
back to Taiwan... 
I miss HK T____T I enjoyed my HK trip to the fullest!!! HK has great transportation system (better than Japan's!!), HK is such a shopping paradise (so much cheaper than Tokyo) and is a true 不夜城!! I had milk tea EVERYDAY, I love 點心 and 芒果布丁! and I like how HK girls don't put up crazy make-up, it's totally ok to walk out 素顏 in HK! I also love how HK is English friendly!!!

I always thought my cantonese is "ok", afterall, I hang out with HKnese in the past 10 years...... BUT, when I spoke Cantonese to ppl in HK, they reply me in Mandarin.... T_____T is my Cantonese really THAT BAD???? and the interesting thing is, when I kept silence, they speak Cantonese to me 都不知道該高興好還是不高興好... 但是香港人真的是 服務態度差!!! 而且不是普通的差!!! even those ppl who works in the airport or maybe it's just because I don't look rich.... they treat us better if we speak English

我真的是台灣人嗎? 為什麼對台灣完全沒有這種感情 日本 加拿大 香港我都好喜歡 但是對台灣就沒甚麼好感... 回到台灣... 一點也沒有"回家"的感覺 完全是覺得 "鄉下"

HK is such a nice place to live in.... 但是香港沒有Arashi也沒有Ayu T____T


hong kong is awesome!!! The first thing I did after I came out of the gate, I bought milk tea!!!! 久しぶりの港式奶茶!!!! T________T then I met up with Jo!!!!!!!!!!!!!

到香港真的是無時無刻的在"吃" 體驗了所謂的"掃街" what a new experience~ and had HK style seafood~ so far I enjoyed the life in HK~ it's as busy as Japan but it feels familiar, maybe because we are the same kind afterall~ 有種親切感~it would be good to live and work here~

I always thougjt Jo is very "man" but she's able to find a bf that's even more "man" awwww, what a sweet couple :p She's totally the type that I would fall for if she's a guy

and I thought I won't be attracted by HK's clothes after being in Japan for almost 2 years... but that's not the case when the style is similar but the price is 1/3 of the ones in Japan's :p I bought a lot of clothes again.....

Tomorrow is Macau one day trip!!! HK is sure hot!!


super busy lately, but I'm not referring to work. End of school year = no lesson = 超~~~~~~~~~~~~~暇!!! and it can be a torture sometime... tomorrow is my last day and I'm leaving for HK on Sat!!!

no matter how many years or how many times I've experience this, I still suck at parting. I wanna cry when I left my 2nd fav school on Wed, I got a lot of presents from students and all the teachers greeted me at the door when I was leaving ;____; and tomorrow is my fav school!!! The school that I put the most 感情 into (LOL)... oh no I hope I don't cry :p

WELL, I left school early today and went to karaoke XDD I sang Erika's [Taiyou no Uta] she was once the most popular actress in Japan and the best selling female singer~ I'm glad that she's back!!! I STILL LIKE HER NO MATTER WHAT :p

I'leaving for HK on Sat~ I'm so excited!! Hong Kong, here I come!!! with empty wallet but good that I have human ATM XDD

and..... another thing... I AM QUITTING!!! going to Japanese school in April and is gonna be more broke than ever.... gosh, how am I gonna survive T____T

今天的HnA is <333 我大概都猜中了 lol 沒錯 我也認為松本潤擁有天生的host氣質 是"THE HOST" 但是nino絕對是最成功的host!!! 選老公的話 我也認為nino最不適合的 雙子座 自我中心 情緒化 而且毒舌 絕對不行!!! (like me) 就算撇開我的偏心 我也會選潤 他是會對喜歡的人溫柔體貼型 只要可以接受他花心就好了 XDD (我一定是不介意型 我不需要是他的no. 1 只要他是我的no. 1就夠了)

劫你死出了第2個news caster, NEWS的小山 不討厭也不喜歡 他是認真 努力 有自知之明的人 但是... 以他那長相竟然進的了傑尼斯... 實在是個迷... 但是總覺得他們在走翔辛辛苦苦開的路 翔辛苦種的樹 乘涼的都是後輩...

Mario出新的CM了 超~~~~~~~~~~可愛 <33333 大宮 The thing that ppl like about Arashi is their friendship, and you can totally see it in the CM~ 但是Nintendo的廣告真是超低成本 ... 錢都花在請大明星身上吧 SONY跟SQUARE應該學習一下 學著走在潮流的尖端啊 請Arashi代言啊 XD 人家Nintendo多厲害啊



Erika 要復出了!!! I am so happy for her, no matter what the media says, I still like her!!! And she still looks gorgeous!! 我還是那句 那種程度也叫囂張的話 那美國人算甚麼??

Japan's meida says 北川景子是Erika的接班人 說兩然style相似 甚至開始叫Keiko-sama LOL 恩 確實 兩然有點像 都是看起來態度囂張 高傲 type (but Keiko seems soooooo 平易近人 in real life) 我的喜好果然是一樣的

不過我還是比較喜歡Erika, Keiko is my no. 2



since this *might* be my last year in Japan, I'm not gonna leave with any regret XD

4.10 - 浜崎あゆみ 2010 Arena Tour in 埼玉スーパーアリーナ
4.15 or 16 - BoA in 東京国際フオーラムホール
4.28 or 29 - 安室奈美惠 2010 Tour in 神奈川県民ホール
5.08 - 相葉雅紀 [君と見る千の夢]
5.15-16 - 浜崎あゆみ 2010 Arena Tour in 横浜アリーナ

6.03 - CHEMISTRY 2010 TOUR [regeneration] in 東京国際フォーラムホール
6.04 - テゴマス in 代々木
6.06 - Do As Infinity LIVE TOUR 2010 ~ETERNAL FLAME~ in よこすか芸術劇場
6.20 - Do As Infinity LIVE TOUR 2010 ~ETERNAL FLAME~ in NHK Hall
7.24-25 - 浜崎あゆみ 2010 Arena Tour FINALE in 代々木 

the bolded ones are confirmed (still can't believe I got ticket for Aiba-chan, what a miracle) the rest are the ones that I "wanna" go but don't have tickets yet

今年的目標還是 "演唱會看到爽" XDDD


There are times when I really wanna praise the Koreans... they are the source of almost all fancam online!!! and they are professional, they have people going to the same show recording different members!!! すごくない??? 托福 我可以只下松本潤版本~ 超清楚 超focus 感謝妳們冒著被趕出去的風險 沒有妳們 有很多場次我都看不到 even tho we gaijin fans still think they are freaky and scary I appreciate their hard work!!!

I actually like NEWS' [Sakura Girl] quite a lot~ it's something I wish Arashi can sing... I think I've been saying this for a long time... but I think KT and NEWS have been getting much more likable songs than Arashi... Arashi's songs.... aren't really the kind that I would like if they are sing by some other random ppl... but it's almost an year since NEWS' last single???? wow, the jimusho probably think YamaP can make more money if he's on his own. The jimusho probably gave all the songs to Arashi and is too busy arranging jobs for Arashi so they don't have time to take care of NEWS

actually, I think Arashi would sound good, way better than KAT-TUN if they get to sing [Love yourself] it's the same style as [時計じかけのアンブレラ] (I love this song, totally think it should be the A side instead 第一句那超好聽的 當然是leader啦 :p) but I hate the way KT sings 超討厭那種有氣無力的唱法 虧你們還自認唱rock 唱rock是要吼出來的好嗎 那種小鳥叫的音量... 龜梨和也跟赤西仁似乎都認為那是sexy... 雖然跟他們那隨便跳跳的舞很稱 如果拿給Arashi唱 一定好聽 maa doesn't matter 現在Arashi不管唱甚麼都會賣

[怪物君] 松岡要客串 總感覺怪怪的 現在竟然是Arashi順便帶前輩演出的時代... 想當年[天国に一番近い男]可是松岡當男主角 翔當配角呢.... 真是風水輪流轉


剛看完GLAY的members produce live DVD 好感動 果然 跟看完Arashi是不一樣的心情 而且比stadium好看多了 原來我不喜歡看大場啊 總覺得場地小比較好看...



KYAAAAAAAAAAAA 翔潤!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 這兩人站在一起實在是養眼!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Men's Non-No 明天立刻去敗 現在凡是印上"嵐"的東西都混品切 最離譜的是 上去追去北海道的時候 札幌機場的紀念品店 賣給外國人 寫著漢字的手機吊飾 "智" "翔" "雅" "和" 全部都賣完了 LOL 我早這剛來日本時 在日光就想買了 可是 沒有"潤" T_____T Jun發音 其實一般事寫成"純"的 所以根本沒有"潤" 當時某人在旁邊說還我不是應該買"步"嗎 我還一時反應不過來... if I'm gonna use it, it's going to be "潤" only XDD

but seriously, out all 5 members, 潤是最適合作模特兒的 he has so many different expressions!!!!!! Aiba-chan跟leader可以說是面無表情 :p

anyway, 昨天的宿題君 潤喝了祥剛喝完的杯子 and he didn't notice until evil Nino pointed out, that expression was <333333333333 裝甚麼啊 間接接吻 根本是小case 你們明明常做

[Troublemaker]初動 54.2萬!!!!!!!!!!! 比去年的[Believe]還多 ToT I thought their fame should begin to die down this year.........兩年連續初動超過50萬 是繼2000年 B'z之後就沒有出現過了

ntv / Oricon

再這樣紅下去 今年就真的要開 Stadium tour了!!!!! @_____@ I still can't believe I hit Aiba-chan's butai!!! OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kyaaaaaaaaaa 這會是我有史以來最近距來的接觸 為什麼不是Jun T_____T



敗家一日遊 Part 2 
我今天又去敗家 ToT 我的扇子collection就快完成了!!! what should I collect next

然後 下午3個fangirls去看了[人間失格].... seriously, this is the last time I'm watching an award winning/classic remake movie!!! the language is not hard to understand but the story totally make me "huh" I mean, what's so deep about this story??? it's basically about a spoiled brat who was born rich has no dream and goal. Apperantly he spent all his money and has to start working, he met various woman in his life but he doesn't seem to love any of them by heart. He committed suicide with the first women when he got kicked out of his house but he survived. He merried the 2nd women who gave him a job but got divorced soon. Then he merried a girl who is selling cigarattes. He had a happy short marriage until his best friend unveiled his wife's affair. The he became alcoholic and is addicted to drug... At the very end, his brother sent him to some country side place and had a house and servant for him... and he (kinda) fall in love with his servant.... THE END....

ORZ.... what's so tragic aobut the main chracter? I'm sure there are more people living in a worse life but they never give up. There are people who were born poor, have no talent but they worked their ass off for a living... ANYWAY, Toma kakkoii <3 so far 我所認識的每一個Arashi飯都喜歡斗真 有的不是很喜歡松本潤 但是卻超喜歡斗真 為什麼這麼受歡迎的人 沒得出道呢... 現在黏著Arashi的氣勢 以MAIN出道吧!!!

after movie I had super delicious dinner at 六本木 Hills~ 我想六本木車站是全日本我最喜歡的了 也許是因為他融合了西式跟和式 六本木的每個人看起來都好像成功人士 等我回到我家的車站就會覺得... sigh... is this what I stayed in Japan for? :p


CX or JAL 
well, it looks like I am going to HK afterall~ I'm so excited, my last visit was back in 2004!!!!!!! OMG, it's been 6 years already? @______@ time flies.... kyaaaaa 港式奶茶 點心 蛋塔 西多士 菠蘿油 雲吞麵 I MISSED THEM SO MUCH!!! 我要3餐都喝奶茶!!!

anyway, I called Cathay to change my ticket, I had to wait for a bit to get to an operator but OMG, CX's staff are sooooooooooo efficient, I got everything done in 5 min!!!! 5 MINUNETS!!!!!!!! ther staff are so damn 醒目 even tho she has a big Engrish accent but I have absolutely no problem communicating with her. I had one confirmed flight with 2 waiting list, I asked her how many ppl there are on the waiting list, it took her 3 seconds. Whereas JAL, the last time I called the the operator said "I don't know how many ppl are on the waitinglist" #$*%_)@#*%)_@#% wtf, don't play dumb with me and I replied "I know you can check, please check it for me" then it took her 5 min to check.... not to mention JAL staff are super slow, I asked if this this date is available, it took her another 5 min to check, and after she finally told me there is seat available, she said she need to double check if my ticket is suitable for this seat and she will call me bak ToT

JAL的機上服務確實是不錯 餐點又好吃 而且飛機準時 但是customer service實在是爛 我上次打去換位子 又跟我說沒位子 我快氣死了 一次這樣兩次又這樣 結果我開始罵服務員 最後掛電話前說了一句 "this is the last time I flying with JAL" 結果2天後就接到電話說有位子了 當時還跟我說waitinglist有80人 P勒 果然 人善被人欺 XDD sigh... 自從JAL宣告財政危機後 就越來越爛了 連toll free number也沒了 how can you not have a toll free number???? 上次打去 第一個接我電話的 我完全覺得他不會講英文 我說April 4th, 講了一百遍 "no, the month April, April!!" 他還是聽不懂 以為我在說flight 806 .... orz.... seriously, 儘管我多哈日 我以後也不想再坐JAL了.... 還是國泰好!!!! 日本人做事很努力 但是香港人是做事醒目!!!

最近賣東賣上癮~ it's actually a lot of fun!!! :p

"Troublemaker" sold 232k in the first day, that's more than the first day sales of "Believe"... is this going to be Japan's 2010 best selling single? The sales on the 2nd day is 144k, with a total sales of 377,236 copies in 2 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Arashi is sugoi........ 果然是國民偶像! by next Wed "Troublemaker" is going to be Japan's no. 1 single in 2010 for sure~

can't wait to watch Arashi's tour DVD *o*



我的掌紋跟松本潤超像!!!!! 我也有那兩條"感情線" 我們都是感情豐富的人 絕對不會背叛朋友 還有 那條"あやりません"線也是 我也是道歉超苦手!!!!!!!!! whenever my fangirl friends see anything I have that's purple, they will say "it's Jun's color~" but actually, I started liking purple way before I fall for Jun~ it's fate XDD

kyaaaa, Troublemaker perf is so cute~~~ <3333333

還沒講完 翔君果然是大少爺 只有有錢人才會像 "一生不知道會吃多少次飯" LOL 只有有錢人才會這樣想!!! 賺的錢現在不用 甚麼時候用 等這種想法

Ayu的專集到底甚麼時候出啊 ToT 巡迴不會是要唱就個 雖然我不介意 but I want new album......



Layout © Pieces of a Dream by Ayami.  All Rights Reserved

Recent Tracks

Say Something!!!


Anime: Code Geass
Manga:  Vampire Knight, Skip Beat!, Fruits Basket, ヒカルの碁
Song:  almost in love, HEAVEN, Hero, とまどいながら, CAN YOU CELEBRATE?, , HOWEVER, pure soul, It Takes Two, Wait & See~リスク~, SEASONS, Moments, 夜空のムコウ
Singer:  浜崎あゆみ, GLAY, 嵐, 安室奈美恵, CHEMISTRY, 柴咲コウ
Actor:  仲間由紀恵, ともさかりえ, 柴咲コウ, 木&# 26449;拓哉
Flower:  Sakura!!!
Fruit: ichigo~ (strawberry)
J-Drama: 1リットルの涙, 花より男子, きみはペット, ごくせん, Trick, Good Luck, 大和撫子


[+] Hamasaki Ayumi
[+] GLAY
[+] Arashi
[+] Shibasaki Kou
[+] Chemistry
[+] Ayu! Love! Ayu!
[+] University of Toronto


[+] March 2004
[+] April 2004
[+] May 2004
[+] June 2004
[+] July 2004
[+] August 2004
[+] September 2004
[+] October 2004
[+] November 2004
[+] December 2004
[+] January 2005
[+] February 2005
[+] March 2005
[+] April 2005
[+] May 2005
[+] June 2005
[+] July 2005
[+] August 2005
[+] September 2005
[+] October 2005
[+] November 2005
[+] December 2005
[+] January 2006
[+] February 2006
[+] March 2006
[+] April 2006
[+] May 2006
[+] June 2006
[+] July 2006
[+] August 2006
[+] September 2006
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[+] November 2008
[+] December 2008
[+] January 2009
[+] February 2009
[+] March 2009
[+] April 2009
[+] May 2009
[+] June 2009
[+] July 2009
[+] August 2009
[+] September 2009
[+] October 2009
[+] November 2009
[+] December 2009
[+] January 2010
[+] February 2010
[+] March 2010


version 1: Sakura Drops

version 2: Orange Days

version 3: White Road

version 3.5: 波動する心音

version 4: ヒカルの碁

version 5: NANA

version 6: H E A V E N

version 7: Blue

version 8: Murasaki

version 9: のだめカンタービレ

version 10: Dark Moon

version 11: SOLDIER

version 12: Who...

Fan Listing
