
松本潤要主演黒澤明の名作「隠し砦の三悪人」已經是舊文了 黑澤明 只聽過名字 一部作品都沒看過 知道他很紅 period XDD 剛才看了一下casting 哇~~~~ 真是大製作!!! 女主角 長沢まさみ!!! (為什麼不是Erika...) 還有阿部寛*O* 製作費15億円!!!!! 一向對日本的電影不期待 畢竟連紅透日本的[武士の一分]都悶的讓我想睡覺... 松本潤主演的僕妹我是skip來看的 但是現在還真的很期待說~


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j/k 其實之前根本不知道 是今天... 會去film festival做volunteer只是想在resume上多點東西 我的個性是不可能做白工的 福利還不錯 有送Starbucks, Pizza Nova的gift card 送了一件ROOTS T, 包包 還可以免費看電影

今天還看到Brad Pitt + Angelina

真是回本了!!!! =P

awwwww~ they are soooooo friendly!!! 整條路都封了 sidewalk上擠滿了人~ their car stopped right at the front door but they actually 往回走 繞了一整圈!!! AWWWWWW 還一直跟fans揮手~ 還手牽手 they look so sweet~ Angelina Jolie looked soooooooooo pretty in real person!!! and soooooooooo skinny!!! Brad Pitt 當然整個帥翻了 XDD 看起來好年輕 最多像30出頭 外國男人果然都不會老 20歲像30歲 到了40歲還是像30歲!! 以前我覺得Brad Pitt跟他前妻Jennifer Aniston很稱 但是現在覺得 還是跟Angelina比較稱!!!!

誤打誤撞讓我見到我最想見的 *o* 我的星運要持續到下個月啊~~ 神啊 讓我在日本碰到明星吧!!!



my long weekend 
我去看了Sammi演唱會~ (in case you didn't know, I used to be a fan!!! 這次坐半山區 :p 是$68的第一行~~ she sang A LOT of old songs!!!!! a lot of fast songs too~ 但是舞好像沒有我想像中的好 but considering that she's already 3x~ brought back a lot of my old memories... haha, and I saw a lot of my fds there :p (I saw Cindy!!! I haven't seen her for ages!!!) Sammi唱歌的方式真的變了很多~ 很有中氣 聲音也變低沉了 ummm 我還是比較喜歡他以前的唱法

第2天 一大早就去了BBQ 我只睡了4個小時而已X___X 加拿大這什麼鬼天氣 冷死了!!!!! 不是普通的冷!!! 到了晚上7點 我已經穿了外套 (偷別人的穿XD) 坐在火邊 還冷到發抖!!! 這是7月該有的天氣嗎???

我今天睡了12小時XDD 但是起來時還是很累 還好沒有要去看Ratatouille 不然我一定會睡著 晚上我心血來潮 去了大統華 打算在去買drumstick (甜桶 not 炸雞 :p) 跟維它奶 但是兩個都沒有on sale了ToT (they were playing Ayu and Hikki songs~ 但是竟然有"ever free"這種超冷門的歌!!)

我看了NANA2 雖然所有人的說1比較好看(cuz those ppl are stupid)但是我覺得2好看多了 只少比較有story了~ 市川由衣演的出乎我想像 他以前從沒演過這麼可愛的腳色!! 而且看他本人也不覺得他是這種人啊~ 好利害~ Takumi也演的超好~ 好有形~ 整個感覺都很像~ 蓮跟nana... 兩個人都超陰沉 漫畫裡哪是這樣啊... 中島美嘉的演技真是沒進步 他演的比較像不良少女 以前不知道哪裡看到有人說Mika演的好 沒有人比他試合演Nana 我想那個人一定瘋了 :p 真一很可愛 但是不會演戲... 至於Reira~ haha, she had more lines~ 她的舉動好可愛 不過那個ending... 不會讓人覺得這是一不GL嗎??? XDD 我唸高中的時候 有個朋友看了漫畫後跟我說 這是一不GL XDD LOL 不是啦... 如果我的好朋友跟一個我很討厭的人在一起我也會反對 覺得朋友會離自己越來越遠 這種心情每個人都試過吧... 我覺得這是很正常的感情... (雖然這樣說不好 但這是我第2次看到ML ppl有人把"Suite Room"翻成"Sweet Room"了 而且是不同的subgroup LOL 補一補英文吧... 就只會說日本人英文不好)

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以日本人的電影來說 真的算是S級的~

但是有小小失望的就是 當初那豪華的cast 其實除了仲監由紀會之外 其他人的戲份都超少 竹忠直人 北村一輝 谷原章介 松下由樹 都大概出場不到3分鐘吧

跟我想的有點不一樣 i thought they are gonna 私奔 and live happy ever after!!! but NO!!! it's a tragedy >___< (like usual...) 大奧如果有happy ending就不像"大奧"了吧... 那個將軍大人好可愛喔~ (gyaaa~ 會在山田太郎裡演Nino的弟弟!!!) 但是5歲的小孩真的懂這麼多嗎?

我也不知道為什麼好看 其實故事不夠緊湊 也缺少climax... 但是音樂超好聽 場景很美 最重要的是我很喜歡仲間由紀惠 大奧系列還是第一章最好看...


上星期看了[蟲師] 還真是出乎意料的好看!!! (可能是因為我喜歡這種主題的電影) waaaa CG好棒!! 江角真紀子一把年紀了過了這麼多年還是很有氣質 蒼井優的也超有氣質 聲音好好聽 (爆露了我根本沒看完Honey & Clover XDD)雖然最後有點看不懂 but that's the trade mark of Japanese movies XDD

[怪談] website is updated!!! with awsome intro and ayu's [fated] as bgm~ the music is soooooooo good!! i want the OST already~ (omg 黑木朣真的好像鬼!!)



超想看~ Ayu唱主題曲^o^ 導演竟然說因為Ayu在世界各地都有知名度 所以才選她的@____@ 說會在50的國家上演 但是一定沒有加拿大... T___T 導演是轟動一時的[Ring]的導演~ 日本電影只有鬼片能看 這此事鬼片+劇情 場景都好漂亮~ 超想看!!!! cast陣容也很讚~ 瀨戶朝香好有型~~~~ 但是我不是太喜歡井上真央...

[蟲師]DVD應該快出了吧... 還有[どろろ] 跟[大帝の剣]~ 木村的[武士の一分]讓我好失望... [大奧]怎麼還沒出啊>__<




ok, this is gonna be very very very random post =P

why are all new songs tie with some kinda movie or dorama nowadays??? geez, ppl gotta learn that it doesn't work ALL the time... NANA2 is the biggest failure!! anywayz, Yuna's new song "I'm Here" sounds awsome~ so she CAN sing fast song afterall ^__^(and yes, after a few more listens, she does sound A LOT like BoA @___@ the string sound like Shine More tho~) it's gonna be the theme song for the movie [Unfiar] i tried to watch the dorama, it makes me wanna sleep after watchign the first 10 min and since i never really liked 篠原涼子... but they added 江口洋介~ 果然 target audience是師奶吧

any Crystal Kay fan here? is [こんなに近くで] gonna be released as single? it's the theme song for Nodame the anime~ sounds pretty good~~~~ it's more like her style~ even though i do like [きっと永遠に] i think the song is a bit too hard for her (?) it only showed how bad her singing is :p 如果是Misia唱會更完美

再來 [陰陽師]的作者的新作[大地之劍]的主題曲是GLAY唱的~ ^o^ in case you didn't know, I was a big fan, ok that's not the point 陰陽師電影曾在日本造成轟動~ (我去日本時還去了[安倍晴明神社] 看到一條戻橋實真是超感動=P 還去了源氏物語裡出現過的場景... 京都 is a place you can't enjoy unless you know some history~) 第一集真是超~~~~~好看~ i'd say it's one of the best Japanese movie ever~ CG跟畫面美的不得了~ 但是第2集.... 實在是太SF了 太誇張了... 至於這個[大地之劍] 天啊 好誇張 @____@ but i still hope this movie will sell well, and boost GLAY's single sales =P

speaking of GLAY, their new album is actually really good!!! haha 比我想像中的好~ but it's pretty like Ayu's, i skip single songs XD [I Will~]真是越聽越好聽!!! [サラギの灯] 跟[僕達の勝敗]也是好讚!!!!!!!!! this is the old school GLAY T___T 唯一可惜的是快歌不怎麼樣~ but that's ok, there are enough fast songs from their previous album~ 新歌[鼓動]也是超好聽!!!!! *___* (even tho some fans say it sound like "enka" but i decided to ignore those idiots (and those idiots are the ones who criticized [SCREAM] like mad, saying how it's one of TAKURO's worst composition... 而且是從歌罵到PV =___=" but it turned out to be the 5th best selling single of the year), 我才很難明白what's so great about [MIRROR] i'm not saying it's a bad song, just that i prefer other tracks more...)

new [TSUBAKI] CM is out~ omg, 和服 *O* 好美~~~~ arrrr, Nakama Yukie is sooooooooo pretty!!! awww, 廣末良子也好漂亮!!! 還下雪 *___* 但是不過是30秒的廣告 有必要到這麼多地方拍嗎??? (if you watch the making, you'll see) 還有竹內結子 我一開始完全任不出來!!!! 瘦了好多!!!! 而且是連臉都瘦了 @____@ 嗯 瘦了好看很多~

finally~ amuro's concert DVD preview on youtube: here
awww, she finally got some new clothes =P ehh 但是那身運動服 did she just dye the white one from last year??? and i just realized that 不知何時開始 我比較excited about Amuro's concert DVD compare to Ayu =P even tho i don't buy them XD 我想還是因為安是會跳舞~ Ayu的 you can pretty much expect what she'll do~

(and i found somethng really sugoi on youtube, Amuro singing with 伊能靜!!!!!!! *o* ehhh, is she popular in Japan?? and is it just me or what, i hear a big accent from her Japanese =P i thought she moved to Japan in elementary school or something? from Amuro's style, that's from 1997 [CAN YOU CELEBRATE?]時期~ 感覺那個時候更有天后的架式 why is she all shy and quiet now...)

oh, and i dreamed of EXILE last night XDDD 夢到去他們的簽唱會~ 然後還跟SHUN要簽名 但是他不理我 很酷的 一句話都沒說就走了~ 然後TAKAHIRO很好心的說會幫我拿到全員的簽名 LOL then i dont remember what happened next =P

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Letters from Iwo Jima 
去看了~ 老實說 我很少這麼exciting的去看電影~ 晚上10:30場 戲院裡只有小貓幾隻 a few chinese girls, which makes me wonder if we had the same intention XD

第一幕就是Nino!!! 很興奮的拉著某人叫=P ok, end of fangirl talk~ talk about Nino's 演技~ 真的是Hollywood水準嗎? 全世界的Arashi fans, 日本媒體都大肆宣傳 "世界的俳優" but is he really?? 我不知道 我只知道那時是我一直著的Nino!!

speaking of story, it's pretty much what i expected~ 我可以了解為什麼日本收的這麼好 因為跟日本local的電影比實在是好幾十萬倍!! (日本電影除了鬼片 其他都不能看) 確實有地方有點悶 但是不會讓人想睡覺~ and i like how they try to add American style jokes in the film~ Nino is so funny <333

這真的是很直得看的一部電影 it's a history that shouldn't be forgotten!! 戰爭真的是很可怕的東西 (雖然這完全是日本人咎由自取 要是不偷襲珍珠港的話 現做我說不定打的是日文 中國叫做日本帝國XDD) 但是日本人的自殺思想實在是很難接受 正所謂留得青山在 哪怕沒柴燒 也不想想自己的犧牲一點意義也沒有..... so basically everyone died except for Nino!!! :p

something i like about this movie is that it didn't try to make either side to be the evil side!! 不管是日本人還是美國人 大家都有家庭 有等待他們回家的人 nobody is in the battle because they want to kill people

love how the movie begins and ends~ draws a beautiful conclusion!! (Steven Spielberg produce的~ 果然不會差到哪)

最後一句 Nino戲份超~~~~多!! he's like the 大主角~ (not to mention the movie started with him writing letter to his wife) i think the only reason Watanabe Ken's name goes first is because he's the only well known actor in this movie


anywayz, i really have to stop going out next week!!! i got awful lot of readings to do ToT and going out with SOMEONE will really hurt my wallet 會變完全不懂得節省

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今天一想到要將我的血汗錢送入周傑倫的口袋 就很不爽 =___=" 沒辦法 我實在很想看周潤發... 整部戲看下來 很金!!! 金到讓我眼花 五顏六色 顏色多到讓人覺得俗氣... 說到金 最漂亮的當然是金閣寺!! 真的是會讓人看呆~ 面湖背山 完全不會看膩~

故事也有很多不make sense的地方 那個皇帝真的是非常自私的人 人真的是可以毫不猶豫的喜歡一個人 就算知道自己得兒子做了對不起自己的事 但是對他的愛還是絲毫沒有減少~ haha 我還滿喜歡這種角色 因為人就是這樣的~ 我想皇帝最後一定沒有想到自己的兒子會選擇死

但是到底為什麼要找周傑倫演??????????? 而且還是這麼好的角色!! 演技 他沒有!! 長相更沒有!!! 他一出場我跟某人就異口同聲的"ewww" =P 為什麼古代片要用一首R&B 輕快的戨做主題曲??

booo, 臥虎藏龍好看n倍~ 但是overall還是直得一看啦


my first week of class 就開始skip =P 一星期上兩天課 但是朝10晚7/9 ToT 慘... 快虛脫~ 今年的課好像很都很難 @____@ aiyo... 而且我還要不知死活的修6科....

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Layout © Pieces of a Dream by Ayami.  All Rights Reserved

Recent Tracks

Say Something!!!


Anime: Code Geass
Manga:  Vampire Knight, Skip Beat!, Fruits Basket, ヒカルの碁
Song:  almost in love, HEAVEN, Hero, とまどいながら, CAN YOU CELEBRATE?, , HOWEVER, pure soul, It Takes Two, Wait & See~リスク~, SEASONS, Moments, 夜空のムコウ
Singer:  浜崎あゆみ, GLAY, 嵐, 安室奈美恵, CHEMISTRY, 柴咲コウ
Actor:  仲間由紀恵, ともさかりえ, 柴咲コウ, 木&# 26449;拓哉
Flower:  Sakura!!!
Fruit: ichigo~ (strawberry)
J-Drama: 1リットルの涙, 花より男子, きみはペット, ごくせん, Trick, Good Luck, 大和撫子


[+] Hamasaki Ayumi
[+] GLAY
[+] Arashi
[+] Shibasaki Kou
[+] Chemistry
[+] Ayu! Love! Ayu!
[+] University of Toronto


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version 1: Sakura Drops

version 2: Orange Days

version 3: White Road

version 3.5: 波動する心音

version 4: ヒカルの碁

version 5: NANA

version 6: H E A V E N

version 7: Blue

version 8: Murasaki

version 9: のだめカンタービレ

version 10: Dark Moon

version 11: SOLDIER

version 12: Who...

Fan Listing
