
Best Boyfriend Artist Ranking 
恋人したい 男性有名人ランキング

01. 福山雅治
02. 水嶋ヒロ
03. 櫻井翔
04. 相葉雅紀

05. 向井理
06. 小栗旬
07. 山下智久
08. 松本潤
09. 二宮和也

10. 堂本剛

國民偶像 嵐 有4人上榜!!!!!!!! 風水輪流轉 想不到Aiba-chan現在這麼紅 不過leader確實是最不適合作男朋友的no. 1 別說我偏心 但是松本潤絕對是最適合作男朋友的 Arashi裡面最細心 最浪漫 最會甜言蜜語的 no. 1 playboy 翔雖然跟潤一樣是playboy但是絕對是大男人主義 Aiba-chan這種少根經的 做他女朋友一定很辛苦 Nino... 雙子座是最不適合作情人的 (like me) 忽冷忽熱 自我中心 至於leader.... 我不予置評 XD

KT兩人都沒上榜 XDDD 他們最近人氣真的事非常低 有點覺得sympathy~ 龜梨和也果然是收視毒藥 但是完美小姐真的事失望 我們來很期待這部說...


我果然 眼光超好 XDD 嵐是證據之一 我"之前"很迷的Hiro 現在超紅 雖然我現在已經對他沒甚麼興趣了... 我還是最愛本尊 XDD Hiro.... 實在是太好男人了 我還是喜歡像Jun那樣的 XDD

btw 今天是Sho-kun的生日 Sho-kun, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Arashi正邁向30代!!!! Sho-kun kakkoii~~~~ :p 雖說潤飯是最不該飯翔的 但是連本人都不介意的事 外人生甚麼氣呢 不論以前發生過甚麼事 潤對翔君絕對是超有愛的 他討厭的我會跟著討厭 他喜歡的我也一定會喜歡 男人的友誼跟女生是不一樣的 他們是可以吵完架 打完架 搶完女人 然後繼續當朋友的 那種奇怪生物

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Ayami's Top 10 Songs of 2009 
one year has passed, it's time for my ranking again =)

01. JUJU feat JAY'ED - 明日がくるなら
I'm sorry Ayu but this is gotta be my fav song of the year. I still love JUJU even though all of her songs sound the same to me. Love her voice

02. 浜崎あゆみ - You were...
I think it's totally unfair to put this song at no. 2 because it's still new..... but I think I'll still love this song after 200 listens =) and her live on CDL was soooooooooooooooo good!!!

03. 浜崎あゆみ - BALLAD
shu-ya lol, ok I'll stop.... I really like the combination of the single, one old school Ayu end of year ballad and one with brand new, weird style~ I wanna hear Ayu sing this in live....

04. 嵐 - 明日の記憶
this is probably one of Arashi's best ballad ever. Johnny's artists don't usually have good ballad, and even if they do, they don't sell... 90% of Arashi's songs are those super genki songs.

05. 浜崎あゆみ - RULE
Love this song and love the PV (Shu-ya <333). Love it even more after watching her live.

06. GLAY - I am xxx
seriously, haven't been impressed by GLAY's song for a while :p after watching the free performance at Yokohama, this song became a must-sing at karaoke

07. 嵐 - Crazy Moon~キミ・ハ・ムテキ~
gyaaaaaaaaaaaaa, kakkoi!!!! choooooooooo kakkoi, love the dance and the performance is just cool!!! Even tho I thought it sounded like Believe at the beginning....

08. BoA - 守りたい~White Wishes~
Boa's typical style, but I love it 對我來說是治療系

09. 安室奈美惠 - WILD
Amuro's songs are always good to watch, I started to like most of her (recent) songs after watching her live

10. 浜崎あゆみ - Sunrise ~LOVE IS ALL~
I loved this song, Ayu's soooooooooooo cute, how can a 30 year old weoman be cute like this? but..... I think I like track 3 form the single the most

總覺得這個排名一年比一年難 就算有聽夠多的歌 但是也排不出來了 老了就是這麼回事嗎? 年輕時的熱情 早已煙消雲散了 已經很難再有(Ayu以外的)歌可以打動我了嗎? 現在就算覺得好聽 也只是"好聽"而已 也不過是這種level 但是如果是以前的我 會是打從心裡覺得感動的 例[如瞳をとじて] [月のしずく] [かたち あるもの] [Jupiter] [深い森] [fragile] [あなたのKISSを数えましょ] right now I can't even remember what's released in the first half year of 2009 那種心情已經再也找不回來了嗎? 再過幾年我就會變的跟一般歐巴桑一樣 對現在流行歌手完全陌生嗎??? @______@ 好可怕啊 2x歲 is such a scary age.... and it's such a big difference even tho it's onyy one year older.... (最明顯的就是皮膚開始變差)



2009 is the year of Arashi 
嵐、史上初の“CD、DVD4 冠”達成~シングルTOP3独占


This is the year they broke Japan's music record their own record!!!

4冠王!!! They toped the following charts:
- Single
- Album
- Artist Total Sales

That means their PV clips sold more than Amuro's concert DVD!!!!!!!!!

21年以來 獨占年間排行榜1到3的位置 (要不是秋原順子 Arashi就罷了1到4!!!) 4張當曲都進了年間Top 5!!! 連續兩年 獨占年間冠亞軍單曲 史上第一組在國立競技場連續開3天演唱會的藝人 (而且還一票難求 這甚麼世界啊) 日本5大巨蛋巡迴演唱會

這真的不是可怕的紅啊 (雖然我完全不覺得他們的單曲有好聽到成為日本第一 那個精選更是被嵐飯罵得半死 開甚麼玩笑啊 只有一首新歌 沒有重錄 沒有新的編曲 連暑假剛出的單曲也沒有收錄 這種recycle的東西也敢拿出來賣 $%*^_)@*#)%+*@#% 2009年 竟然還有人趕出PV集!!!! 這年頭DVD要用送的好嗎!!!!!!!!!!!! 我想除了劫你死 沒有其他人敢這麼做 但是.... 我們這些嵐飯 抱著無奈的心情 還是又開心的去拜了個2, 3張專輯 跟那個看了n便的PV集...... ) 前無古人後無來者 GLAY跟Ayu當年也沒這麼紅 (雖然我覺得是因為當年競爭大) 我最想比的當然是跟同樣身為傑尼斯藝人的牛郎團啦 我就說吧 不出3年 你們一定會開始走下坡 而Arashi總有一天會比你們紅!!! but I can't believe NYC Boys sold more than both 山P and 赤西仁!!!

剛剛看到Oricon Single Yearly Ranking還以為自己眼花 top 25竟然沒有一個女藝人 (除了秋原順子 演歌派不算!!!)!!!!!!!!!! Ayu's [Days/GREEN] is no. 26 T_____T but I'm glad that she's the no. 1 female artist!!!! Amuro is on 45, yeah her ONLY single in 2009, sold 11.9, less than half of [60s 70s 80s]! No surprise, that's the usual sales of her singles~ if she have tried to actually promote this single, I bet it will sell a lot more... (Ok, I'll stop sounding like a bi*ch XDDD) I'll still love Amuro as long as she doesn't outsell Ayu XDD

跟去年比 其實Arashi的銷量差不多 3版本的[truth]去年賣了61.8萬 今年的[Believe]賣了65.6 萬 雙版本的[Beautiful days]賣了42萬 卻只有第10名 今年的[Everything]也賣了42萬 去是第5名 所以其實不是Arashi紅了 而是其他人 不紅了!!! KAT-TUN去年有賣到42萬 今年去只賣了37萬!!! 有5萬的fans投靠Arashi去了嗎?? XDD (難怪嵐飯素質變差了 no offense, I can be friends with NEWS fans, Kanjani fans, Kinki fans, V6 fans, SMAP fans, TOKIO fans but just not KT fans!!!! and I think to some degrees, "like idol, like fans" is true!!!)

太可怕了 日本現在是只有女生在買CD嗎?? 位甚麼紅的都是偶像系的?

anyway, Arashi, congratulations!!! I don't think ANYONE (including yourself) will be able to break this record!!!! YOU ARE LEGEND XDDDD

let's count how many slots Johnny's occupied

01位:「Believe│曇りのち、快晴」 (嵐)
02位:「明日の記憶/Crazy Moon~キミ・ハ・ムテキ~」 (嵐)
03位:「マイガール」 (嵐)
05位:「Everything」 (嵐)

10位:「急☆上☆Show!!」 (関ジャニ∞)
11位:「恋のABO」 (NEWS)
13位:「悪魔な恋/NYC」 (中山優馬 w/B.I.Shadow/NYC boys)
16位:「Loveless」 (山下智久)
23位:「約束」 (KinKi Kids)
28位:「スワンソング」 (KinKi Kids)
31位:「妖~あやかし~」 (堂本光一)
41位:「そっと きゅっと/スーパースター★」 (SMAP)
60位:「七夕祭り」 (テゴマス)
74位:「RAIN」 (堂本剛)
75位:「スピリット」 (V6)
78位:「GUILTY」 (V6)
80位:「愛・革命」 (滝沢秀明)
93位:「空 ~美しい我の空」 (剛 紫)

so that's 21/100... 21%??? WTF??? Top 10裡佔了6張!!!! 我覺得Johnny-san實在是太厲害了....

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Ayami's Top 10 Songs of 2008 
OMG, I can't believe I forgot this :p Can't let the tradition stop eh~

01. 浜崎あゆみ - Untitled ~ for her ~

(If I have to choose a fav artist in 2008, it would be Ayu, saw her 4 times in 2008 T_____T) My fav album grack from GUILTY, I cried when I first heard this song, and I cried with Ayu while watching her CDL

02. JUJU feat. Spontania - 素直になれたら
This is probably my most played non-Ayu song this year!!! I still love it now

03. 浜崎あゆみ - Days
This song is probably cursed!!!!! I really don't know what's the magic within this song, when I first heard this song, I thought this is gotta be one of Ayu's most boring ballads but after I watched the PV, I totally fall in love. But I know my trend with ballad, I tend to get bored of it after an while BUT I STILL LOVE IT NOW!!! and I think I'm liking it more and more now!!! it's my regular at karaoke now :)

04. 青山テルマ - そばにいるね
loved this song at the beginning of the year but totally overplayed it.... my love for Thelma is gone, her other songs just dont have the magic

05. 浜崎あゆみ - MY ALL
it's one of my fav song from GUILTY, I hope it will be the finale in her concert from now on (Ayu made ZIN a super star XDDD)

06. GReeeeN - キセキ
typical GReeeeN song, but who cares, it's good

07. 嵐 - Truth
no I didn't put ONE LOVE on my chart, I just can't, I still think it copied MY ALL. Anyway, Oricon's best selling single in 2008, Arashi choooooooo sugoi!! People said it sold well because it's dorama tie-up, whoever said that is a dumbass, the dorama's rate sucked!!! and so is the drama it sold because it's ARASHI!!! I actually like it a lot because it's finally not another happy-happy-Johnny's-typical-song~

08. レミオロメン - もっと遠くへ
typical Remioromen ballad, 有點blue, I like it

09. YUI - Namidairo
I can't believe this was released in 2008, it feels like it's been a few year @____@

10. 宇多田ヒカル - Prisoner of Love
I think I overplayed it, but I really loved it when I first heard it. But I really think it's over-rated



one down, one more to go 
I think I'm gonna fail my exam, I think I said the same thing last time XD but I really mean it this time... 應該說是我運氣不好? 這次的essay part worth 30 marks!!! X___X why can't they give me more definitions or identify the composer+genre type of questions ToT 期待奇蹟的出現 ok... one more tmr... 明天那個比較不緊張 畢竟一直有做練習 history完全是臨時抱佛腳 =P

我最近覺得自己超對不起Ayu 因為..... 我竟然在聽Kobukuro的5296專輯!!! 我明明說過死也不在聽他們的 >___< (*hide in shame*) 但是Kobukuro真的是紅的很莫名其妙 最紅的那首什麼花的我第一次聽也很喜歡 然後蕾也是 但是聽了精選就完全覺得他們在騙錢 每一首聽起來都一樣 當然 最大的原因是 竟然搶走了Ayu的10連霸寶座 =____=" anyway, 為什麼會突然去聽Kobukuro呢.... 因為看了這個:

男生怎麼可以哭的這麼帥 (I can't believe I sound like a 大花癡 XD)

最近一直在聽的還有 青山テルマ 因為看到他竟然賣的比Johnny's軍團們還好 傻眼 down來聽 果然 好聽!!!!!!!! 治療係? 感覺很久沒到好聽的R&B了 (no offense, I don't consider Hikki's music R&B anymore)

2008年上半年Single Ranking
*1 *,424,057 そばにいるね / 青山テルマ feat.Soulja 08/01/23
*2 *,420,830 LIPS / KAT-TUN 08/02/06
*3 *,373,681 Step and Go / 嵐 08/02/20
*4 *,299,196 羞恥心 / 羞恥心 08/04/09
*5 *,290,012 太陽のナミダ / NEWS 08/02/27
*6 *,289,081 吾亦紅(われもこう) / すぎもとまさと 07/02/21 累計379,317
*7 *,265,585 60s 70s 80s / 安室奈美恵 08/03/12
*8 *,227,105 ワッハッハー / 関ジャニ∞ 08/03/12
*9 *,193,753 海雪 / ジェロ 08/02/20
10 *,181,444 Mirrorcle World / 浜崎あゆみ 08/04/08

EHHHHHHHHHH, 安室的單曲賣的這麼好????? I know it's doing good but I never thought it's THAT good!!!! Awwww 我只能說風水輪流轉 想不到安室還可以賣贏Ayu ;____; but I'm so proud of both of them, 10幾年後的現在在還能賣的這麼好 (*claps*) but wth is 羞恥心??? they sold 290K in the first week?????? 那算什麼??? 搞笑藝人? (其中一個好像是小栗旬演的貧窮男裡的搞笑2人組其中一人) 自己去youtube看吧 說不定會成為今年的no. 1 single....

松本潤上[食わず嫌い]收視率精然有20.7%!!!! EHHHH 這是那個節目一般的收視率嗎?? 會不會太高了 還沒down所以不知道內容 我忙著down[假面騎士] XDDD (it's so much better than I thought XDDD and it's definitely not just for kids) Arashi會不會太紅了啊 有點失落感 :p 比起dome我更想看arena....

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Ayami's Top 10 Songs of 2007 
01. 浜崎あゆみ - part of Me
I think you can pretty much tell by looking at my chart at last.fm... I don't know what's the magic there, ii just keep on repeat the same song for more than 2 months... 那時候在做最後的掙扎 這首歌的tone很適合吧 it's also the time I review Ayu's best hit songs since 2000, brought back a lot of memories :p

02. 宇多田ヒカル - Beautiful World
didn't fall in love with any Hikki songs for a long time~ 這首歌一開始聽覺得so-so 但是越聽越上癮 雖然歌詞普通 但是總覺得聽了後變的很有精神 我也不知道為什麼

03. レミオロメン - 茜空
這也是我depression時期超愛聽的 (喜歡這種聽起來像internal struggle的戨 awww, i miss DAI) 現在聽 聽完後真的會很down.... why did I do that when I was already in depression??? =P

04. Ayaka - Why
ok, Crisis Core效應 我不相信有人可以玩完CC後沒有愛上這首歌 現在我每聽到一次 就會想起那個ending ;____; and hey, FF系列是第一次讓theme song 融合在ending裡 (you'll see whatIi mean when you play it yourself :p) 彈這不代表我已經比較喜歡Ayaka了 他其他戨我還是覺得普通

05. GLAY - I will~
GLAY今年的單曲真的是不怎麼樣(我真的是fan嗎??) 尤其是Ashes.EP 跟G4比差太多了=( 失望 這首是專輯裡的 TERU作詞作曲(which is VERY RARE) 我很喜歡這種style 真的把sorrow都唱出來了

06. 伊藤由奈 - I'm Here
I loved (notice the "d" :p) this song when it just released, Yuna proved that she can sing something other than ballad =P 不論是beat, tempo, instrumentation, arrangement, 聲音 到唱的人我都喜歡XDD 今年no. 1 快歌!!!

今年YUI真的是大紅大紫 但是紅的歌我沒有一首喜歡CHERRY, 還有另一首是什麼? 我還是只喜歡YUI的ballad... I'm glad she tried something different from her old style~ 但是聽起來真的很灰 (PV也讚~ 有我喜歡的Erika~ "watashi ja dame desuka" 日本女孩真的說的出這種話嗎??)

08. 浜崎あゆみ - talkin' 2 myself
很正宗的rock song~ PV拍的很帥 Ayu很努力的在跳舞 XDD

09. 嵐 - Love so sweet
第一次聽覺得很typical 又是這種style... 但是出乎意料 非常耐聽 (連Ayu也喜歡呢)

10. 新垣結衣 - heavenly days
結衣美沒真的好可愛啊 =P 人長的可愛 會演戲 連聲音都好~ 這是屬於治療系的吧 可以讓人放鬆心情 非常relax~

為什麼沒有我喜歡的ERIKA呢 其實他今年的兩張單曲不能說不好聽 一開始聽我非常喜歡 但是兩首style太像了... 雖然ERIKA今年負面消息很多 但是我還是很喜歡她



Ayami's Top 10 Ballads - 動人歌詞 ver. 
01. 浜崎あゆみ - Moments
02. DREAMS COME TRUE - 朝がまた来る
03. Mr. Children - HERO
04. 浜崎あゆみ - walking proud
05. GLAY - 夏音
06. 浜崎あゆみ - No way to say
07. GLAY - pure soul
08. 浜崎あゆみ - Endless sorrow
09. GLAY - Winter, again
10. Kaoru Amane - タイヨウのうた

超偏心的ranking =P Mr. Children的HERO的歌詞真的前所未有~ 有空po一下好了

我好閒 但是時間過的好快 :p 最近還真喜歡加拿大的日子~ (應該說我不喜歡該變生活環境) 老師問我明年邀不要一起演出 聽起來不錯~ 但是還早

唉喲 我的暑假要怎麼過啊.... 沒想到加拿大的暑假這麼熱 我快被煮熟了 最慘的是這裡的冷氣不夠涼

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Ayami's Top 10 Ballads - 星, 空, 月, 夜 ver. 
01. SMAP - 夜空ノムコウ
02. RUI - 月のしずく
03. B'z - 今夜月の見える丘に
04. 鬼束ちひろ - 月光
05. 安室奈美惠 - Wishing On the Same Star
06. 大塚愛 - プラネタリウム
07. 中島美嘉 - 朧月夜~祈り
08. スピッツ - スターゲイザー
09. Do As Infinity - under the Moon
10. 嵐 - 瞳の中のGalaxy

might as well~ do something that fits this layout :p

Arashi終於上榜了 (雖然好像有點off topic..) :p it is a great song~ probably their best ballad ever (Johnny's不適合唱ballad)

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Ayami's 2006 Dorama Ranking 
1. 白夜行
對於這部戲 我有說不出的感想 我不明白到底哪裡好看 演員我不喜歡 故事有點慢 有點dark的storyline 我大概很喜歡這種internal struggle的戲~

2. のだめカンタービレ
這絕對是史上最最最~~~忠於原著的漫畫改編的日劇!!! Fuji TV果然讚!!! 我一直很不些喜歡那些先看日劇/電影 後看漫畫 然後說they prefer the drama/movie =___=" 但是幾乎沒有人compare the drama with the manga~ 因為真的是一模一樣~ 這部日劇簡直就是無可挑剔!!! TBS應該多多學習~ 應該會拍續集吧??? 如過拍 就要到歐洲去了!!! *o*

3. タイヨウのうた
haha, bias here~ 我會看完全是因為Erika 不然的話 我對這種plot實在沒什麼興趣的~ 雖然完全比不上[1公升的眼淚](畢竟然家是真人真事) 但是比[在世界的中心呼喊愛情]好~ (ok, i know i'm bais :p)

lol, I was just talking about this dorama with my fd TODAY :p probably the funniest dorama of the year~ 完全不用腦的戲~ 新垣美眉超可愛 我越來越喜歡=P 長瀨可以這麼不顧形象的演出真讓人佩服~

5. 嫌われ松子の一生
again, 我喜歡這種internal struggle的故事~ 而且是真人真事 所以真的是很make sense~

6. 富豪刑事2
Fuji TV 拍的戲真的是很大手筆~ 看了富豪刑事會覺得到明寺其實並沒有很有錢=P 少根經的偵探片 我喜歡 =P

另外 超好看的SP dorama有里見八犬伝 and 世にも奇妙な物語 冬の特別編 春 version is kinda boring.... (no bias here!! :p)

今年有什麼新春SP啊? 都忘了這回事 :p

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Ayami's Top 10 Songs of 2006 
geez, this is the year of ballad!!!

01. GLAY - 夏音
actually, i had a really hard time deciding between no.1 and 2 again... (actually, if i can revise my ranking from 2005, no. 1 and 2 would switch for sure :p)... but i still chose GLAY because I almost cried when i was listening to this song when I just came back (yeah, during my depression :p) it reminded me how much i loved GLAY and a lot of good old memories~ anywayz, of course i love the song itself~ it's so GLAY old-school style~

02. 伊藤由奈 - Precious
love this song so much!!! as you can tell it's one of my most listend track :p and considering it's released back in.... April? :p while everyone is thinking ENDLESS STORY is probably gonna be her best hit song and ultimate ballad ever, here comes Precious

03. 浜崎あゆみ - Secret
i must say, Ayu's singles this year..... aren't that great... got bored of Startin' and BLUE BIRD, never really liked Beautiful Fighers :p JEWEL... i would love it if it has a more "grand" arrangment like Moments or Walking proud... but i guess it's good to try something new... but I still prefer Secret :p too bad that there is no PV...

04. Kaoru Amane - タイヨウのうた
dorama tie-up~ I bet anyone who watched the drama will love this song!! totally fall in love with Erika-chan after watching [1 Liter of Tear]~ I think she's really one of the lucky actress out of like 435824574534 girls, who actually got a good song~ the best selling single female~ #10 of the yar ranking~

05. 宇多田ヒカル - This Is Love
totally love this song!! i think this should be released as a single~ it really sound like a million sales single~ 雖然Hikki唱的普通 但是還是很喜歡hi-tech感覺~

06. BoA - Everlasting
一開始聽還覺得非常普通 越聽越好聽~ 聽到現在都還沒膩~ 真的是非常"Everlasting" XD I think i actaully like this song more than most of Ayu's end-of-year-ballad (oops)

07. YUI - I remember you
after i got bored of Good-bye days, i started to like this song~ 比Good-bye days耐聽多了~ 連續兩年都上榜~ 我果然喜歡YUI

08. 柴咲コウ - 影
覺得現在的歌星都只能唱慢歌 typical Shibasaki Kou style~ that's why it sounds good :p

09. GLAY - 恋
今年GLAY出的ballad我都還滿喜歡(快歌就...) *___* a really beautiful ballad~ 非常感人的歌詞

10. NEWS - サヤエンドウ
hehe, wondering why NEWS is on the chart and Arashi is not?? 個人真的是很喜歡這首歌 第一次聽就很喜歡了~

lol, and you are not blind, NEWS is on the chart but Arashi is not :p let me see~ 連續年上榜的有... GLAY, Ayu, 柴咲コウ, YUI, and Yuna~ sigh Ayu 今年的單曲真讓人失望...

(by the way, you are free to request anything on my chart =)

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Ayami's Top 10 Winter Songs - Christmas ver. 
01. BoA - メリクリ
02. B'z - いつかのメリークリスマス
03. shela - Wish
04. 桑田佳祐 - 白い恋人達
05. GLAY - ホワイトロード
06. Misia - EVERYTHING
07. DREAMS COME TRUE - もしも雪なら
09. 嵐 - Wish
10. 鈴木あみ - white key

tried really hard to fit an Ayu song in it, but cant =P

oops, just realized it's "あみ" during TK time... what's with Avex, they changed 歩 to あゆみ and now they changed あみ to 亜美...

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Ayami's Top 10 Winter Songs - 雪 ver. 
based on lyric, PV, melody, date of release =P

01. GLAY - Winter, again
02. 浜崎あゆみ - appears
03. GLAY - Missing you
04. SPEED - Long Way Home
05. 中島美嘉 - 雪の華
07. レミオロメン - 粉雪
08. 浜崎あゆみ - No way to say
09. 浜崎あゆみ - POWDER SNOW
10. KinKi Kids - SNOW! SNOW! SNOW!

next up, Top 10 Christmas Songs

muhahaha, this is edited, i can't believe i left out POWDER SNOW, i once loved this song so much =P

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Layout © Pieces of a Dream by Ayami.  All Rights Reserved

Recent Tracks

Say Something!!!


Anime: Code Geass
Manga:  Vampire Knight, Skip Beat!, Fruits Basket, ヒカルの碁
Song:  almost in love, HEAVEN, Hero, とまどいながら, CAN YOU CELEBRATE?, , HOWEVER, pure soul, It Takes Two, Wait & See~リスク~, SEASONS, Moments, 夜空のムコウ
Singer:  浜崎あゆみ, GLAY, 嵐, 安室奈美恵, CHEMISTRY, 柴咲コウ
Actor:  仲間由紀恵, ともさかりえ, 柴咲コウ, 木&# 26449;拓哉
Flower:  Sakura!!!
Fruit: ichigo~ (strawberry)
J-Drama: 1リットルの涙, 花より男子, きみはペット, ごくせん, Trick, Good Luck, 大和撫子


[+] Hamasaki Ayumi
[+] GLAY
[+] Arashi
[+] Shibasaki Kou
[+] Chemistry
[+] Ayu! Love! Ayu!
[+] University of Toronto


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version 1: Sakura Drops

version 2: Orange Days

version 3: White Road

version 3.5: 波動する心音

version 4: ヒカルの碁

version 5: NANA

version 6: H E A V E N

version 7: Blue

version 8: Murasaki

version 9: のだめカンタービレ

version 10: Dark Moon

version 11: SOLDIER

version 12: Who...

Fan Listing
