
我最近喊窮的日子月來越早了 這個月要付Ayu的演唱會票 X____X

[特上カバチ!!] 好看!!!!! 最近一直被某人說我花心 偏心 問我[My Girl]看了幾集 這不是偏心的問題 這是好不好看的問題 "我連Smile都沒看完!!!!" LOL oh hide in shame.... it's probably one of my fav pairing, JunXYui but..... but... 賓賓潤 實在好難愛 我要王子潤!!!


剛看完[オルトロスの犬] 瀧澤秀明果然帥啊!!! 10年前我也一度為他著迷 試問有哪個少女看完[魔女的條件]會不喜歡瀧澤秀明 果然 擁有最完美的臉的傑尼斯 要說缺點的話就只有頭大吧 XDD but he's just missing something... 原來長的帥是不夠的 紅不起來就是紅不起來... 像Nino 絕不是屬於帥型 but he's charming!!

其實所謂的傑尼斯黃金時期(瀧澤秀明, 嵐, 山P) 是大失敗 當時紅的人 Arashi出道沒多久 就開始不紅 好幾張單曲都沒有no. 1 傑尼斯裡是奇聞 (雖然SMAP以前也是...) 然後Jr.時期超紅的瀧澤秀明也是 出道後人氣超低... 經過兩次失敗 傑尼斯高層大地震 在換了經手人後 才決定新組這個所謂的NEWS吧... NEWS應該算是成功吧 到目前為止每張單曲都是no. 1 (雖然我覺得這完全是山P的功勞) 然後某牛郎團 Jr.時期完全部受矚目 一半成員都是audition落選的 但是卻莫名其妙的紅了... 但是

其實Tackey & Tsubasa是我最想看到紅的 即使比Arashi還紅 我也不介意 Tackey was the leader of all Jr. back then!!! 他是公認的大好人 even KT who only badmouth about their senpai like Tackey a lot~

ANYWAY, back to the dorama :p I like the idea a lot but I don't like how the dorama ended... 人真的是很笨 很可悲 很自私的生物 為什麼這麼好的力量會變成毀滅世界的力量呢? 政府真的會想效滅這些有特殊功能的人嗎? 納為己用不是更好... 我不懂...

這一季還是沒有甚麼好看的日劇 [Code Blue] is sooooooooo sad!!! @_______@ 我不想看了 it's sad because we know this is happening everying in real life and there's nothing we can do about it.... "做醫生 或許是讓我們確認 世界上沒有奇蹟" .... I need some baka, brainless and super genki dorama!!!!

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2009 is the year of Arashi 
嵐、史上初の“CD、DVD4 冠”達成~シングルTOP3独占


This is the year they broke Japan's music record their own record!!!

4冠王!!! They toped the following charts:
- Single
- Album
- Artist Total Sales

That means their PV clips sold more than Amuro's concert DVD!!!!!!!!!

21年以來 獨占年間排行榜1到3的位置 (要不是秋原順子 Arashi就罷了1到4!!!) 4張當曲都進了年間Top 5!!! 連續兩年 獨占年間冠亞軍單曲 史上第一組在國立競技場連續開3天演唱會的藝人 (而且還一票難求 這甚麼世界啊) 日本5大巨蛋巡迴演唱會

這真的不是可怕的紅啊 (雖然我完全不覺得他們的單曲有好聽到成為日本第一 那個精選更是被嵐飯罵得半死 開甚麼玩笑啊 只有一首新歌 沒有重錄 沒有新的編曲 連暑假剛出的單曲也沒有收錄 這種recycle的東西也敢拿出來賣 $%*^_)@*#)%+*@#% 2009年 竟然還有人趕出PV集!!!! 這年頭DVD要用送的好嗎!!!!!!!!!!!! 我想除了劫你死 沒有其他人敢這麼做 但是.... 我們這些嵐飯 抱著無奈的心情 還是又開心的去拜了個2, 3張專輯 跟那個看了n便的PV集...... ) 前無古人後無來者 GLAY跟Ayu當年也沒這麼紅 (雖然我覺得是因為當年競爭大) 我最想比的當然是跟同樣身為傑尼斯藝人的牛郎團啦 我就說吧 不出3年 你們一定會開始走下坡 而Arashi總有一天會比你們紅!!! but I can't believe NYC Boys sold more than both 山P and 赤西仁!!!

剛剛看到Oricon Single Yearly Ranking還以為自己眼花 top 25竟然沒有一個女藝人 (除了秋原順子 演歌派不算!!!)!!!!!!!!!! Ayu's [Days/GREEN] is no. 26 T_____T but I'm glad that she's the no. 1 female artist!!!! Amuro is on 45, yeah her ONLY single in 2009, sold 11.9, less than half of [60s 70s 80s]! No surprise, that's the usual sales of her singles~ if she have tried to actually promote this single, I bet it will sell a lot more... (Ok, I'll stop sounding like a bi*ch XDDD) I'll still love Amuro as long as she doesn't outsell Ayu XDD

跟去年比 其實Arashi的銷量差不多 3版本的[truth]去年賣了61.8萬 今年的[Believe]賣了65.6 萬 雙版本的[Beautiful days]賣了42萬 卻只有第10名 今年的[Everything]也賣了42萬 去是第5名 所以其實不是Arashi紅了 而是其他人 不紅了!!! KAT-TUN去年有賣到42萬 今年去只賣了37萬!!! 有5萬的fans投靠Arashi去了嗎?? XDD (難怪嵐飯素質變差了 no offense, I can be friends with NEWS fans, Kanjani fans, Kinki fans, V6 fans, SMAP fans, TOKIO fans but just not KT fans!!!! and I think to some degrees, "like idol, like fans" is true!!!)

太可怕了 日本現在是只有女生在買CD嗎?? 位甚麼紅的都是偶像系的?

anyway, Arashi, congratulations!!! I don't think ANYONE (including yourself) will be able to break this record!!!! YOU ARE LEGEND XDDDD

let's count how many slots Johnny's occupied

01位:「Believe│曇りのち、快晴」 (嵐)
02位:「明日の記憶/Crazy Moon~キミ・ハ・ムテキ~」 (嵐)
03位:「マイガール」 (嵐)
05位:「Everything」 (嵐)

10位:「急☆上☆Show!!」 (関ジャニ∞)
11位:「恋のABO」 (NEWS)
13位:「悪魔な恋/NYC」 (中山優馬 w/B.I.Shadow/NYC boys)
16位:「Loveless」 (山下智久)
23位:「約束」 (KinKi Kids)
28位:「スワンソング」 (KinKi Kids)
31位:「妖~あやかし~」 (堂本光一)
41位:「そっと きゅっと/スーパースター★」 (SMAP)
60位:「七夕祭り」 (テゴマス)
74位:「RAIN」 (堂本剛)
75位:「スピリット」 (V6)
78位:「GUILTY」 (V6)
80位:「愛・革命」 (滝沢秀明)
93位:「空 ~美しい我の空」 (剛 紫)

so that's 21/100... 21%??? WTF??? Top 10裡佔了6張!!!! 我覺得Johnny-san實在是太厲害了....

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it's the deadline at ticket.co.jp for Arashi's Finale in Tokyo Dome.... I was "dreaming" that they will lower the price but now..... almost ALL tickets sold!!! Even those super expensive ones were sold @_______@

and I still have to worry about my GLAY, which is next Sat and my Ayu CDL T______T what kind of luck is this.... 神啊 難道追星也是一種罪???

剛剛看了一下KinKi Kids 那甚麼價錢啊 竟然是原價 @______________@ 為什麼我家Arashi是10倍價????????????????? 真是風水輪流轉啊

有人說是我眼光好 喜歡上的明星一定紅.... ToT 這絕對不是稱讚的話 這只會讓我想哭....




(Ura is updated)

placed my order at Yesasia, I can't make the same mistake again :p need to pre-order Arashi release ASAP nowadays... I remember I used to place the order around 2 days before the release date and can still get limited edition... (actually, Arashi's limited edition usually won't be sold out after a month....)

KT's new single became the best first week selling single in 2008... 38.2萬 in the first week... I still don't get why Step and Go did so well... does it really sounds that good? NO... is the PV good? NO, it's one of their cheapest PV and it has the worst cover design ever (still better than KT's, here, maybe CD with ugly cover will sell better?) take a look at the chart:

lol, they are all Johnny's... Japan's music industry is all about boyband nowadays... (EXILE, 羞恥心, WaT, 東方神起 etc...) what happened to the rock band era?? awww.... So proud of Arashi, this is their 9th year after debut, and they are doing as good as KT!!! Hope [One Love] will be a big hit, since it's the theme song for Hana Yori Dango the Movie!!! and I actually think it sounds good cuz it sounds like MY ALL



In Love With KimuTaku 
lol, sorry about the title, I'm getting excited after seeing the pictures of CHANGE's promotion posters in Tokyo~ lovely, even though they are colourless (reminded me of Galileo's promotion poster though). I don't know what kind of magic this mid 30 guy has, but I always have the same excitement before his dorama is about to start.

I can't even remember when I started to like KimuTaku. The first dorama I saw him was [愛情白皮書] but of course I didn't remember him from it (since his character was not so likable... and I was too young :p) then I saw him in [Long Vacation] around 1997? (omg, that's 11 years ago!!!). I loved it as a dorama but not particularly for him. The next dorama I watched was [Sleeping Forest] which was actually recommanded by a friend, I still remember she said "it's got your fav KimuTaku", I went "eeehhhhhh" lol, I was still in the denying stage toward my fandom in "Johnny's". Actually, I was shocked that she thought I'm a fan, cuz I definitely wasn't a fan (yet) back then. So I watched [Sleeping Forest] and totally loved it!!! I guess I was too young back then to tell if he is a good actor or not. I became a fan of his "dorama" ever since (I actually watched "some" SMAP concerts back then, their Amigo Dome Tour was amazing).

I didn't really like [Love Generation], but I never lose my faith in him. I totally loved [Beautiful Life], it's definitely one of my all time favourite j-dorama. Didn't really liked [HERO] but loved [Good Luck!!]. Some fans think [Pride] is his best work, which really made me go "huh?" I think that's one of the worse j-drama I've ever seen in my life, the story line is like some Chinese soap-opera (but I think most fans actually think the plot is what is attractive?). I have no idea if really lik "Kimura Takuya" or I simply like his acting or the fact that KimuTaku labelled dorama has quality guaranteed. To me, [華麗一族] is his best work ever!! This is the dorama that I'll remember and still like it after 10 or 20 years (wait, I think I'll remember all of his dorama). He proved to us that he is not just someone dressed oshare and play the prince role. Even though he didn't really shine in that dorama, everyone around him all had amazing acting skill...

This is guy is not the best looking actor in Japan, he can't be considered as tall XD, and he doesn't have the acting skill that reflects the rating of his dorama. But there is some magic within him to draw 1/3 of the Japanese population's attention, to stay home and sit in front of the TV every week, year after year. I'm tired of seeing stupid Johnny's fans saying OOOO is the next KimuTaku, there's not going to be another KimuTaku, it's not gonna be Jun, Kame, Akanishi nor YamaP. I don't think anyone can ever break KimuTaku's record and status, he's THE one and ONLY one =P

I'm so excited to see what he's gonna show us in [CHANGE] with an amazing cast again!!! A role that no one has challenged before (?) gyaaaa, imagine if you have a prime minister like that *o* TWO MORE DAYS!!!



又是新的一年~ 07年過的好快啊 不知不覺 我已經擺脫唸書的命運了 (now i really miss it) guess what, 我昨天看到明星了 =P nothing special other than that.... 沒啥好講的

昨天一起床Johnny's Count Down Concert就已經出了~ 這次的真的很精采~ a lot of good songs, and the part are spread evenly among the groups~ 松本潤竟然跟龜樣合唱 @____@ 討厭!!! 但是某種意義來講 其實這兩個人很稱 兩個camera whores XDDD with the same hair style, 發出一樣的氣息 但是Kame的風采好像都被蔥本潤搶走了 XDD Ryo-chan好忙喔 要趕場 唱完K8要去唱NEWS 想想今年最賺的Johnny's應該是Ryo-chan吧?

Ryo-chan, I know you love Jun

Jun looked so happy beside Toma :p (they gotta stop fighting over that 1000 yen of taxi money 一定是松本潤賺比較多啊)

(still downloading ayu's cdl...)

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最後一個禮拜了 通常都是花最多錢的時候 XDD 今天好忙 中午去吃了Mo Mo Paradise 下午去逛街 買了Ayu也有穿的契型鞋~~~~ (完全是被Ayu吸引)買了CD 又買了Mr. Donut 週年慶有抽獎 我抽中了最好的獎 滑鼠墊!!! 超可愛~ 話說 新的SOGO真的很漂亮 美食街超讚 但是百貨實在是很貴 買不起 =P 最後 晚上吃鼎泰豐 XDD 我快變成一隻豬了 因此 沒有買我最愛的山崎麵包 明天的行程是下午茶 然後去燦坤


最近沒時間玩FF7 因為不想玩一下就停 我想要回加拿大才會繼續

(看了Hey Say JUMP上堂本兄弟 知念第弟實在是太可愛了吧
Q: 為什麼會加入Johnny's
知: 因為喜歡大野智
剛: 在有松本潤跟櫻井翔的嵐裡 喜歡大野智...
(涼介說是看了Kinki的F con~)

Q: 最尊敬的前輩
知: 大野智!!
(涼: 光一!!)

Q: 最珍惜的寶物
知: 去Yokohama Arena看嵐演唱會的時候 接到了大也智飛來的簽名版
光一: 大野到底是丟向誰啊
(涼: 光一在雜誌上寫給自己的msg)

知: 像大野智一樣

八乙女真的是很敢講 竟然說會加入Johnny's 是因為喜歡Kinki Kids後面的backdancer - 龜梨和也!!! 難怪我不是很喜歡Ya Ya Yah =P

一開始光一跟Yabu聊了好久 還比身高 輸了8公分 XDD 他應該是知資歷最深的吧? 感覺KinKi不喜歡年紀小的 中島話很少~ 還是因為10個人太多了


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這幾天我還是有再看Hey Say JUMP 已經不管了 我想我真的是喜歡他們(山田涼介 actually...) 但這不代表我是fan~ 我最近位自己的行為想了一個theory 就是 我這是愛屋及烏的行為~ 我會喜歡J家藝人是當然的啊 因為他們跟Arashi就像一家人 更何況Hey Say JUMP有出現在Arashi演唱會上 會喜歡是正常的!!!! (也就是說我已經看過本尊了~) 這跟NEWS, K8是一樣的 都是抱著好奇的心理 看著看著就產生了"一點"好感

所以 我覺對不是fan!!!! (雖然我想我回去以後會download他們的相關video... 超想重看Amigo的live 涼介(天啊 叫的好熟XDD)有back dance?? 我當時都只注意到中島 btw, 中島跟涼介有唱過Amigo, HERE 兩個13歲(當時)的小鬼 XDD)



yabai yabai yabai!!! 
i can't believe what i was doing a while ago... I was watching Hey Say Jump on Youtube *o* to be more specific, Yamada Ryosuke 剛開始看偵探學園Q 比較喜歡的事神木隆之介 看著看著竟然覺得演流的那個很帥!!! 我快被自己的行為嚇到了 我竟然會喜歡小孩??? 不可能 我一定是因為最近太閒了!!!

說到Hey Say Jump 我想Arashi fan應該都不討厭 因為有知念弟弟 這麼多J家前輩 他竟然敢公開說 最尊敬的是大野智... 但是我都會覺得Ya Ya Yah 成員很慘 只有兩個可以出道 另外兩個以後會去哪呢?退社? 而且光采都被年紀小的成員搶走了

btw 我決對不是fan!!! 不會有這一天的!!!



Jpop news... 
最近震撼J家的新聞就是V6的井之原結婚的新聞~ 這是繼木拓之後 第2個結婚的Johnny's... 也同樣是在演唱會上宣布的 井之原哭了 團員也有人哭了 巡迴演唱會的Yokohama場次好像已經取消了??

看了con report, V6 fans真是很好~ 竟然可以以搞笑方式收場 但是當然還是有fans不高興.... 但是又不Coming Century, 20 Cen 都是該結婚的年紀了吧?? 有人說是不喜歡瀬戸朝香 我不太解 但是我還滿喜歡瀬戸朝香演壞人的 超有架勢 XDD

V6 fans真是EQ很高~ MC結束時 Ino跟Ken哭成一團 抱在一起 阪本說"乾脆你們兩個結婚算了" 全場大爆笑 lol 一開始Ino說 還沒有人知道(except for members, of course) 這件事 然後就開始哭了... 結婚是一見見不得人的事嗎?? 對Johnny's來說 是... Johnny's真的是很不好做... 確實 是有點突然 但是我決得這是最好的傳達方式 face to face 不管怎麼樣 我都希望可以知道真相 要是哪一天 聽到松本潤結婚宣言 我一定會祝福的 (只要不是跟H!P成員 而且他的緋聞對象都是超級大美女 不可能討厭的XD) 總比聽到他有私生子好吧??? lol 當年我聽到TERU原來結過婚 真的有點shock 但是那是因為當時我年紀小 :p 但是那對我真的是一點影響也沒有 我看了那麼久的人 是什麼人我很清楚 世界上離婚的人這麼多 難道離婚就是壞人嗎?

anywayz, it makes me wonder, 如果哪一天 Arashi成員結婚 fans會不會也這麼溫馨 還是說會丟雞蛋 XD (KT fans的話大概會殺去那女的的家裡)

fans are saying they are not ready to let go the hand... let go of what??? what difference does it make if he's married or single??? is he gonna quit his job? he's gonna gain weight?? start to look ugly??? 我好難懂 愛屋及烏 這麼簡單的事都做不到?? 到現在還是有很多SMAP fans不喜歡工藤靜香 well they suck!! 工藤靜香都不知道有多漂亮!!! 而且他們為對方都做改了很多 真的是從不會想到Johnny's可以用"好男人"來形容 I wanna see their reaction if 中居跟倖田來未真的結了婚

next, the rising star Erika

很多人最近都在罵 maa, 他高傲的傳聞又不是最近才開始的... 如果說 我沒有偏見 是騙人的 :p i'll try to sound neutral

當然 他的態度不能說沒問題 but everyone have their bad day, right?? 我們也會有心情不好的日子 做明星就不行嗎?? 而且我覺得服裝 make up 也有影響~ 有沒有想過 如果是一個rock歌手 用同樣的態度 講話方式 你還會覺得他態度囂張嗎?? 女生大概會大叫 說什麼"kakoii"之類的吧 那為什麼女明星就一定要笑???? 是誰規定女生就要裝可愛?? 最近Erika上過的電視節目 我每一個都看了 我覺得他根本不是囂張 他是很誠實的人 對自己 對別人 這種人總比 表面上跟你有說有笑 但是在被罵的人你好吧? (ie: H!P members which is something that most female are good at) 那些說想當明星是從小的夢想 興趣是唱歌 跳舞 演戲的人 就叫做態度好? 別傻了 想做明星? 當然是因為好賺+想出風頭 是不需要學歷+頭腦的工作 更何況喜歡安室奈美惠的人都不會不好的 (j/k) Erika上TOKIO的節目的時候 講到Amuro的時候 眼睛真的會發亮呢

有人說他不敬業 請問什麼叫敬業? 微笑? wow, everyone can do that... 到現在也沒聽過他工作的時候 遲到早退 不打招呼(傳聞上戶彩不跟女staff打招乎) 擺架子的傳聞啊 未成年喝酒有什麼了不起的?? :p 我覺得他的style就像外國人一樣 我看上去 沒什麼問題~ 說到態度差 演藝圈裡有哪一個差過Avril Lavigne???

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perfect casting!!! 
剛剛跟別人聊天 談到櫻蘭如果拍成真人版 誰最適合

環 - 瀧澤秀明 (沒有人比他更適合 不論長像還是白痴程度)
鏡夜 - 櫻井翔 (少爺一付聰明樣~ (好啦 龜梨和也應該也很適合 看起來陰險))
光&響 - 松本潤 + 生田斗真!!! (毒舌程度跟松本潤簡直一模一樣)
甜心 - 中島裕翔
崇 - ... 赤西仁?
春緋 - 新垣結衣

這種cast收視應該有30%吧 :p

天啊 2個小時後終於上的去賣票的網站了 所有1,2樓的票的賣完了!!! 好可怕 短短兩個小時!!!!!! 東方神起的都還有很多票 果然 台灣的韓流已經大勢已去了嗎?

我果然很有問題 今天早起床 覺得前所未有的痛苦 整個早上眼淚不停的流 非常有衝動要翹班 過了lunch覺得比較好了 到了下午3點多 覺得超精神!!! 晚上出去吃飯 一直到現在 都精神的不得了!!! 果然 上班最痛苦的事就是要早起 我每天早上都非常佩服自己的神速!! 今天又晚出門 沒想到 從我發動引擎 開到目的地 停好車 竟然只有5分鐘 *o* 這份工果然沒有選錯!!!


一直到昨天才決定 不去看NEWS了 雖然看到那個舞台設計真的很心動 but it's simple math, Arashi > NEWS =P 我要不顧一切豁出去了!! 我要去東京巨蛋看Arashi!!!!! 但是最大的問題當然是票... 另外就是酒店... 我一訂住不慣民宿的 而且一個人好像也不太好 但是日本不是有24小時的漫畫cafe嗎? 那裡可以睡吧 (但是沒的洗澡ㄟ...) 回程也停的話可以趕上GLAY的演唱會XDD 11月19在千葉有一場 但是好像有點晚 (?)

雖然已經不關我的事了 但是我剛才去了年代售票 12點正開始大塞車XDD 不虧是Johnny's!!!!

誰可以賜給我演唱會票 ToT

[花君]看到第6及才發現姫島是NANA2的蓮!!!!!!!!!! EEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~~~~~ 騙人!!!! 好破壞形象 好可怕!!! 那個佐野泉真是讓人討厭 但是Toma *o* kakkoi!!!!!!!!!



Johnny's Talk... 
久等的topic終於回來了!!! XDDD

am i the last one in the world to know that NEWS is having concert in Taiwan???? (thanks to Timmy :p) 太快了!!! i know it's gonna be sooner or later but not THIS YEAR!!! 我還想說以後跟某人一起去看 (跟我同年同月同日生的那個人XDD) aiyo 我迷惘的未來 還不知道什麼時候回台灣呢... (如果是Arashi我大概明天會去訂機票XD) 原本預定11月左右... but i guess Oct is not bad too XDDDDD 但是沒人跟我一起去看ㄟ... 有volunteer嗎? (*stare at kaede*) haha 我最近演唱會看上癮了嗎? 不過畢竟是傑尼斯嘛... 旦我也不是每個都會看的!! let me see...

SMAP -> YESSSS!!!!!! @____@
TOKIO -> no...
V6 -> no... (可以陪人去啦XD)
KinKi Kids -> YES!!!
T&T -> maybe...
Kanjani8 -> YES!!! (Ryo-chan!!! *o*)
Johnny's Jr. -> NO!!

(我覺得scalper是個很好的職業!! maybe i should do that as a career XDDDD)

anywayz, 日期是10月6, 7日~ 今年金曲獎嘉賓的Tegomassu竟然去了西門町 還唱live????? 而且到處觀光... 不公平... 去年松本潤好像24小時就走了 好懷念 一年過的好快 去年的現在我在台灣enjoy life XDD 不過1千5百名粉絲其實不多 我記得安室的簽名會來了5000人左右 F4簽名會來了上萬人 擠爆西門町 :p

話說 為什麼"小籠包"會變成台灣名產?? 明明就是上海的啊... (老實說 頂泰豐的小龍包真是超好吃 比上海的還要好吃~)

最後 KinKi Kids 10週年出的精選曲目很棒~ 但是為什麼沒有[情熱], [もう君以外愛せない], [やめないで,PURE], [愛されるより 愛したい], [SNOW! SNOW! SNOW!].... ToT 不過還好有我最愛的[ボクの背中には羽根がある] (i wonder why i'm not a KinKi Kids fan...) 我覺得傑尼斯真是太聰明了 沒有比他們更奸的公司了 這個strategy就是要你去買前面兩張精選 =___=" 我應該會買(台版) out of all Johnny's groups, 我想KinKi Kids的歌是最好聽的 沒辦法 兩人都受寵 :p 而且他們的歌真的是聽過就不會忘 一些n年前聽過的歌現在都還記得 "everybody sing with us, KinKi Kids forever" XDD 不過最重要的是歌名都可以用唱的 :p (I swear I'm not a fan!!!)



curling, no i mean C1000 
curling這個看到我莫名其妙 非常瞧不起的老人game... Arashi玩起來別有一番風味XDDD curling是加拿大的game嗎? 想不到我們也有發揚光大的一天 :p

watch it here

原來花君換人演了 好失望... 我還是等山田太郎吧~ Sho-kun好像!!!!!! 但是其實Nino不適合這個腳色 因為他不是一眼就讓人覺得長的帥的人 他是屬於那種看久了才會shine的~ 也看起來不夠呆 也不像少爺~ 我絕得山P比較適合這個腳色

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haven't keep up with the uwasa lately.... so shocked when i heard them last night....

first comes next season's 月9, 山下智久+長澤まさみ (again?).... seems pretty confirmed huh? oh well, if Kame can be in a 月9 why can't YamaP?? actually, i think both of them can't 長澤まさみ真利害 年紀輕輕就可以演月9 算了 人家是實力派

next.... is the one that really pissed me off..... 龜梨和也+沢尻エリカ!!!!!!!! ToT nooooooooo~~~~~ 害的我非看不可 and i can imagine myself getting pissed watching this dorama already... and i'm so tired of Kame's acting... it's always the same.... please dont be true!!! (and stop telling me that Kame's rumour are true 99% of the times!!!)

Gokusen 3???? some stupid rumour says that Ueto Aya will be replacing Nakama Yukie... whatever... don't really care about this dorama even though it's got Nakama Yukie

then is the most ridiculous uwasa, Kame will be having his first lead movie with Nino as supporting actor!!! wtf????? 別開玩笑了 要演過Hollywood的(笑)前輩演配角??? (雖然山下智久也幫他演過配角........) 但是現在龜樣這麼紅 根本不需要吧??

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Johnny's Countdown Concert 2006-2007 
今年的countdown比去年好看多了~~ 燈光效果果然重要~ 最重要的是Arashi的part比去年多XD 而且看report說 this year's countdown started with Arashi!!! *o* 一定沒人會想到 大家都以為會是KT團吧~ 但是他們也只唱了total 2首歌~ A團唱了A.RA.SHI, WISH, a Day in Our Life, Kitto Daijoubu and Sakurasake!!!

還有就是NEWS回來了 不過只有6個人 至於為什麼樣休息一年? 當然是策略 這樣退出再回來超有話題性的~ KT出場時忙著搶鏡頭 亂七八糟的 跟後來的Kanjani8對比好大

所謂的豬豬年男也不過是換上和服說幾句話而已 我還以為會有什麼特別的performance... *失望* (aiyo 自己出生的年不就是犯太歲嗎?? 豬年的朋友今年要小心 *___*) 那part今天在朋友家有重看~ 友人K竟說Nino雖然不帥但是很kakoi~~~ 果然 是最有aura的一位!!

Tokyo Dome的話 圳直得去的應該就是傑尼斯藝人了~ 印為他們會繞場!! 還有moving stage~~ 還有 再看MS Super Live的十後就這麼覺得了 攝影師實在太了不起了!!! 不僅要照台上的 還要在觀眾席裡找他們的fans!!!

看完後 我發現我的反應是"Ryo-chan帥翻了!!!!!!!!" XDDD i wanna get his uchiwa :p

JunJun *o* (這個angle照的臉好大)


the start of my fandom for Ryo-chan?



I DID NOT CAPTURE THIS PIC CUZ I THINK HE LOOKS GOOD!!! 是因為這個髮型是前幾個月Jun才流過的!!! =___=" it's exactly the same thing!!! copycat

KCE!!!! can't believe they made it into the DOME~




其他豬年男還有2個KT的 K8的丸山 MA的屋良 & 前4TOPS成員風間俊介~ oh, 還有整整大一輪的V6 leader

Oh-chan got a solo dance during Matchy's solo~

JunJun loves purple~~ and so do I XDD


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a fd sent me all kinda funny youtube links...

Music Station Monomane!!!
LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XDDDD look at that 華麗的傑尼斯陣容!!! Tsuyoshi好像!!! KT其實也很像 雖然觀眾傳來很大聲的"ehhh" 但是不看長相 其實聲音很像 小動作更是像!!!!!! 尤其是龜梨和也~

TOKIO - Sorafune
這個也是超像 從長相到聲音*o*

ok, here comes the real good ones~
Hikki - Can You Keep A Secret?
Hikki - Travelling
OMG!! 連講話都非常像~ 但是就敗在那幾句英文

i actually saw the performance years ago, this girl actually did several performance of ayu's songs~ 聲音其實不像 長相也不像 他像的是台風 是那兩隻手!! if you watched enough Ayu live performances, then you'll know how Ayu has some weird hand gesture~ (go watch Ayu's TV live of SURREAL, then you'll see!! Ayu usually go crazy during concert, so that's not so accurate :p) 說到AYU的monomane 蔡10也是一級棒~ (the first and only time i'll praise her)

ELT - fragile
performance by the same girl, now she sounds so much like Kaori~ i think it shows that Ayu's voice is so special that you can't find anyone with a similar voice~

just ordered the latest Oricon Style and the backnumber issue with Arashi's TW con from clubjapan (台con那本在www.books.com.tw, www.jmag.com.tw 還沒上市就被預購完了 >___<), and the shipping method i picked is 船便!!! haha, probably gonna take about 2 months to get to me XD 沒辦法 誰叫我窮



Layout © Pieces of a Dream by Ayami.  All Rights Reserved

Recent Tracks

Say Something!!!


Anime: Code Geass
Manga:  Vampire Knight, Skip Beat!, Fruits Basket, ヒカルの碁
Song:  almost in love, HEAVEN, Hero, とまどいながら, CAN YOU CELEBRATE?, , HOWEVER, pure soul, It Takes Two, Wait & See~リスク~, SEASONS, Moments, 夜空のムコウ
Singer:  浜崎あゆみ, GLAY, 嵐, 安室奈美恵, CHEMISTRY, 柴咲コウ
Actor:  仲間由紀恵, ともさかりえ, 柴咲コウ, 木&# 26449;拓哉
Flower:  Sakura!!!
Fruit: ichigo~ (strawberry)
J-Drama: 1リットルの涙, 花より男子, きみはペット, ごくせん, Trick, Good Luck, 大和撫子


[+] Hamasaki Ayumi
[+] GLAY
[+] Arashi
[+] Shibasaki Kou
[+] Chemistry
[+] Ayu! Love! Ayu!
[+] University of Toronto


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version 1: Sakura Drops

version 2: Orange Days

version 3: White Road

version 3.5: 波動する心音

version 4: ヒカルの碁

version 5: NANA

version 6: H E A V E N

version 7: Blue

version 8: Murasaki

version 9: のだめカンタービレ

version 10: Dark Moon

version 11: SOLDIER

version 12: Who...

Fan Listing
