldnt drive and have no $$ to rent at that time~)

and i'm gonna collect the DVD version for sure~ i usually download whichever version that came out first :p so i have a mix of different version but that's not gonna happen this time~

some more OMG~

1) Amuro is really releasing a best album *o* 暫時預定6月28日出~ 我的預感還真準~~~ AND IT'S GONNA COME WITH A DVD TOO!!! now i'm thinking if i should get Japan version of Oversea version.... i really should show some love to 讓我開始聽日文音樂的始祖... but i'm so lack of money and i got so much things that i wanna buy... no, I MUST BUY JAPAN VERSION!!! (please tell me that whenever you see me on msn :p)

2) gyaa~~ Arashi new album!!! 上個星期Jun在自己的radio show裡報料說暑假會出專輯~ (awww, he always leak info :p) 這個禮拜就出schedule了~ 暫時預定7月5日出~ haha, good that it's a week after Amuro's best album~ since Johnny's artists' album usually sell bad :p |(but it'sgot [WISH] in it this time...)

actually, now i'm thinking if i should get both the versions of Arashi's new single >___< arrrr 非常有衝動想pre-order... i did got 2 versions of [SCREAM] last year... arrr 我怎麼可以把他們相提並論... but yeah, i think the chance that i'm getting both versions is 70% now... and i can see it after seeing more live~


あの夏も 海も 空も 
awww, now isnt that a beautiful name?? 我從一月等到現在的歌 終於有的聽了!!!!!!! T_____T not as good as i expected but that's only cuz i had too much expectation~ I LOVE THIS SONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i just realize how much i love his voice *o* and his face

love his voice, love the string and love the title!! :p i think i'll grow to like the other 3 songs too~

福山雅治 - あの夏も 海も 空も

anywayz, this 4 A-sides single better sell!!! 一定要贏倖田來未!!! 如果可以的話 我還希望賣破百萬~~ actually, ANYBODY, please sell more than KAT-TUN!!! >______< (NOT Koda Kumi :p) dont let them top the Oricon chart 2 years in a row!!!

and i finalyl watched GLAY's concert in 武道館 in DVD quality!!! got it off ebay... 非常有被rip off的感覺... sigh... 就是有我這種甘願被rip的人才會有這種無良商人...

(and wow, Bach had 20 children?? @____@ 為什麼我小時後沒有集滿"看漫畫學歷史"全套 >___< (i have all the scientists' tho~) it's gonna save me a lot of time if i can learn through manga :p)


Layout © Pieces of a Dream by Ayami.  All Rights Reserved

Recent Tracks

Say Something!!!


Anime: Code Geass
Manga:  Vampire Knight, Skip Beat!, Fruits Basket, ヒカルの碁
Song:  almost in love, HEAVEN, Hero, とまどいながら, CAN YOU CELEBRATE?, , HOWEVER, pure soul, It Takes Two, Wait & See~リスク~, SEASONS, Moments, 夜空のムコウ
Singer:  浜崎あゆみ, GLAY, 嵐, 安室奈美恵, CHEMISTRY, 柴咲コウ
Actor:  仲間由紀恵, ともさかりえ, 柴咲コウ, 木&# 26449;拓哉
Flower:  Sakura!!!
Fruit: ichigo~ (strawberry)
J-Drama: 1リットルの涙, 花より男子, きみはペット, ごくせん, Trick, Good Luck, 大和撫子


[+] Hamasaki Ayumi
[+] GLAY
[+] Arashi
[+] Shibasaki Kou
[+] Chemistry
[+] Ayu! Love! Ayu!
[+] University of Toronto


[+] March 2004
[+] April 2004
[+] May 2004
[+] June 2004
[+] July 2004
[+] August 2004
[+] September 2004
[+] October 2004
[+] November 2004
[+] December 2004
[+] January 2005
[+] February 2005
[+] March 2005
[+] April 2005
[+] May 2005
[+] June 2005
[+] July 2005
[+] August 2005
[+] September 2005
[+] October 2005
[+] November 2005
[+] December 2005
[+] January 2006
[+] February 2006
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[+] April 2006
[+] May 2006
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[+] April 2009
[+] May 2009
[+] June 2009
[+] July 2009
[+] August 2009
[+] September 2009
[+] October 2009
[+] November 2009


version 1: Sakura Drops

version 2: Orange Days

version 3: White Road

version 3.5: 波動する心音

version 4: ヒカルの碁

version 5: NANA

version 6: H E A V E N

version 7: Blue

version 8: Murasaki

version 9: のだめカンタービレ

version 10: Dark Moon

version 11: SOLDIER

version 12: Who...

Fan Listing
