more photo at my albumLabels: La tormenta

2010 冬季日劇
最近大部份的嵐飯都在說 [完美小姐]比[Tokujo Kabachi] 好看.... EHHHHHHHHHHHH 我不明白 怎麼看都是Kabachi比較好看啊 我會覺得好看絕對不是因為櫻少 論演技 絕對是龜樣演的比較好 我絕對沒有偏心 我連Smile都沒看完了 XDD 不好看就是不好看 我不會因為演的人說他好看的 :p 我會喜歡Kabachi不是因為Arashi的關係!! the only thing I don't like about it is the CG.... it's making the dorama too childish... I think 完美小姐 is the one that needed more CG
其實我原本最期待的是龜樣的 [完美小姐] 漫畫改編的 how can it go wrong? 歷代漫畫改編的日劇都有一定的水準 Nodame 花男 花君 一磅的福音都讚 有閒俱樂部 執事 即使不精彩 也稱的上好看 但是完美小姐實在是..... I mean, this kinda topic, HOW DID IT GO WRONG? Just follow the original story, how hard is that?? Look at Nodame, it's probably 99% according to the original story and it's such a big hit in Japan!!! I wouldn't blame it on Kame this time, cuz I've already approved his acting in [一磅的福音] (lol, I love this dorama, it's probably one of my top) 是編劇的問題!!! 第4集有稍微好看一點了 但是收視跌到5% 龜梨和也果然是收視毒藥 lol
本來覺得很不錯的[不毛地帶] 第2季好拖喔 .... 下一季 Oh-chan有新劇!!!!!!!!! [怪物くん]藤子不二雄的作品 Oh-chan是演妖怪國的王子 XDD Nino跟Jun好久沒拍戲了 ToT 到底甚麼時候拍櫻蘭真人版啊 找Arashi 5人一起拍 收視一定破30% XD
************************* 說到主題曲 我 我.... 還滿喜歡LOVE YOURSELF的..... 比Troublemaker更喜歡 (*hide in shame) 其實............ 我 .......... 我一向都滿喜歡KT團的歌............ Arashi的歌實在是太genki了 要不因為是Arashi 我絕不可能一天到晚聽這種歌 XDD 今年要是再有3000的票 我一定會去看 XDD 山P說KT飯都是M... LOL so damn true!!!!!!!!!!!! KT是會在演唱會上說 "お前ら", "put your fu*king hands in the air"的大S...... orz.. 日飯聽得懂嗎...Labels: Dorama

"Artists that girls wanna give chocolate to" Ranking
Oricon果然甚麼ranking都有 Sho-是唯一上榜的~ 但是那個comment實在是讓我EHHHHHHHHH
EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~~~~~~ Sho啊 是最有可能拒絕女生的吧 說錯了 是no. 2 冠軍一定是道明寺 XDD Arashi裡最不會拒絕女生告白的一定是Aiba-chan!!! sigh... 十代的少女還是屬於那種充滿少女情懷的年齡~ 松本潤啊.... 他到底會收甚麼人送的曲克力呢 當年跟仲間由紀惠傳緋聞還傳同居 可是人家送的巧克力竟然沒吃 (雖然他的藉口是忘記了...) maaa, 男生不喜歡吃巧克力是正常的
**************************** Shopaholic
我今天又看中好多東西啊 怎麼辦 窮死了說 我最近在收集的是 松本潤歷代的應援扇.... it's gonna be a slow and long process X_________X I'm half way through...... ganbare~ 跨年扇都好貴喔T____TLabels: LLa tormenta

Aiba-chan FRIDAYED!!!!!!!!!!
after like how many years?? but this time it's nothing compare to those naked photos or even Oh-chan's host club incedent
The article just talking about how Mizukawa entered Aiba-chan's building, there's no photo of them together.
It's actually a very sweet love report (that they made up) about the two. They met on 2004 during the filming of PIKANCHI (I didn't notice it was her :p) and she's close with other Arashi members. She's in the same high school and same grade as Jun, Nino mentioned about going out for dinner with her on his Game Nikki and she's good friend with Sho too~ She and Aiba-chan had a very stable relationship (?) and is accepted by the ppl around them
this Jan, Mizukawa is spotted entering Aiba-chan's 47-floor-mansion and that's all. They don't even have a pic of Aiba-chan and Mizukawa in ONE picture.... sigh, I am kinda disappointed, I was expecting something BIG XDD well, it's a good thing that it's not a scandal
神啊 請讓我抽中下星期的Music Station Special!!! 我會感謝你一輩子的 Arashi's gonna sing 2 new songs!!!! *o* (even tho it's sitll kinda far from the release date)
最近迷上yahoo auction.... X_________X it's such a bad habbit.... but I just can't stop!!!!!!Labels: La tormenta

我最近喊窮的日子月來越早了 這個月要付Ayu的演唱會票 X____X
[特上カバチ!!] 好看!!!!! 最近一直被某人說我花心 偏心 問我[My Girl]看了幾集 這不是偏心的問題 這是好不好看的問題 "我連Smile都沒看完!!!!" LOL oh hide in shame.... it's probably one of my fav pairing, JunXYui but..... but... 賓賓潤 實在好難愛 我要王子潤!!!
剛看完[オルトロスの犬] 瀧澤秀明果然帥啊!!! 10年前我也一度為他著迷 試問有哪個少女看完[魔女的條件]會不喜歡瀧澤秀明 果然 擁有最完美的臉的傑尼斯 要說缺點的話就只有頭大吧 XDD but he's just missing something... 原來長的帥是不夠的 紅不起來就是紅不起來... 像Nino 絕不是屬於帥型 but he's charming!!
其實所謂的傑尼斯黃金時期(瀧澤秀明, 嵐, 山P) 是大失敗 當時紅的人 Arashi出道沒多久 就開始不紅 好幾張單曲都沒有no. 1 傑尼斯裡是奇聞 (雖然SMAP以前也是...) 然後Jr.時期超紅的瀧澤秀明也是 出道後人氣超低... 經過兩次失敗 傑尼斯高層大地震 在換了經手人後 才決定新組這個所謂的NEWS吧... NEWS應該算是成功吧 到目前為止每張單曲都是no. 1 (雖然我覺得這完全是山P的功勞) 然後某牛郎團 Jr.時期完全部受矚目 一半成員都是audition落選的 但是卻莫名其妙的紅了... 但是
其實Tackey & Tsubasa是我最想看到紅的 即使比Arashi還紅 我也不介意 Tackey was the leader of all Jr. back then!!! 他是公認的大好人 even KT who only badmouth about their senpai like Tackey a lot~
ANYWAY, back to the dorama :p I like the idea a lot but I don't like how the dorama ended... 人真的是很笨 很可悲 很自私的生物 為什麼這麼好的力量會變成毀滅世界的力量呢? 政府真的會想效滅這些有特殊功能的人嗎? 納為己用不是更好... 我不懂...
這一季還是沒有甚麼好看的日劇 [Code Blue] is sooooooooo sad!!! @_______@ 我不想看了 it's sad because we know this is happening everying in real life and there's nothing we can do about it.... "做醫生 或許是讓我們確認 世界上沒有奇蹟" .... I need some baka, brainless and super genki dorama!!!!Labels: Dorama, Johnnys, La tormenta

"今年, 最初の雪の華を"
令東京發生了300件交通意外 包括我的王子樣 松本潤 glad that he's alright!!!
it's been 2 years since the last snow in Tokyo, kids were so excited and adults got up earlier to avoid the traffic.... it's such a big deal here in Tokyo area... BUT.... IT'S ONLY 1 CM OF SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!! do we even report for a 1 cm of snow in Canada??? and by the time I got off work today, the snow pretty much melt already...... maa, but it really feels like Canada when the ground is covered with snow
今天Ayu arena tour的抽票開獎了 我抽了6場中了3場 ToT 只中了50%.... 第一年加入FC時是百發百中的啊 sigh 比起我抽Arashi的結果 以經算非常好了說 看來我又要去光顧黃叔叔了
新年新新希望: 百抽百中的運!!!! 算了 有個80%也好啊 50% is too low ToT

Zoom In! SUPER had a special on "Male Nudity" which talks about how it's getting more and more popular with young girls... girls from 20~50 doesn't feel embarrass at all looking at nude ikemen on the street while women in above 50 feel very hazukashi~ Sho-kun from national idol group, Arashi got the spotlight, anyway, an an sold 440,000 copies!!!!!!!!! that's about the amount of their sigle sales... so that means almost every Arashi fans in Japan bought one?? (wait, some of us probably got more than one copy... like me :p) lol, is it a sign of Asia girls are becoming more open minded like western girls? (maa 我看到翔君裸體一點也不覺得害羞 XD 看到松本潤在演唱會上換衣服還尖叫)
我很想要的那張海報 最後鏢到1萬5千日幣 ToT what da hell...... the max I would for a B3 poster is 5000 yen 裸體的power真是厲害 lol
偶像當道 這個月T團封面的JJ也品切了.... sigh.... fangirls are so scary
話說 Arashi拍過的廣告 我每一樣都買/用/吃過 (除了電話) Fasio, Kiri beer, House products, C1000, Ozack, Pepsi, KFC
Toma is on HEY HEY HEY tonight!!! can't miss it!!!Labels: La tormenta
Layout © Pieces of a Dream by
Ayami. All Rights
Recent Tracks

Say Something!!!
Anime: Code Geass
Manga: Vampire Knight, Skip Beat!, Fruits Basket, ヒカルの碁
Song: almost in love, HEAVEN, Hero, とまどいながら, CAN YOU CELEBRATE?,
, HOWEVER, pure soul, It Takes Two, Wait & See~リスク~, SEASONS, Moments, 夜空のムコウ
Singer: 浜崎あゆみ, GLAY, 嵐, 安室奈美恵, CHEMISTRY,
仲間由紀恵, ともさかりえ, 柴咲コウ, 木
Flower: Sakura!!!
Fruit: ichigo~ (strawberry)
J-Drama: 1リットルの涙, 花より男子,
きみはペット, ごくせん, Trick, Good Luck, 大和撫子
[+] Hamasaki Ayumi
[+] Arashi
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[+] Ayu! Love!
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version 1: Sakura Drops

version 2: Orange Days

version 3: White Road

version 3.5: 波動する心音

version 4: ヒカルの碁

version 5: NANA

version 6: H E A V E N

version 7: Blue

version 8: Murasaki

version 9: のだめカンタービレ

version 10: Dark Moon

version 11: SOLDIER

version 12: Who...
Fan Listing