one year has passed, it's time for my ranking again =)
01. JUJU feat JAY'ED - 明日がくるなら I'm sorry Ayu but this is gotta be my fav song of the year. I still love JUJU even though all of her songs sound the same to me. Love her voice
02. 浜崎あゆみ - You were... I think it's totally unfair to put this song at no. 2 because it's still new..... but I think I'll still love this song after 200 listens =) and her live on CDL was soooooooooooooooo good!!!
03. 浜崎あゆみ - BALLAD shu-ya lol, ok I'll stop.... I really like the combination of the single, one old school Ayu end of year ballad and one with brand new, weird style~ I wanna hear Ayu sing this in live....
04. 嵐 - 明日の記憶 this is probably one of Arashi's best ballad ever. Johnny's artists don't usually have good ballad, and even if they do, they don't sell... 90% of Arashi's songs are those super genki songs.
05. 浜崎あゆみ - RULE Love this song and love the PV (Shu-ya <333). Love it even more after watching her live.
06. GLAY - I am xxx seriously, haven't been impressed by GLAY's song for a while :p after watching the free performance at Yokohama, this song became a must-sing at karaoke
07. 嵐 - Crazy Moon~キミ・ハ・ムテキ~ gyaaaaaaaaaaaaa, kakkoi!!!! choooooooooo kakkoi, love the dance and the performance is just cool!!! Even tho I thought it sounded like Believe at the beginning....
08. BoA - 守りたい~White Wishes~ Boa's typical style, but I love it 對我來說是治療系
09. 安室奈美惠 - WILD Amuro's songs are always good to watch, I started to like most of her (recent) songs after watching her live
10. 浜崎あゆみ - Sunrise ~LOVE IS ALL~ I loved this song, Ayu's soooooooooooo cute, how can a 30 year old weoman be cute like this? but..... I think I like track 3 form the single the most
************************************** 總覺得這個排名一年比一年難 就算有聽夠多的歌 但是也排不出來了 老了就是這麼回事嗎? 年輕時的熱情 早已煙消雲散了 已經很難再有(Ayu以外的)歌可以打動我了嗎? 現在就算覺得好聽 也只是"好聽"而已 也不過是這種level 但是如果是以前的我 會是打從心裡覺得感動的 例[如瞳をとじて] [月のしずく] [かたち あるもの] [Jupiter] [深い森] [fragile] [あなたのKISSを数えましょ] right now I can't even remember what's released in the first half year of 2009 那種心情已經再也找不回來了嗎? 再過幾年我就會變的跟一般歐巴桑一樣 對現在流行歌手完全陌生嗎??? @______@ 好可怕啊 2x歲 is such a scary age.... and it's such a big difference even tho it's onyy one year older.... (最明顯的就是皮膚開始變差)
這真的不是可怕的紅啊 (雖然我完全不覺得他們的單曲有好聽到成為日本第一 那個精選更是被嵐飯罵得半死 開甚麼玩笑啊 只有一首新歌 沒有重錄 沒有新的編曲 連暑假剛出的單曲也沒有收錄 這種recycle的東西也敢拿出來賣 $%*^_)@*#)%+*@#% 2009年 竟然還有人趕出PV集!!!! 這年頭DVD要用送的好嗎!!!!!!!!!!!! 我想除了劫你死 沒有其他人敢這麼做 但是.... 我們這些嵐飯 抱著無奈的心情 還是又開心的去拜了個2, 3張專輯 跟那個看了n便的PV集...... ) 前無古人後無來者 GLAY跟Ayu當年也沒這麼紅 (雖然我覺得是因為當年競爭大) 我最想比的當然是跟同樣身為傑尼斯藝人的牛郎團啦 我就說吧 不出3年 你們一定會開始走下坡 而Arashi總有一天會比你們紅!!! but I can't believe NYC Boys sold more than both 山P and 赤西仁!!!
剛剛看到Oricon Single Yearly Ranking還以為自己眼花 top 25竟然沒有一個女藝人 (除了秋原順子 演歌派不算!!!)!!!!!!!!!! Ayu's [Days/GREEN] is no. 26 T_____T but I'm glad that she's the no. 1 female artist!!!! Amuro is on 45, yeah her ONLY single in 2009, sold 11.9, less than half of [60s 70s 80s]! No surprise, that's the usual sales of her singles~ if she have tried to actually promote this single, I bet it will sell a lot more... (Ok, I'll stop sounding like a bi*ch XDDD) I'll still love Amuro as long as she doesn't outsell Ayu XDD
跟去年比 其實Arashi的銷量差不多 3版本的[truth]去年賣了61.8萬 今年的[Believe]賣了65.6 萬 雙版本的[Beautiful days]賣了42萬 卻只有第10名 今年的[Everything]也賣了42萬 去是第5名 所以其實不是Arashi紅了 而是其他人 不紅了!!! KAT-TUN去年有賣到42萬 今年去只賣了37萬!!! 有5萬的fans投靠Arashi去了嗎?? XDD (難怪嵐飯素質變差了 no offense, I can be friends with NEWS fans, Kanjani fans, Kinki fans, V6 fans, SMAP fans, TOKIO fans but just not KT fans!!!! and I think to some degrees, "like idol, like fans" is true!!!)
太可怕了 日本現在是只有女生在買CD嗎?? 位甚麼紅的都是偶像系的?
anyway, Arashi, congratulations!!! I don't think ANYONE (including yourself) will be able to break this record!!!! YOU ARE LEGEND XDDDD
OMG, I can't believe I forgot this :p Can't let the tradition stop eh~ 01. 浜崎あゆみ - Untitled ~ for her ~ (If I have to choose a fav artist in 2008, it would be Ayu, saw her 4 times in 2008 T_____T) My fav album grack from GUILTY, I cried when I first heard this song, and I cried with Ayu while watching her CDL
02. JUJU feat. Spontania - 素直になれたら This is probably my most played non-Ayu song this year!!! I still love it now
03. 浜崎あゆみ - Days This song is probably cursed!!!!! I really don't know what's the magic within this song, when I first heard this song, I thought this is gotta be one of Ayu's most boring ballads but after I watched the PV, I totally fall in love. But I know my trend with ballad, I tend to get bored of it after an while BUT I STILL LOVE IT NOW!!! and I think I'm liking it more and more now!!! it's my regular at karaoke now :)
04. 青山テルマ - そばにいるね loved this song at the beginning of the year but totally overplayed it.... my love for Thelma is gone, her other songs just dont have the magic
05. 浜崎あゆみ - MY ALL it's one of my fav song from GUILTY, I hope it will be the finale in her concert from now on (Ayu made ZIN a super star XDDD)
06. GReeeeN - キセキ typical GReeeeN song, but who cares, it's good
07. 嵐 - Truth no I didn't put ONE LOVE on my chart, I just can't, I still think it copied MY ALL. Anyway, Oricon's best selling single in 2008, Arashi choooooooo sugoi!! People said it sold well because it's dorama tie-up, whoever said that is a dumbass, the dorama's rate sucked!!! and so is the drama it sold because it's ARASHI!!! I actually like it a lot because it's finally not another happy-happy-Johnny's-typical-song~
08. レミオロメン - もっと遠くへ typical Remioromen ballad, 有點blue, I like it
09. YUI - Namidairo I can't believe this was released in 2008, it feels like it's been a few year @____@
10. 宇多田ヒカル - Prisoner of Love I think I overplayed it, but I really loved it when I first heard it. But I really think it's over-rated
I think I'm gonna fail my exam, I think I said the same thing last time XD but I really mean it this time... 應該說是我運氣不好? 這次的essay part worth 30 marks!!! X___X why can't they give me more definitions or identify the composer+genre type of questions ToT 期待奇蹟的出現 ok... one more tmr... 明天那個比較不緊張 畢竟一直有做練習 history完全是臨時抱佛腳 =P
EHHHHHHHHHH, 安室的單曲賣的這麼好????? I know it's doing good but I never thought it's THAT good!!!! Awwww 我只能說風水輪流轉 想不到安室還可以賣贏Ayu ;____; but I'm so proud of both of them, 10幾年後的現在在還能賣的這麼好 (*claps*) but wth is 羞恥心??? they sold 290K in the first week?????? 那算什麼??? 搞笑藝人? (其中一個好像是小栗旬演的貧窮男裡的搞笑2人組其中一人) 自己去youtube看吧 說不定會成為今年的no. 1 single....
松本潤上[食わず嫌い]收視率精然有20.7%!!!! EHHHH 這是那個節目一般的收視率嗎?? 會不會太高了 還沒down所以不知道內容 我忙著down[假面騎士] XDDD (it's so much better than I thought XDDD and it's definitely not just for kids) Arashi會不會太紅了啊 有點失落感 :p 比起dome我更想看arena....
01. 浜崎あゆみ - part of Me I think you can pretty much tell by looking at my chart at I don't know what's the magic there, ii just keep on repeat the same song for more than 2 months... 那時候在做最後的掙扎 這首歌的tone很適合吧 it's also the time I review Ayu's best hit songs since 2000, brought back a lot of memories :p
02. 宇多田ヒカル - Beautiful World didn't fall in love with any Hikki songs for a long time~ 這首歌一開始聽覺得so-so 但是越聽越上癮 雖然歌詞普通 但是總覺得聽了後變的很有精神 我也不知道為什麼
03. レミオロメン - 茜空 這也是我depression時期超愛聽的 (喜歡這種聽起來像internal struggle的戨 awww, i miss DAI) 現在聽 聽完後真的會很down.... why did I do that when I was already in depression??? =P
04. Ayaka - Why ok, Crisis Core效應 我不相信有人可以玩完CC後沒有愛上這首歌 現在我每聽到一次 就會想起那個ending ;____; and hey, FF系列是第一次讓theme song 融合在ending裡 (you'll see whatIi mean when you play it yourself :p) 彈這不代表我已經比較喜歡Ayaka了 他其他戨我還是覺得普通
05. GLAY - I will~ GLAY今年的單曲真的是不怎麼樣(我真的是fan嗎??) 尤其是Ashes.EP 跟G4比差太多了=( 失望 這首是專輯裡的 TERU作詞作曲(which is VERY RARE) 我很喜歡這種style 真的把sorrow都唱出來了
06. 伊藤由奈 - I'm Here I loved (notice the "d" :p) this song when it just released, Yuna proved that she can sing something other than ballad =P 不論是beat, tempo, instrumentation, arrangement, 聲音 到唱的人我都喜歡XDD 今年no. 1 快歌!!!
07. YUI - LOVE & TRUTH 今年YUI真的是大紅大紫 但是紅的歌我沒有一首喜歡CHERRY, 還有另一首是什麼? 我還是只喜歡YUI的ballad... I'm glad she tried something different from her old style~ 但是聽起來真的很灰 (PV也讚~ 有我喜歡的Erika~ "watashi ja dame desuka" 日本女孩真的說的出這種話嗎??)
2. のだめカンタービレ 這絕對是史上最最最~~~忠於原著的漫畫改編的日劇!!! Fuji TV果然讚!!! 我一直很不些喜歡那些先看日劇/電影 後看漫畫 然後說they prefer the drama/movie =___=" 但是幾乎沒有人compare the drama with the manga~ 因為真的是一模一樣~ 這部日劇簡直就是無可挑剔!!! TBS應該多多學習~ 應該會拍續集吧??? 如過拍 就要到歐洲去了!!! *o*
4. MY BOSS MY HERO lol, I was just talking about this dorama with my fd TODAY :p probably the funniest dorama of the year~ 完全不用腦的戲~ 新垣美眉超可愛 我越來越喜歡=P 長瀨可以這麼不顧形象的演出真讓人佩服~
01. GLAY - 夏音 actually, i had a really hard time deciding between no.1 and 2 again... (actually, if i can revise my ranking from 2005, no. 1 and 2 would switch for sure :p)... but i still chose GLAY because I almost cried when i was listening to this song when I just came back (yeah, during my depression :p) it reminded me how much i loved GLAY and a lot of good old memories~ anywayz, of course i love the song itself~ it's so GLAY old-school style~
02. 伊藤由奈 - Precious love this song so much!!! as you can tell it's one of my most listend track :p and considering it's released back in.... April? :p while everyone is thinking ENDLESS STORY is probably gonna be her best hit song and ultimate ballad ever, here comes Precious
03. 浜崎あゆみ - Secret i must say, Ayu's singles this year..... aren't that great... got bored of Startin' and BLUE BIRD, never really liked Beautiful Fighers :p JEWEL... i would love it if it has a more "grand" arrangment like Moments or Walking proud... but i guess it's good to try something new... but I still prefer Secret :p too bad that there is no PV...
04. Kaoru Amane - タイヨウのうた dorama tie-up~ I bet anyone who watched the drama will love this song!! totally fall in love with Erika-chan after watching [1 Liter of Tear]~ I think she's really one of the lucky actress out of like 435824574534 girls, who actually got a good song~ the best selling single female~ #10 of the yar ranking~
05. 宇多田ヒカル - This Is Love totally love this song!! i think this should be released as a single~ it really sound like a million sales single~ 雖然Hikki唱的普通 但是還是很喜歡hi-tech感覺~
06. BoA - Everlasting 一開始聽還覺得非常普通 越聽越好聽~ 聽到現在都還沒膩~ 真的是非常"Everlasting" XD I think i actaully like this song more than most of Ayu's end-of-year-ballad (oops)
07. YUI - I remember you after i got bored of Good-bye days, i started to like this song~ 比Good-bye days耐聽多了~ 連續兩年都上榜~ 我果然喜歡YUI
08. 柴咲コウ - 影 覺得現在的歌星都只能唱慢歌 typical Shibasaki Kou style~ that's why it sounds good :p
Anime: Code Geass Manga: Vampire Knight, Skip Beat!, Fruits Basket, ヒカルの碁 Song: almost in love, HEAVEN, Hero, とまどいながら, CAN YOU CELEBRATE?,
, HOWEVER, pure soul, It Takes Two, Wait & See~リスク~, SEASONS, Moments, 夜空のムコウ Singer: 浜崎あゆみ, GLAY, 嵐, 安室奈美恵, CHEMISTRY,
柴咲コウ Actor:
仲間由紀恵, ともさかりえ, 柴咲コウ, 木&#
26449;拓哉 Flower: Sakura!!! Fruit: ichigo~ (strawberry) J-Drama: 1リットルの涙, 花より男子,
きみはペット, ごくせん, Trick, Good Luck, 大和撫子
[+] Hamasaki Ayumi [+]
GLAY [+] Arashi [+] Shibasaki Kou [+]
Chemistry [+] Ayu! Love!
Ayu! [+] University of Toronto
[+] March 2004 [+] April 2004 [+] May 2004 [+] June 2004 [+] July 2004 [+] August 2004 [+] September 2004 [+] October 2004 [+] November 2004 [+] December 2004 [+] January 2005 [+] February 2005 [+] March 2005 [+] April 2005 [+] May 2005 [+] June 2005 [+] July 2005 [+] August 2005 [+] September 2005 [+] October 2005 [+] November 2005 [+] December 2005 [+] January 2006 [+] February 2006 [+] March 2006 [+] April 2006 [+] May 2006 [+] June 2006 [+] July 2006 [+] August 2006 [+] September 2006 [+] October 2006 [+] November 2006 [+] December 2006 [+] January 2007 [+] February 2007 [+] March 2007 [+] April 2007 [+] May 2007 [+] June 2007 [+] July 2007 [+] August 2007 [+] September 2007 [+] October 2007 [+] November 2007 [+] December 2007 [+] January 2008 [+] February 2008 [+] March 2008 [+] April 2008 [+] May 2008 [+] June 2008 [+] July 2008 [+] August 2008 [+] September 2008 [+] October 2008 [+] November 2008 [+] December 2008 [+] January 2009 [+] February 2009 [+] March 2009 [+] April 2009 [+] May 2009 [+] June 2009 [+] July 2009 [+] August 2009 [+] September 2009 [+] October 2009 [+] November 2009 [+] December 2009 [+] January 2010 [+] February 2010 [+] March 2010