不果她會被人誤會也是難免 她就長的一臉playgirl相啊~ 但是看完Buzzer Beat後完全改觀 she's sooooooooooooo cute and she didn't have much acting experience so I believe that's part of her real personality~ 她那不做作 部顧形象的演出 我好喜歡~ 雖然她有點粗魯 but she totally walks like a model!!!
I finally did something for my blog!!! :p and I added this shoutbox because I'm too lazy to change my code and incorporate the comment service provided by blogger hoping that it can serve the function of a comment box?
I'm actually having some big problems with my blog right now.... i'm running out of space with my U of T server.... and I'm too cheap to pay to get my own so soon I'll be moving... (that's after I found a solution) and I actually looked through a lot of cgi based comment serivce... but this server doesn't support cgi.... orz......
so, how do you like my new layout? I can't believe I had the same layout for 1 and half year X_________X that's so not me..... and it's been 4 years since my last Arashi layout???? AWWWWWW, time flies....
我覺得我真的沒這方面的天分 又跟上一個差不多... and this layout actually took me longer than I expected.... 果然 太久沒用photoshop 都生疏了... omg, I can't remember when was the last time I used Photoshop....
但是其實我還滿喜歡我上一個design的 看了1年半都沒膩
anyway, you will be stuckd with this layout for probably more than an year XDDD
最近被Arashi矇蔽 一直再聽Arashi (上禮拜新買的耳機 我拿來試聽的第一首歌竟然是[A.RA.SHI] X_____X (but that song actually have heavy bass) GLAY 我對不起你們) 今天聽到[You were...] 覺得果然是Ayu 果然是可以讓我聽到想哭的Ayu 只有Ayu的新歌會讓我這麼興奮
[NEXT LEVEL]裡我覺得就少了一首動人心旋抒的情歌 當然我很喜歡[Days] but I need something that's comparable to [Untitled ~ for her~]
I said good bye to my 70,000 yen this morning!!! I've been waking up 10 min earlier this entire week, to actually turn on my lappy and check yahoo auction and ticket.co.jp, just to see if there are any good deals.... and I finally found one this morning.... bought it and paid and is late for school.....
those who knows me should know that I don't do anything in the morning, especially before school/work and I would do anything it takes to sleep for an extra 5 min... but when it comes to Arashi....
T___________T Arashi tickets are insane this year............ it's crazy it's crazy it's crazy.... and I thought Japan is having an economy depression right now....... omg, I paid 1/3 of the price for pretty much the same seat 2 years ago..... this is Dome, there are 55000 seats, how da hell did the ticket prices get so high #$^_(+@#(%)+@#%
我想我如果要追名古屋 就一定要再當回"伸手牌"了 but I have this thing for "finale".... doushiyo!!!!
不知道東京場的手機繩是甚麼顏色呢 如果是紫色的話 至少要買3個 XDDD 一個拿來收藏 一個拿來用 一個拿來送人 應該再買一個吊飾拿來當項鍊 XDD please, be purple!!! (why am I getting 3? cuz 1) purple is my favourite colour 2)紫色是松本潤的顏色!!! Arashi 5人一人一個顏色 下星期我要穿一身紫去看潤君 <3333)
japan's yahoo auction has the most ridiculous system in the world... what's the point of bidding if the system will extend the time when someone placed a bid in the last min? so if there are people keep bidding when there are less than 5 min left, the auction will never end ToT
話說 那個Disneysea的演唱會 幕應人數竟然高達500萬, 5 million!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wtf, ok, let me correct my words, it's the amount of "applications" 連我這種完全不做這種事的人 為了Arashi也寄了6張明信片 that's 18 house products 我們已經吃了快2個月的北海道シチュー 櫃子裡還有兩盒咖哩 X________X 當然 我怎麼可能會是那3500/5000000 的幸運兒呢
Tomohisa Yamashita 1st Solo SHORT BUTSWEET in Yokohama Arena
just came back from YamaP's solo live~ kakkoii na~~~~~~~~ but there's no special guest today T____T 如果明後天松潤拖著斗真出現的話 我一定會氣死
山P果然是大帥哥一名 而且對fans超好 他不知道丟了多少東西下台 iiiina~~~ but he doesn't have the personality to attract ppl and he has no expression... 我家松本潤帥的來表情多 而且Arashi 5人的個性都很突出
you probably saw this already... but WT* 你們會不會紅的有點誇張????? 2009年Oricon單曲初動排行榜 第1到第4都被Arashi包了 這實在是太誇張了 日本史上有誰是過紅成這樣嗎? 我有與感總銷量排行榜也會是這樣
Arashi這麼紅 我應該要高興 但是 總覺得他們離我好遠.... and there's no way I would feel happy when I have to spend 60,000 yen on ONE concert ticket ToT but if I don't go now, when am I gonna go?? 身為fan我不該這麼想 但是我想2010應該是極限了 2011年 Arashi應該就會開始走下坡了 I mean, when you reach the top, you will have to start going downhill eventually, right? (當然 我更不想看到EXILE紅 那個男版早安少女組現在更讓我覺得噁心 還不是因為招了個傑尼斯系的主音才開始紅的 那我不如去聽正牌J家 何必去聽翻版的) 那些跟風 一時衝動的fans應該會開始消失了 把票讓給真正愛Arashi的人吧!!!!! 雖恐怖的劫你死歐巴桑軍團不能跟常人比 但是連SMAP都在慢慢走下坡了 更何況Arashi
看完Arashi 得了post-con syndrome.... something I can only get from watchi Arashi.... 是一種心痛 不捨 沒有力氣錯任何事 然後會不停的看他們的live影片
(back from Sapporo, I tell you, Sapporo is filled with Arashi fans in the past weekend, they were EVERYWHERE!!!! it's up to a point that it's a bit scary. Even on my way back, i bet 80% of the ppl on my flight are Arashi fans)
lol, this is always the first thing I wanna say after watching their concert 天阿 怎麼可以這麼帥 我發誓我不會覺得這世界上有比你更帥的人
anyway, my Arashi Sapporo trip has come to an end T___T Arashi的演唱會 最最最最讓我滿意的就是選曲 10周年演唱會 每一首單曲都唱了!!!!!!!!! com'on, this is what you called an "Anniversary Concert" (Ayu的選曲? 完全沒得比) 再來就是從頭跳到尾 音樂從沒停過 換衣服時間神速 最可怕的就是fans喊encore的時間短的嚇人 我想他們下台後 fans喊了不到3分鐘 他們就回到台上了 (Ayu?? 別提了...)
anyway, back from Bali. It's a nice place, the ppl there are so nice and polite, they are poor but you can tell that they are not like Thai, they are not trying to rip you off or try to get tips from you they are well trained by foreigners
I went to Four Seasons for dinner one night, the view is amazing~~~ so this is how it feels to be rich XDDDD
Overall, I enjoyed my trip, things are so cheap, and Japanese tour treat you like VIP, the 2 of us got a personal guide and a driver, we make a stop and our guide just told us to be careful with the time, I don't think I can ever go back to those 30 ppl tour again :p
BUT, I think there's no need to go back :p actually, I think I've had enough South East trips, next time I wanna go to Europe!!! :p
今天我們去了聖地 - 澀谷 在我的愛店"HEAVEN and EARTH"看到了楊丞琳!!!!!!!!!! 我遇到了楊丞琳!!!!!
他幾乎是素顏 但是臉超小 好瘦 果然是明星 我是屬於不敢上前說話的那個 (but if it's Ayu, I would run up to her and tell her that I love her XDDD) 但是某人毫不猶豫就上前 先用日文問他是不是臺灣人 可以看得出來當時楊丞琳露出了發自內心開心的笑容 但是當某人用國語問了第2句 "請問你是楊丞琳嗎"? 那個笑容很明顯的淡掉了 我在一旁說"你真人好漂亮!!!" 這真的是我一時脫口而出的 但是這是當時我的第一反應啊 某人於是問可不可以照相 楊丞琳笑著跟我們說 "不好意思 我今天沒化妝ㄟ" 很明顯是藉口 但是我覺淂算是非常有誠意了 至少還會對我們笑 如果是香港明星 大概會擺臭臉吧 XDDDD (no offense, but this is the feeling that HK stars gave me)
Anime: Code Geass Manga: Vampire Knight, Skip Beat!, Fruits Basket, ヒカルの碁 Song: almost in love, HEAVEN, Hero, とまどいながら, CAN YOU CELEBRATE?,
, HOWEVER, pure soul, It Takes Two, Wait & See~リスク~, SEASONS, Moments, 夜空のムコウ Singer: 浜崎あゆみ, GLAY, 嵐, 安室奈美恵, CHEMISTRY,
柴咲コウ Actor:
仲間由紀恵, ともさかりえ, 柴咲コウ, 木&#
26449;拓哉 Flower: Sakura!!! Fruit: ichigo~ (strawberry) J-Drama: 1リットルの涙, 花より男子,
きみはペット, ごくせん, Trick, Good Luck, 大和撫子
[+] Hamasaki Ayumi [+]
GLAY [+] Arashi [+] Shibasaki Kou [+]
Chemistry [+] Ayu! Love!
Ayu! [+] University of Toronto
[+] March 2004 [+] April 2004 [+] May 2004 [+] June 2004 [+] July 2004 [+] August 2004 [+] September 2004 [+] October 2004 [+] November 2004 [+] December 2004 [+] January 2005 [+] February 2005 [+] March 2005 [+] April 2005 [+] May 2005 [+] June 2005 [+] July 2005 [+] August 2005 [+] September 2005 [+] October 2005 [+] November 2005 [+] December 2005 [+] January 2006 [+] February 2006 [+] March 2006 [+] April 2006 [+] May 2006 [+] June 2006 [+] July 2006 [+] August 2006 [+] September 2006 [+] October 2006 [+] November 2006 [+] December 2006 [+] January 2007 [+] February 2007 [+] March 2007 [+] April 2007 [+] May 2007 [+] June 2007 [+] July 2007 [+] August 2007 [+] September 2007 [+] October 2007 [+] November 2007 [+] December 2007 [+] January 2008 [+] February 2008 [+] March 2008 [+] April 2008 [+] May 2008 [+] June 2008 [+] July 2008 [+] August 2008 [+] September 2008 [+] October 2008 [+] November 2008 [+] December 2008 [+] January 2009 [+] February 2009 [+] March 2009 [+] April 2009 [+] May 2009 [+] June 2009 [+] July 2009 [+] August 2009 [+] September 2009 [+] October 2009 [+] November 2009