
Officialy moved!!! Took me a while to decide which blog system to use... I finally went back to FC2. Anyway, this is the new link:

Pieces of a Dream at FC2

I still miss this place.... I'll make my new home look like here.... soon :p sayonara, my U of T space, blogger, I'll always remember you!!!


back to school!!! 
工作了兩年 I'm finally back to school!!! 果然 出的了國的大陸人 都不簡單 該怎麼說呢 根本不是來念書的 問為甚麼要出國 大部分都說是家人逼得 我12,13歲時被問到也是這個答案 但是到我們這個年齡 不該是這個答案吧... 當然 我也沒好到哪去 但是還真的大家都是出來玩的 (我真是五十步笑百步) 問讀完有甚麼打算 大部分都說要回國 說家裡也不等錢用 不需要去工作 @_____@ orz.... 不知道是generation gap還是culture difference... 無法溝通 不過他們上課還真是玩得很high 講一些低B笑話 我好難理解... 一項都是我被別人嫌幼稚 想不到我也有閒別人幼稚的一天 完全讓我想起高中年代 我好懷念我的大學年代 T____T

ANYWAY, going to see my Goddess tomorrow *o*


KYAAAAAAAAA, I don't like stadium >___< I don't know why I just don't like it.... but I'm glad they included Jun's b-day digest!!! KYAAAA, thank god that they included the kissing part!!! Nino偷親Jun的場面大概是我最興奮的時候 Jun is so yasashii he jump up to Nino and shared his mic as soon as Nino's mic died <3333 and I love the dome digest~ when are they going back to arena T____T

天啊 8/30 雨超大 連續兩年都下大雨 夏天真的不該搞戶外演唱會 btw, I got BoA's ticket =)

The best thing about ANTM is not the modeling part, it's the drama between the bitches girls! This is what happens when you put bunch of competing girls in the same house.... omg, girls are scary... and it seems like this cycle is the worst. I can't even pick my fav girl!!! I like Jessica's face but I don't like her personality... yes I like bitches but I don't like this kinda 小家子氣的 bitchy XD last season I liked Brittany and Nicole, they are nice girls with pretty faces and they don't gossip about others. It's hilarious how in the preliminary 2 blonde girls were saying that "we are the only 2 going to make it" but they were out in the first epsidoe... where did they get all the confidence

school starts on 8th, wish me luck!! gonna get a new phone next week =)


Japan again 
I'm back~ why is it still so damn cold in freaking April??

我家旁邊的水溝 小溪櫻花盛開 好漂亮 這是我最後一次賞櫻嗎? awwww 這種時候還真的希望身邊有人 尤其是回到超小的公寓 對著四面牆... 還真的有點寂寞 每次從台灣回來都會覺得自己很氾賤 在台灣明明可以當大小姐 卻要來日本受苦 我這種薪水如果在台灣 是可以常常出國玩 買名牌的 但是在日本卻不夠花... 算了 再讓我玩一下吧~ 我演唱會還沒看夠 XD

OMG, SEASONS was from 10 years ago? time flies.... where did all the time go? 還是好好聽 T___T Ayu唱錯歌詞 kanashi連唱了兩次 :p MS可以來個唱錯歌詞/跳錯舞SP XD

這次新歌都是快歌說 但是到目前為止我都喜歡~ Microphone的arrangement聽起來像是會有吸血鬼出現的歌 I like it, can't wait to see Ayu next week *o* 初日 我來了!!!


time flies 
i'm going back to Japan on Sat!!! my vacation is coming to an end T____T and I'll be back to school as student this time!! 有點超齡說...

haven't done much in Taiwan... just shopping and eating and watching DVD with the 100" screen <333 I wanna watch Arashi's tour DVD on this screen!!! and somehow everything in Taiwan seems so cheap to me 之前去香港也是 覺得甚麼都便宜 果然 日本住久的後遺症... and since when did I became a shopaholic? I bought a pair of shoes for US$120 without a blink!!! I don't know, my 金錢觀 is messed up whenever I go out with my sis, she buys expensive toys for her son as if they are 100 yen and she orders 4 or 5 things from McDonald even tho she knew her son is only gonna have one bite on each... anyway, 有車的生活真好 沒車的日子真是活得像貧民.... (technically, I AM one)

Good that I still have few days to rest and get used to my old life before school starts


back to Taiwan... 
I miss HK T____T I enjoyed my HK trip to the fullest!!! HK has great transportation system (better than Japan's!!), HK is such a shopping paradise (so much cheaper than Tokyo) and is a true 不夜城!! I had milk tea EVERYDAY, I love 點心 and 芒果布丁! and I like how HK girls don't put up crazy make-up, it's totally ok to walk out 素顏 in HK! I also love how HK is English friendly!!!

I always thought my cantonese is "ok", afterall, I hang out with HKnese in the past 10 years...... BUT, when I spoke Cantonese to ppl in HK, they reply me in Mandarin.... T_____T is my Cantonese really THAT BAD???? and the interesting thing is, when I kept silence, they speak Cantonese to me 都不知道該高興好還是不高興好... 但是香港人真的是 服務態度差!!! 而且不是普通的差!!! even those ppl who works in the airport or maybe it's just because I don't look rich.... they treat us better if we speak English

我真的是台灣人嗎? 為什麼對台灣完全沒有這種感情 日本 加拿大 香港我都好喜歡 但是對台灣就沒甚麼好感... 回到台灣... 一點也沒有"回家"的感覺 完全是覺得 "鄉下"

HK is such a nice place to live in.... 但是香港沒有Arashi也沒有Ayu T____T


hong kong is awesome!!! The first thing I did after I came out of the gate, I bought milk tea!!!! 久しぶりの港式奶茶!!!! T________T then I met up with Jo!!!!!!!!!!!!!

到香港真的是無時無刻的在"吃" 體驗了所謂的"掃街" what a new experience~ and had HK style seafood~ so far I enjoyed the life in HK~ it's as busy as Japan but it feels familiar, maybe because we are the same kind afterall~ 有種親切感~it would be good to live and work here~

I always thougjt Jo is very "man" but she's able to find a bf that's even more "man" awwww, what a sweet couple :p She's totally the type that I would fall for if she's a guy

and I thought I won't be attracted by HK's clothes after being in Japan for almost 2 years... but that's not the case when the style is similar but the price is 1/3 of the ones in Japan's :p I bought a lot of clothes again.....

Tomorrow is Macau one day trip!!! HK is sure hot!!


super busy lately, but I'm not referring to work. End of school year = no lesson = 超~~~~~~~~~~~~~暇!!! and it can be a torture sometime... tomorrow is my last day and I'm leaving for HK on Sat!!!

no matter how many years or how many times I've experience this, I still suck at parting. I wanna cry when I left my 2nd fav school on Wed, I got a lot of presents from students and all the teachers greeted me at the door when I was leaving ;____; and tomorrow is my fav school!!! The school that I put the most 感情 into (LOL)... oh no I hope I don't cry :p

WELL, I left school early today and went to karaoke XDD I sang Erika's [Taiyou no Uta] she was once the most popular actress in Japan and the best selling female singer~ I'm glad that she's back!!! I STILL LIKE HER NO MATTER WHAT :p

I'leaving for HK on Sat~ I'm so excited!! Hong Kong, here I come!!! with empty wallet but good that I have human ATM XDD

and..... another thing... I AM QUITTING!!! going to Japanese school in April and is gonna be more broke than ever.... gosh, how am I gonna survive T____T

今天的HnA is <333 我大概都猜中了 lol 沒錯 我也認為松本潤擁有天生的host氣質 是"THE HOST" 但是nino絕對是最成功的host!!! 選老公的話 我也認為nino最不適合的 雙子座 自我中心 情緒化 而且毒舌 絕對不行!!! (like me) 就算撇開我的偏心 我也會選潤 他是會對喜歡的人溫柔體貼型 只要可以接受他花心就好了 XDD (我一定是不介意型 我不需要是他的no. 1 只要他是我的no. 1就夠了)

劫你死出了第2個news caster, NEWS的小山 不討厭也不喜歡 他是認真 努力 有自知之明的人 但是... 以他那長相竟然進的了傑尼斯... 實在是個迷... 但是總覺得他們在走翔辛辛苦苦開的路 翔辛苦種的樹 乘涼的都是後輩...

Mario出新的CM了 超~~~~~~~~~~可愛 <33333 大宮 The thing that ppl like about Arashi is their friendship, and you can totally see it in the CM~ 但是Nintendo的廣告真是超低成本 ... 錢都花在請大明星身上吧 SONY跟SQUARE應該學習一下 學著走在潮流的尖端啊 請Arashi代言啊 XD 人家Nintendo多厲害啊



Layout © Pieces of a Dream by Ayami.  All Rights Reserved

Recent Tracks

Say Something!!!


Anime: Code Geass
Manga:  Vampire Knight, Skip Beat!, Fruits Basket, ヒカルの碁
Song:  almost in love, HEAVEN, Hero, とまどいながら, CAN YOU CELEBRATE?, , HOWEVER, pure soul, It Takes Two, Wait & See~リスク~, SEASONS, Moments, 夜空のムコウ
Singer:  浜崎あゆみ, GLAY, 嵐, 安室奈美恵, CHEMISTRY, 柴咲コウ
Actor:  仲間由紀恵, ともさかりえ, 柴咲コウ, 木&# 26449;拓哉
Flower:  Sakura!!!
Fruit: ichigo~ (strawberry)
J-Drama: 1リットルの涙, 花より男子, きみはペット, ごくせん, Trick, Good Luck, 大和撫子


[+] Hamasaki Ayumi
[+] GLAY
[+] Arashi
[+] Shibasaki Kou
[+] Chemistry
[+] Ayu! Love! Ayu!
[+] University of Toronto


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[+] April 2004
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version 1: Sakura Drops

version 2: Orange Days

version 3: White Road

version 3.5: 波動する心音

version 4: ヒカルの碁

version 5: NANA

version 6: H E A V E N

version 7: Blue

version 8: Murasaki

version 9: のだめカンタービレ

version 10: Dark Moon

version 11: SOLDIER

version 12: Who...

Fan Listing
